BIOL 112 BIOL112 The effect of gender on mean arterial blood pressure (MAP) – Texas A&M


BIOL 112 BIOL112 The effect of gender on mean arterial blood pressure (MAP) – Texas A&M


The effect of gender on mean arterial blood pressure (MAP), respiration rate, and pulse rate in response to exercise was tested on Biology Students.

It was determined that males have a high MAP, a lower respiration rate, and a lower pulse rate relative to females. It was suggested that further studies with more test subjects and more adequate devices be conducted.



BIOL 112 BIOL112 The effect of gender on mean arterial blood pressure (MAP) – Texas A&M


The effect of gender on mean arterial blood pressure (MAP), respiration rate, and pulse rate in response to exercise was tested on Biology Students.

It was determined that males have a high MAP, a lower respiration rate, and a lower pulse rate relative to females. It was suggested that further studies with more test subjects and more adequate devices be conducted.


Blood flow to the skin and digestive tract decreases while blood flow to the skeletal muscles increases during exercise. Three ways to measure cardiopulmonary function are mean arterial blood pressure (MAP), respiration rate, and pulse rate.

The mean arterial pressure is a term used in medicine to describe a notional average blood pressure in an individual. It is defined as the average arterial pressure during a single cardiac cycle and can be calculated by the following equation: D + (S-D)/3, where “D” is diastolic pressure and “S” is systolic pressure.

Respiration rate measures the number of inhalations per minute, and pulse rate measures the number of heart beats per minute (Harris-Haller 2008).

The objectives of this study were (1) to determine whether exercise affected cardiopulmonary function, and (2) to document any differences between the genders with respect to MAP, respiration rate, and pulse rate in response to exercise.

We tested two null hypotheses:H1(0): Exercise had no effect of cardiopulmonary function.

BIOL 112 BIOL112 The effect of gender on mean arterial blood pressure (MAP) – Texas A&M

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