BMGT 364 BMGT364 BMGT/364 Role of Manager and Impact of Organizational Theories of Managers


BMGT 364 BMGT364 BMGT/364 Role of Manager and Impact of Organizational Theories of Managers

Bart Aldin has been employed at Galaxy Toys since 1969 as a shipping manager. His management style helped to improve the methodology of toy assembly as well as the shipping processes.
A shift in management caused Bart and other managers to reevaluate their management approach to adapt to the new workplace values and diversity at Galaxy. Recently Bart announced his retirement and his position will now be filled by Joyce Bart.
After learning about Organizational Theory we will analyze: “what school of thought best describes both of Bart’s management styles?” “what theorists did he imitate?” and “how will Joyce approach her new role as manager?”


BMGT 364 BMGT364 BMGT/364 Role of Manager and Impact of Organizational Theories of Managers

Bart Aldin has been employed at Galaxy Toys since 1969 as a shipping manager. His management style helped to improve the methodology of toy assembly as well as the shipping processes.
A shift in management caused Bart and other managers to reevaluate their management approach to adapt to the new workplace values and diversity at Galaxy. Recently Bart announced his retirement and his position will now be filled by Joyce Bart.
After learning about Organizational Theory we will analyze: “what school of thought best describes both of Bart’s management styles?” “what theorists did he imitate?” and “how will Joyce approach her new role as manager?”
When Bart Aldrin, first became employed with Galaxy Toys his management styled followedthe Classical Organizational Theory which focused on structure or design and production processes.
While previously employed at International Shipping, he quickly climbed to supervisor because he had the ability to plan daily work by providing detailed instructions to workers to help optimize the way tasks were being done and he also implemented new processes so workers could be trained to perform their tasks in a more efficient way.
Bart’s style of management imitated theorist Fredrick Taylor because Bart is able to analyze the process and determine what needs to be done to make it better.
According to Fredrick Taylor’s “Scientific Method of Management” which consisted of four principles: replace the rule-of-thumbs method with scientific methods, selected, trained and developed each employee to properly execute their job,
provided detailed instructions and supervision to employees and devised a clear division of work and responsibility between management and workers, all workers could be “first class” workers at their jobs (MBSP, n.d.).
Taylor’s practices are important to the field of management because he believed in production planning and worker productivity by paying the workers not the job for increased output (reward system). The main criticism of Taylor is that his approach

BMGT 364 BMGT364 BMGT/364 Role of Manager and Impact of Organizational Theories of Managers

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