



BUS 508 All 3 Assignments (2 Sets)

BUS 508 Chapter 1 Quiz

BUS 508 Chapter 10 Quiz

BUS 508 Chapter 11 Quiz

BUS 508 Chapter 12 Quiz

BUS 508 Chapter 13 Quiz

BUS 508 Chapter 14 Quiz

BUS 508 Chapter 15 Quiz

BUS 508 Chapter 16 Quiz

BUS 508 Chapter 17 Quiz

BUS 508 Chapter 2 Quiz

BUS 508 Chapter 3 Quiz

BUS 508 Chapter 4 Quiz

BUS 508 Chapter 5 Quiz

BUS 508 Chapter 6 Quiz

BUS 508 Chapter 7 Quiz

BUS 508 Chapter 8 Quiz

BUS 508 Chapter 9 Quiz

BUS 508 Final Exam Part 1 (2 Sets)

BUS 508 Final Exam Part 1 and 2 (2 Sets Each)

BUS 508 Final Exam Part 2 (2 Sets)

BUS 508 Week 3 Assignment 1 Corporate Responsibility and Marketing Strategies (2 Papers)

BUS 508 Week 6 Assignment 2 Human Resource Strategy (2 Papers)

BUS 508 Week 9 Assignment 3 Promotional and Advertising Strategies (2 Papers)



BUS 508 All 3 Assignments (2 Sets)

BUS 508 Week 3 Assignment 1 Corporate Responsibility and Marketing Strategies (2 Papers)

BUS 508 Week 6 Assignment 2 Human Resource Strategy (2 Papers)

BUS 508 Week 9 Assignment 3 Promotional and Advertising Strategies (2 Papers)


BUS 508 Chapter 1 Quiz

1.      ________ is the willingness to take risks to create and operate a business.

2.      ________ represents rewards for businesspeople who take the risks involved in blending people, technology, and information to create and market want-satisfying goods and services.

3.      A brand cannot be a name, term, sign, symbol, design, or some combination that identifies the products of one firm and differentiates them from competitors’ offerings.

4.      The need to develop environmentally friendly products and processes is not becoming a major new force in business today.

5.      A skilled and knowledgeable workforce is an essential resource for keeping pace with the accelerating rate of change in today’s business world.

6.      Business consists of all nonprofit-seeking activities and enterprises that provide goods and services necessary to an economic system.

7.      ________ includes anyone who works, including both the physical labor and the intellectual inputs contributed by workers.

8.      Energy is among the smallest costs for most firms, and carbon-based fuels such as coal are responsible for most of the additional carbon dioxide in the atmosphere.

9.      ________ are growing more influential as a link between companies and their customers, and more companies are beginning to take advantage of their directness.

10.  Not-for-profit organizations are a substantial part of the U.S. economy.

11.  ________ is a partnership formed to create a competitive advantage for the businesses involved.

12.  Colonial society emphasized rural and agricultural production.

13.  ________ is a broad term that refers to such machinery and equipment as computers and software, telecommunications, and inventions designed to improve production.

14.  ________ consists of all profit-seeking activities and enterprises that provide goods and services necessary to an economic system.

15.  ________ is using outside vendors to produce goods or fulfill services and functions that were previously handled in-house or in-country.

16.  ________ is the battle among businesses for consumer acceptance.

17.  ________ organizations are businesslike establishments that have primary objectives other than returning profits to their owners.

18.  Many members of the Baby Boom generation, the huge number of people born between ________, are still hitting the peaks of their careers.

19.  The ________ began in England around 1750.

20.  ________ is building and promoting products in the hope that enough customers will buy them to cover costs and earn profits.


BUS 508 Chapter 10 Quiz

1.      A ________ groups machinery and equipment according to their functions.

2.      ________ uses resources, including workers and machinery, to convert materials into finished goods and services.

3.      ________ is a computer-based production planning system that lets a firm ensure that it has all the parts and materials it needs to produce its output at the right time and place and in the right amounts.

4.      ________ Creates a well-defined set of procedures for coordinating people, materials, and machinery to provide maximum production efficiency.

5.      A ________ is a production facility that workers can quickly modify to manufacture different products.

6.      Human factors in the location decision include an area’s labor supply, local regulations, taxes, and living conditions.

7.      ________ requires them to balance the need to keep stock on hand to meet demand against the costs of carrying inventory.

8.      An ________ system reduces a raw material to its component parts in order to extract one or more marketable products.

9.      ________ in a firm is to oversee the production process by managing people and machinery in converting materials and resources into finished goods and services.

10.  Mass production begins with the specialization of labor, dividing work into its simplest components so that each worker can concentrate on performing one task.

11.  ________ is a voluntary certification program administered by the U.S. Green Building Council, aimed at promoting the most sustainable construction processes available.

12.  ________ is the phase of production control in which managers and employers or team members spot problems in the production process and come up with solutions.

13.  Production planning does not begin by choosing what goods or services to offer to customers.

14.  One of the fundamental issues facing every producer is the ________ –choosing whether to manufacture a product or component in house, purchase it from an outside supplier, or lease it.

15.  An efficient facility layout can reduce material handling, decrease costs, and improve product flow through the facility.

16.  A customer-driven production system does not evaluate customer demands in order to make the connection between products manufactured and products bought.

17.  It is not important for production managers to understand how a project fits into the company’s structure because this will affect the success of the project.

18.  A process called ________ allows engineers to design components as well as entire products on computer screens faster and with fewer mistakes than they could achieve working with traditional drafting systems.

19.  A ________ implements a broad management philosophy that reaches beyond the narrow activity of inventory control to influence the entire system of production and operations management.

A ________ good or service that is free of deficiencies.


BUS 508 Chapter 11 Quiz

1.      ________ is an organizational function and set of processes for creating, communicating, and delivering value to customers and for managing customer relationships in ways that benefit the organization and its stakeholders.

2.      ________ are marketing or sponsoring short-term events such as athletic competitions and cultural and charitable performances.

3.      An organization’s ________ is the group of potential customers toward whom it directs its marketing efforts.

4.      ________ refers to an orderly transfer of goods and services from the seller to the buyer.

5.      ________ is dividing markets on the basis of various demographic or socioeconomic characteristics such as gender, age, income, occupation, household size, stage in family life cycle, education, or ethic group.

6.      A ________ gathers 8 to 12 people in a room or over the Internet to discuss a particular topic.

7.      ________ power of a good or service to satisfy a want or need.

8.      ________ are another tool for building emotional links with customers.

9.      Age is perhaps the most volatile factor in demographic segmentation in the United States, with our rapidly aging population.

10.  Good relationship with customers can be vital strategic weapons for a firm.

11.  ________ is part of the broader field of business intelligence, is the task of using computer-based technology to evaluate data in a database and identify useful trends.

12.  ________ involves more than just designing a good or service with needed attributes.

13.  Although demographic classifications such as age, gender, and income are relatively easy to identify and measure, researchers also need to define psychographic categories.

14.  ________ can be divided through geographical segmentation, demographic, or customer-based, segmentation, and end-use segmentation.

15.  ________ is the process of dividing a market into several relatively homogeneous groups.

16.  A marketing plan is not a key component of a firm’s overall business plan.

17.  ________ goes beyond an effort toward making the sale.

18.  A ________ is a companywide consumer orientation to promote long-run success.

19.  Not-for-profit organizations do not operate in both public and private sectors.

20.  ________ are actions of ultimate consumers directly involved in obtaining, consuming, and disposing of products and the decision processes that precede and follow these actions.


BUS 508 Chapter 12 Quiz

1.      In deciding which distribution channel is most efficient, business managers do not need to consider four factors: the market, the product, the producer, and the competition.

2.      Market factors may be the most important consideration in choosing a distribution channel.

3.      Although you might think that adding intermediaries to the distribution process would increase the final cost of products, more often than not this choice actually lowers consumer prices.

4.      ________, in contrast to wholesalers, are distribution channel members that sell goods and services to individuals for their own use rather than for resale.

5.      ________ are major capital items, such as new factories, heavy equipment and machinery, and custom-made equipment.

6.      ________ involves placing a firm’s products in nearly every available outlet.

7.      ________ are goods and services such as paycheck services and huge multifunction copying machines used in operating an organization; they also include machinery, tools, raw materials, components, and buildings used to produce other items for resale.

8.      A ________ is a group of retail stores planned, coordinated, and marketed as a unit to shoppers in a geographical trade area.

9.      Once a product is on the market, it usually goes through four stages known as the ________: introduction, growth, maturity, and decline.

10.  A ________ is a distribution channel member that sells primarily to retailers, other wholesalers, or business users.

11.  The process of coordinating the flow of goods, services, and information among members of the supply chain is called ________.

12.  Marketers measure brand loyalty in three stages: brand recognition, brand preference, and ________.

13.  ________ is the added value that a respected and successful name gives to a product.

14.  The second step in developing a competitive retailing strategy is to select a target market.

15.  ________ are those typically purchased only after the buyer has compared competing products in competing stores.

16.  ________ Introduces a new product supported by a complete marketing campaign to a selected city or TV coverage area.

17.  Packaging does not affect the durability, image, and convenience of an item and its responsible for one of the biggest costs in many consumer products.

18.  ________ is commonly found in the marketing of relatively expensive, complex products that may require demonstrations.

19.  ________ technology relies on a computer chip implanted somewhere on a product or its packaging that emits a low-frequency radio signal identifying the item.

20.  A ________ is exactly what its name implies: an office for a producer’s sale people


BUS 508 Chapter 13 Quiz

1.      ________ refers to paid nonpersonal communication usually targeted at large numbers of potential buyers.

2.      Many companies consider personal selling the key to marketing effectiveness.

3.      ________ is personal selling conducted by telephone, provides a firm’s marketers with a high return on their expenditures, an immediate response, and an opportunity for personalized two-way conversation.

4.      ________ is a nonpersonal stimulation of demand for a good, service, place, idea, event, person, or organization by unpaid placement of information in print or broadcast media.

5.      Online and interactive media have not changed the nature of advertising.

6.      Although both field selling and telemarketing involve this activity, ________ is most often related to retail and wholesale firms.

7.      ________ is the coordination of all promotional activities – media advertising, direct mail, personal selling, sales promotion, and public relations – to produce a unified, customer-focused promotional strategy.

8.      ________ is a persuasive type of promotional presentation.

9.      Manufacturers and other sellers often exhibit at ________ to promote goods or services to members of their distribution channels.

10.  Marketers can choose between two general promotion strategies:

11.  The goal of a ________ sales promotion is to get new and existing customers to try or buy products.

12.  ________ are the most common objectives included in the strategic plans of most firms.

13.  A ________ is a gift of a product distributed by mail, door to door, in a demonstration, or inside packages of another product.

14.  ________ are promotional items that prominently display a firm’s name, logo, or business slogan.

15.  ________ is the form of promotion in which marketers pay placement fees to have their products showcased in various media, ranging from newspapers and magazines to television and movies.

16.  ________ establishes a relatively high price to develop and maintain an image of quality and exclusiveness.

17.  A minor portion of U.S. advertising is information oriented.

18.  The average U.S. household receives about 550 pieces of direct mail each year, including 100 catalogs.

19.  ________ refers to an organization’s communications and relationships with its various public audiences.

20.  A firm uses informative advertising to build initial demand for a product in the introductory phase of the product life cycle.


BUS 508 Chapter 14 Quiz

1.      ________ includes all the programs, routines, and computer languages that control a computer and tell it how to operate.

2.      One of the smallest online databases is that of the U.S. Census Bureau.

3.      A ________ gives direct support to businesspeople during the decision-making process.

4.      The simplest way to protect against computer viruses is to install one of the many available antivirus software programs.

5.      ________ are designed to produce a variety of information on an organization’s activities for both internal and external users.

6.      A ________ is the heart of a midrange computer network, supporting applications and allowing the sharing of output devices, software, and databases among networked users.

7.      ________ is a global firm that provides businesses with a variety of data back-up applications and sophisticated disaster recovery solutions.

8.      Most organizations connect their offices and buildings by creating ________, computer networks that connect machines within limited areas, such as a building or several nearby buildings.

9.      An ________ is a computer program that imitates human thinking through complicated sets of “if-then” rules.

10.  ________ consists of all tangible elements of a computer system.

11.  When the first personal computers were introduced in the late 1970s and early 1980s, the idea of a computer on every desk, or in every home, seemed far-fetched.

12.  Organizations have an obligation to protect the privacy and confidentiality of data about employees and customers.

13.  An ________ is an organized method for collecting, storing, and communicating past, present, and projected information on internal operations and external intelligence.

14.  Individuals, businesses, and government agencies are not all vulnerable to computer crime.

15.  ________ is software that secretly gathers user information through the user’s Internet connection without his or her knowledge, usually for advertising purposes.

16.  ________ consists of a network of smaller computers running special software.

17.  According to security experts, there are four important tasks regarding off-site data storage.

18.  Computer ________ are programs that secretly attach themselves to other programs and change them or destroy data.

19.  ________ is knowledge gained from processing those facts and figures.

20.  ________ monitor and control physical processes.


BUS 508 Chapter 15 Quiz

1.      The ________ states that assets must equal liabilities plus owners’ equity.

2.      Of the four financial statements, only the balance sheet is considered to be a permanent statement; its amounts are carried over from year to year.

3.      ________ is a record of the change in owners’ equity from the end of one fiscal period to the end of the next.

4.      The final figure on the income statement is the so-called ________.

5.      The ________ is a federal law that prohibits U.S. citizens and companies from bribing foreign officials in order to win or continue business.

6.      ________ are principles that encompass the conventions, rules, and procedures for determining acceptable accounting practices at a particular time.

7.      The ________ carefully monitors changing business conditions, enacting new rules and modifying existing rules when necessary.

8.      A firm’s ________ shows its financial position on a particular date.

9.      Ratios do not assist managers by interpreting actual performance and making comparisons to what should have happened.

10.  ________ is the process of measuring, interpreting, and communicating financial information to enable people inside and outside the firm to make informed decisions.

11.  A ________ is a planning and controlling tool that reflects the firm’s expected sales revenues, operating expenses, and cash receipts and outlays.

12.  Accounting professionals fulfill important responsibilities beyond preparing financial statements.

13.  Liabilities and owners’ equity indicate the sources of the firm’s assets and are listed in the order in which they are due.

14.  The ________ feature describes recent developments in the accounting profession in China and Hong Kong.

15.  ________ is the process by which accounting transactions are recorded.

16.  A firm’s ability to meet its short-term obligations when they must be paid is measured by ________.

17.  ________ is the owner’s initial investment in the business plus profits that were not paid out to owners over time in the form of cash dividends.

18.  A fiscal year has to coincide with the calendar year, and companies set different fiscal years.

19.  Accounting software programs are not used widely in both large and small businesses today.

20.  ________ recognizes revenues and costs when they occur, not when actual cash changes hands.


BUS 508 Chapter 16 Quiz

1.      ________ is the difference between what you own and what you owe.

2.      A ________ is a collection of financial markets in which previously issued securities are traded among investors.

3.      Today, many consumers do some or all of their banking on the Internet.

4.      Markets in which securities are issued and traded are called ________.

5.      ________ are bonds are stock companies may issue bonds or preferred stock that contains a conversion feature.

6.      One of the original forms of electronic banking is the ________.

7.      Corporations and governments are not willing to pay for the services provided by financial institutions because they are financial market experts.

8.      A ________ is a bond whose proceeds are to be used to pay for a project that will not produce any revenue.

9.      Most commercial bank deposits are insured by the ________.

10.  ________ are creditors of a corporation or government body.

11.  Securities are sold to the investing public in two ways:

12.  ________ are bonds issued by state or local governments.

13.  In the ________, firms and governments issue securities and sell them initially to the general public.

14.  The insurance company accepts the risk in return for a series of payments called ________.

15.  When evaluating loan applications, banks consider the borrower’s ability and willingness to repay the loan.

16.  ________ are cooperative financial institutions that are owned by their depositors, all of whom are members.

17.  The world’s second-largest stock market is the ________.

18.  The ________ is the most international of all stock markets.

19.  Two factors determine the price of the bond: its risk and its interest rate.

20.  Savings banks used to be called savings and loan associations or ________.


BUS 508 Chapter 17 Quiz

1.      ________ raise money from wealthy individuals and institutional investors and invest the funds in promising firms.

2.       ________ is planning, obtaining, and managing the company’s funds in order to accomplish its objectives as effectively and efficiently as possible.

3.       A ________ is an offer made by a firm to the target firm’s shareholders specifying a price and the form of payment.

4.       Financial plans, sometimes referred to as strategic plans, have a much longer time horizon, perhaps up to five to ten years.

5.       Differing industries do not choose varying amounts of debt and equity to use when financing.

6.       Short-term financing using accounts receivable is called ________.

7.       A ________ is a sale of assets by a firm.

8.       ________ is the term used to describe the benefits produced by a merger or acquisition.

9.       A ________ is a document that specifies the funds needed by a firm for a period of time, the timing of inflows and outflows, and the most appropriate sources and uses of funds.

10.   The ________ is an important tool for determining the size of a line of credit because it shows the months when additional financing will be needed or when borrowed funds can be repaid.

11.   ________ are uncollected credit sales and can be a significant asset.

12.   For many firms, such as retailers, inventory does not represent the largest single asset.

13.   ________ are transactions in which public shareholders are brought out and the firm reverts to private status.14.   ________ is the mix of a firm’s debt and equity capital.

15.   ________ are periodic cash payments to shareholders.

16.   Raising needed cash by borrowing allows a firm to benefit from the principle of ________.

17.  Public sales of securities such as stocks and bonds are a major source of funds for corporations.

18.   A line of credit specifies the maximum amount the firm can borrow over a period of time, usually a year.

19.   ________ are investment companies that raise funds from wealthy individuals and institutional investors and use those funds to make large investments in both public and privately held companies.

20.   The ________ feature offers tips for managing assets.


BUS 508 Chapter 2 Quiz

1.      Ethical ways to handle conflicts of interest include:

2.      Having integrity means adhering to deeply felt ethical principles in business situations.

3.      ________ is biased treatment of a job candidate or employee in the workplace.

4.      ________ is the effort of an organization to make a contribution to the communities in which it earns profits.

5.      Businesspeople do not expect their employees to be loyal and to act in the best interests of the company.

6.      Consumers should have the right to choose which goods and services they need and want to purchase.

7.      The ________ established new rules and regulations for securities trading and accounting practices.

8.      A whistle-blower must weigh a number of issues in deciding whether to come forward.

9.      Consumers should have access to enough education and product information to make responsible buying decisions.

10.  ________ is the public demand that a business consider the wants and needs of its customers in making decisions.

11.  One of the most complex issues facing business as it addresses its ethical and social responsibilities to the general public is                                  .

12.  A business is also judged by its interactions with the community.

13.  The ________ emphasizes “maintaining a culture of integrity” and defines three basic core values: “do what’s right; respect others; perform with excellence.”

14.  ________ are formal procedures that identify and evaluate all company activities that relate to social issues such as conservation, employment practices, environmental protection, and philanthropy.

15.  ________ is an employee’s disclosure to company officials, government authorities, or the media of illegal, immoral, or unethical practices.

16.  ________ refers to the responsibility of manufacturers for injuries and damages caused by their products.

17.  Companies do not often seek to align their marketing efforts with their charitable giving.

18.  A firm must be able to prove that any environmental claim made about a product has been substantiated with reliable scientific evidence.

19.  According to the ________, discarded electronic items now make up as much as 40 percent of the lead in landfills in the United States.

20.  In business, as in life, deciding what is right or wrong in a given situation does not always involve a clear-cut choice.


BUS 508 Chapter 3 Quiz

1.      When the government spends more than the amount of money it raises through taxes, it creates a budget deficit.

2.      A  ________ is a market situation in which a single seller dominates trade in a good or service for which buyers can find no close substitutes.

3.      When decreased productivity keeps prices steady, it can have a major positive impact on an economy.

4.      The ________ feature explores whether developing alternative sources of energy will create new jobs to stimulate the economy.

5.      ________ refers to the willingness and ability of buyers to purchase goods and services.

6.      A ________ is a cyclical economic contraction that lasts for six months or longer.

7.      A ________ means total revenues raised by taxes equal the total proposed spending for the year.

8.      An ideal economy incorporates steady change directed toward continually expanding the amount of goods and services produced from the nation’s resources.

9.      ________ Is the prevailing market price at which you can buy an item.

10.  ________ analyzes the choices people and governments make in allocating scare resources.

11.  ________ is characterized by government ownership and operation of major industries such as communications.

12.  A ________ occurs when a firm possesses unique characteristics so important to competition in its industry that they serve as barriers to prevent entry by would-be competitors.

13.  An increase in labor productivity means that the same amount of work produces more goods and services than before.

14.  A common method of influencing economic activity is ________.

15.  The ________ is a self-supporting corporation wholly owned by the federal government.

16.  No country is an economic island in today’s global economy.

17.  Economists refer to a nation’s unemployment rate as an indicator of its economic health.

18.  The ________ measures the monthly average change in prices of goods and services.

19.  Each nation’s policies and choices help determine its                                                .

20.  A change in overall demand, on the other hand, does not result in an entirely new demand curve.


BUS 508 Chapter 4 Quiz

1.      ________ is the second most widely spoken language in the world, followed by Hindustani, Spanish, Russian, and Arabic.

2.      The ________ is the rate at which its currency can be exchanged for the currencies of other nations.

3.      A ________ is a barter agreement whereby trade between two or more nations involves payment made in the form of local products instead of currency.

4.      Nontariff, or administrative, trade barriers restrict imports in more subtle ways than tariffs.

5.      ________ are foreign-made products purchased by domestic consumers.

6.      To regulate international commerce, the United States and many other countries have ratified treaties and signed agreements that dictate the conduct of international business and protect some of its activities.

7.      A nation cannot develop a comparative advantage if it can supply its products more efficiently and at a lower price than it can supply other goods, compared with the outputs of other countries.

8.      English is the third most widely spoken language in the world, followed by Spanish, Hindi, Arabic, and Bengali.

9.      A country has an ________ in making a product for which it can maintain a monopoly or that it can produce at a lower cost than any competitor.

10.  ________ refers to basic systems of communication, transportation, and energy facilities in a country.

11.  A key disadvantage of subcontracting is that companies cannot always control their subcontractors’ business practices.

12.  A company has an ________ in making a product for which it can maintain a monopoly or that it can produce at a lower cost than any competitor.

13.  A ________ is an international agreement that involves hiring local companies to produce, distribute, or sell goods or services in a specific country or geographical region.

14.  ________ imposes a total ban on importing a specified product or even a total halt to trading with a particular country.

15.  Some laws protect the rights of foreign companies to compete in the United States.

16.  In a ________, one firm allows another to produce or sell its product, or use its trademark, patent, or manufacturing processes, in a specific geographical area.

17.  A devalued currency may make a nation more desirable as an export destination because of reduced demand in that market.

18.  All businesses encounter barriers in their operations, whether they sell only to local customers or trade in international markets.

19.  An important factor in any international business investment is the stability of the political climate.

20.  International trade is vital to a nation and its business because it boosts economic growth by providing a market for its products and access to needed resources.


BUS 508 Chapter 5 Quiz

1.      ________ local programs designed to provide low-cost shared business facilities to small start-up ventures.

2.      Money invested in a business by another business firm or group of individuals in exchange for an ownership share is called a ________.

3.      A sole proprietorship does not give the owner maximum management flexibility along with the right to all profits after payment of business related bills and taxes.

4.      ________ overseas is also a growing trend for businesses whose goal is to expand into foreign markets.

5.      A ________ is an independent business with fewer than 500 employees, not dominant in its market.

6.      With more money to spend on employees, marketing, inventory, and other business costs, successful small companies need to be creative.

7.      The past ________ have seen a steady erosion of small businesses in some industries as larger firms have bought out small independent businesses and replaced them with larger operations.

8.      One of the least common causes of small business failure is the shortcomings of management.

9.      The ________ provides information and assistance in business planning, licenses and registrations, taxes, and employment considerations.

10.  Family-owned firms are considered by many to be the backbone of American business.

11.  The following are the categories of corporations, except:

12.  Small businesses make tremendous contributions to the U.S. economy and to society as a whole.

13.  ________ are firms operated from the residence of the business owner.

14.  Every federal agency with buying authority must maintain an Office of Small and Disadvantaged Business Utilization to ensure that small businesses receive a reasonable portion of government procurement contracts.

15.  A ________ is an association of two or more persons who operate a business as co-owners by voluntary legal agreement.

16.  A ________ is a partnership between companies formed for a specific undertaking.

17.  A ________ is the firm whose products are sold to customers by the franchisee.

18.  Freedom from overhead costs such as leasing office or warehouse space is another major attraction of home-based businesses.

19.  Women, like men, have a variety of reasons for starting their own companies.

20.  ________ are owners of a corporation due to their purchase of stock in the corporation.


BUS 508 Chapter 6 Quiz

1.      ________ are wealthy individuals who invest money directly in new ventures in exchange for equity, are a larger source of investment capital for start-up firms.

2.      The following can be classified as the different types of entrepreneurs, except:

3.      Entrepreneurs have an internal locus of control, which means they believe that they control their own destinies.

4.      A ________ project is initiated by an employee who conceives an idea, convinces top management of its potential, and then recruits human and other resources from within the company to turn the idea into a commercial project.

5.      Demographic trends—including the aging of the U.S. population, the growth of ethnic groups, and the predominance of two-income families—create opportunities for entrepreneurs.

6.      Growth in entrepreneurship is not a worldwide phenomenon.

7.      ________ is the process of promoting innovation within their organizational structures.

8.      Many Boomers also plan to work after retirement from traditional jobs or careers, either because they want to or in order to boost income and savings.

9.      ________ are employees who direct the efforts of others to achieve an organization’s goals.

10.  Growth in entrepreneurship is not a worldwide phenomenon.

11.  Government legislation can also encourage investment in the U.S. economy.

12.  An ________ is a risk taker in the private enterprise system, a person who seeks a profitable opportunity and takes the necessary risks to set up and operate a business.

13.  Dealing with unexpected events is not the norm for most entrepreneurs.

14.  Entrepreneurs do not generally begin with a vision—an overall idea for how to make their business idea a success.

15.  Bill Gates and Paul Allen launched ________ with the vision of a computer on every desk and in every home, all running software.

16.  Overall, the general attitude toward entrepreneurs in the United States is positive.

17.  Even entrepreneurs who have not previously received funding from banks have experienced a credit crunch in recent years.

18.  The first African American woman billionaire ________ has built an empire stretching from television to magazines to radio.

19.  Like buying an established business, buying a franchise offers a less risky way to begin a business than starting an entirely new firm.

20.  Many entrepreneurs who start new businesses invent new products or processes.________ is the process of promoting innovation within their organizational structures.


BUS 508 Chapter 7 Quiz

1.      The ________, or span of control, is the number of employees a manager supervises.

2.      ________ is the process of dividing work activities into units within the organization.

3.      ________ at every level in the management hierarchy must exercise three basic types of skills: technical, human, and conceptual.

4.      A ________ is a written explanation of an organization’s business intentions and aims.

5.      A company that does not emphasize centralization retains decision making at the top of the management hierarchy.

6.      The ________ links employees from different parts of the organization to work together on specific projects.

7.      A frequently used tool in this phase of strategic planning is the SWOT analysis.

8.      The four basic types of organization structures are:

9.      ________, which allows firms to resume operations as quickly and as smoothly as possible after a crisis while openly communicating with the public about what happened.

10.  An effective structure is one that is clear and easy to understand: employees know what is expected of them and to whom they report.

11.  A ________ is a structure that places authority and responsibility jointly in the hands of a group of individuals rather than a single manager.

12.  ________ is the process of recognizing a problem or opportunity, evaluating alternative solutions, selecting and implementing an alternative, and assessing the results.

13.  In the course of a typical day, managers spend time meeting and talking with people, reading, thinking, and sending text or e-mail messages.

14.  Strategic planning often makes the difference between an organization’s success and failure.

15.  ________ is guiding and motivating employees to accomplish organizational objectives.

16.  ________, or first-line management, includes positions such as supervisor, section chief, and team leader.

17.  An organization’s ________ is its system of principles, beliefs, and values.

18.  ________ is the process of achieving organizational objectives through people and other resources.

19.  Managers assign work to employees, a process called

20.  Planning can be divided into the following categories, except:


BUS 508 Chapter 8 Quiz

BUS 508 Chapter 8 Quiz


BUS 508 Chapter 9 Quiz

1.      A ________ is a group of people with certain skills who are committed to a common purpose, approach, and set of performance goals.

2.      ________ are rights to buy a specified amount of company stock at a given price within a given time period.

3.      E-mails on company servers can be used as evidence in a legal case or disciplinary action.

4.      ________ occurs when one person or group’s needs do not match those of another, and attempts may be made to block the opposing side’s intentions or goals.

5.      ________ benefit employees by giving them ownership stakes in their companies, leading to potential profits as the value of their firm increases.

6.      A ________ is a standard of conduct shared by team members that guides their behavior.

7.      Managers do not spend a lot of time engaged in oral communication, both in person and on the phone.

8.      ________ is the type of listening, the receiver tries to catch the speaker in a mistake or contradiction.

9.      ________ are groups of geographically or organizationally dispersed coworkers who use a combination of telecommunications and information technologies to accomplish an organizational task.

10.  A work team empowered with the authority to decide how its members complete their daily tasks is called a ________.

11.  ________ focuses on problem-related differences of opinion, and reconciling these differences strongly improves team performance.

12.  Team diversity is an important consideration for teams that must complete a wide range of different tasks or particularly complex tasks.

13.  ________ is a meaningful exchange of information through messages transmitted between an organization and its major audiences, such as customers, suppliers, other firms, the general public, and government officials.

14.  ________ is the average level of ability, experience, personality, or any other factor on a team.

15.  Managers spend a lot of time engaged in oral communication, both in person and on the phone.

16.  Effective written communication reflects its audience, the channel carrying the message, and the appropriate degree of formality.

17.  Every communication takes place in some sort of situational or cultural context.

18.  ________ can be defined as a meaningful exchange of information through messages.

19.  In any medium, a vital component of oral communication is listening—receiving a message and interpreting its genuine meaning by accurately grasping the facts and feeling conveyed.

20.  A formal communication channel carries messages that flow within the chain of command structure defined by an organization.


BUS 508 Final Exam Part 1 (2 Sets)

Final Exam Part 1 (Set 1)


1)      Autocratic leaders

2)      ………… planning guides the current and near- term activities required to implement overall strategies

3)      Which of the following job titles is an example of a staff position?

4)      The set of relationship that indicates who gives directions to whom and who reports to whom is known as the

5)      All of the following employee benefits are required by law with the exception of ……..

6)      A union’s ultimate tactic is a ……

7)      Gain sharing is an employee benefit that provides ……..

8)      The purpose of EEOC is to …….

9)      All of the following are used to empower employees EXCEPT ………

10)  Deni uses lots of gestures and facial expressions when communicating. These are examples of ……. Communication.

11)  ……… listening is the basis for effective communication.

12)  According to research on team effectiveness, the ideal team size is …… members.

13)  …….. is the phase of production control that determines the sequence of work and specifies where and by whom each aspect of production will be performed.

14)  The goal of ……. is for companies to eliminate virtually all defects in output, process, and transactions.

15)  Which of the following layouts would be appropriate for a manufacturer who needs to produce large numbers of a single product?

16)   A(n) ……. Can repeat the same tasks numerous times without varying its movement

17)  The current marketing period where companies emphasize customer satisfaction is referred to as the …… era.

18)  One of the most common forms of segmenting consumer markets uses characteristics such as age, income, household size and/or ethnic group. This is known as ……. Segmentation.

19)  The location of a coffee shop franchise in a mall creates ….. utility.

20)  The era in marketing history characterized by the notion that a good product will sell itself is known as the …….. era.

21)  Which of the following is a special product?

22)  In which stage of the product life cycle do sales reach a saturation level, making further sales expansion difficult?

23)  Maria owns a store that prepares gourmet chocolates, which are hand-made and sold on the premises. What type of products is Maria selling?

24)    Which of the following is not a consideration when deciding which distribution channel is most efficient?

25)  Since the potential customers are unaware of a product during its introductory stage, initial promotion concentrates on …….


Final Exam Part 1 (Set 2)


1)      Citizens in a private enterprise system have the right to choose their employment, purchase and investments, illustrating their right to ……..

2)      All of the following are business EXCEPT …….

3)      Technology, tools, information and physically facilities for the operation of a business are examples of ………

4)      Capitalism is founded on …….

5)      Which of the following is a benefit of entrepreneurship?

6)      In colonial society, real economic and political power was centered in ………..

7)      Henry Ford is noted in business history for introducing the moving assembly line, which greatly reduced the cost of producing a car. Assembly lines first became common during the …….

8)      The industrial Revolution in England transformed America’s economy by introducing …..

9)      …….. goes beyond truthfulness

10)  Rene’s boss has offered him a raise if Rene agrees to spend the night with her. This is an example of:

11)  According to ………. Standards, when a drug company purchases a television ad, the company is required to describe potential side effects of the drug, or at least provide a phone number or Website address for additional information

12)  A formal statement that defines how the organization expects and requires employees to resolve ethical questions is ………

13)  Businesses have responsibilities to ……….

14)  A formal procedure that identifies and evaluates all company activities relating to social issues is known as a(n) ……….

15)  In today’s business environment, who can make the difference in ethical expectations and behavior?

16)  Ethical …… charges each employee personally to uphold the company’s core values and be willing to base their actions on them.

17)   During an economic recession, consumer spending ……. and unemployment …….

18)  In a …… system, the government owns all of the nation’s major industries but still allows private ownership in less crucial areas.

19)  The two major policy tools available for controlling economic activity are ………

20)  …….. is the study of the economic choices of individual consumers, families. Or businesses.

21)  The part of federal government responsible for monetary policy is ………

22)  …….. refers to willingness and ability of buyers to purchase goods and services.

23)  ………. is the economic system in which private property is eliminated?

24)  ………. is the relationship between the goods and services produced in a nation each year and workers, raw materials, and other inputs necessary to produce them.

25)  A demand curve is the schedule that shows the relationship between the price of a product and …….


BUS 508 Final Exam Part 1 and 2 (2 Sets Each)

Final Exam Part 1 (Set 1)

1)      Autocratic leaders

2)      ………… planning guides the current and near- term activities required to implement overall strategies

3)      Which of the following job titles is an example of a staff position?

4)      The set of relationship that indicates who gives directions to whom and who reports to whom is known as the

5)      All of the following employee benefits are required by law with the exception of ……..

6)      A union’s ultimate tactic is a ……

7)      Gain sharing is an employee benefit that provides ……..

8)      The purpose of EEOC is to …….

9)      All of the following are used to empower employees EXCEPT ………

10)  Deni uses lots of gestures and facial expressions when communicating. These are examples of ……. Communication.

11)  ……… listening is the basis for effective communication.

12)  According to research on team effectiveness, the ideal team size is …… members.

13)  …….. is the phase of production control that determines the sequence of work and specifies where and by whom each aspect of production will be performed.

14)  The goal of ……. is for companies to eliminate virtually all defects in output, process, and transactions.

15)  Which of the following layouts would be appropriate for a manufacturer who needs to produce large numbers of a single product?

16)   A(n) ……. Can repeat the same tasks numerous times without varying its movement

17)  The current marketing period where companies emphasize customer satisfaction is referred to as the …… era.

18)  One of the most common forms of segmenting consumer markets uses characteristics such as age, income, household size and/or ethnic group. This is known as ……. Segmentation.

19)  The location of a coffee shop franchise in a mall creates ….. utility.

20)  The era in marketing history characterized by the notion that a good product will sell itself is known as the …….. era.

21)  Which of the following is a special product?

22)  In which stage of the product life cycle do sales reach a saturation level, making further sales expansion difficult?

23)  Maria owns a store that prepares gourmet chocolates, which are hand-made and sold on the premises. What type of products is Maria selling?

24)    Which of the following is not a consideration when deciding which distribution channel is most efficient?

25)  Since the potential customers are unaware of a product during its introductory stage, initial promotion concentrates on …….

Final Exam Part 1 (Set 2)


1)      Citizens in a private enterprise system have the right to choose their employment, purchase and investments, illustrating their right to ……..

2)      All of the following are business EXCEPT …….

3)      Technology, tools, information and physically facilities for the operation of a business are examples of ………

4)      Capitalism is founded on …….

5)      Which of the following is a benefit of entrepreneurship?

6)      In colonial society, real economic and political power was centered in ………..

7)      Henry Ford is noted in business history for introducing the moving assembly line, which greatly reduced the cost of producing a car. Assembly lines first became common during the …….

8)      The industrial Revolution in England transformed America’s economy by introducing …..

9)      …….. goes beyond truthfulness

10)  Rene’s boss has offered him a raise if Rene agrees to spend the night with her. This is an example of:

11)  According to ………. Standards, when a drug company purchases a television ad, the company is required to describe potential side effects of the drug, or at least provide a phone number or Website address for additional information

12)  A formal statement that defines how the organization expects and requires employees to resolve ethical questions is ………

13)  Businesses have responsibilities to ……….

14)  A formal procedure that identifies and evaluates all company activities relating to social issues is known as a(n) ……….

15)  In today’s business environment, who can make the difference in ethical expectations and behavior?

16)  Ethical …… charges each employee personally to uphold the company’s core values and be willing to base their actions on them.

17)   During an economic recession, consumer spending ……. and unemployment …….

18)  In a …… system, the government owns all of the nation’s major industries but still allows private ownership in less crucial areas.

19)  The two major policy tools available for controlling economic activity are ………

20)  …….. is the study of the economic choices of individual consumers, families. Or businesses.

21)  The part of federal government responsible for monetary policy is ………

22)  …….. refers to willingness and ability of buyers to purchase goods and services.

23)  ………. is the economic system in which private property is eliminated?

24)  ………. is the relationship between the goods and services produced in a nation each year and workers, raw materials, and other inputs necessary to produce them.

25)  A demand curve is the schedule that shows the relationship between the price of a product and …….




1)      During the past decade, Which of the following countries has experienced the greatest annual rate of GDP growth?

2)      When firms develop products and marketing strategies that appeal to the customer tastes and buying habits of particular national markets, they are using a ……

3)      The foreign corrupt practices Act :

4)      A trade deficit occurs when

5)      The European Union (EU) …….

6)      Computers that are manufactured in the United States and sold in Norway are categorized as U.S. ……….

7)      A balance of payment deficit occurs when ……..

8)      An absolute advantage occurs when a country can maintain ……

9)      Which of the following is the first step in the decision for a business to expand globally?

10)  Although the average farm size has increased in recent years the majority of farmers operate as ….. businesses.

11)  Of the following industries, which is most likely to be owned by a small business owner?

12)  A restaurant franchisee purchases Which of the following from the franchisor?

13)  When a government unit owns and operates an organization, the arrangement is known as ………

14)  Owners of small businesses can increase their chances of success if they:

15)  In exchange for an ownership share, Benita’s small business receives from a group of individuals known as ……….

16)  ……. Newly launched businesses fail within two years after commencing operations.

17)  Martha is the owner of a very small technology start-up. She shares clerical staff, computers, and other business services with other small business owners. Martha is part of a(n)

18)  ……. Are business organizations or groups of private individuals who invest in new or growing firms

19)  ……. are specific geographical areas designated for economic revitalization

20)  Which of the following is a major consideration in selecting a business idea?

21)  The primary reasons people become entrepreneurs include all of the following reasons EXCEPT :

22)  Louis works as an artist for a major textile company and created an innovation for producing designs. The company will implement Louis’s idea as part of its …. Strategy

23)  An entrepreneur

24)  Colin works for a large bank that recently merged with another financial institution, world of layoffs has been discussed. Collin is most likely to become an entrepreneur in order to ……..

25)  Financial success



1)      …. involves a one-on-one presentation to a prospective buyer

2)      The process of finalizing a sale is the

3)      Advertising, sales promotion, direct marketing and public relations are example of ……

4)      ………. Advertising is used promote a specific viewpoint on a public issue.

5)      Trade promotion is …………

6)      Which of the following is an unreasonable response to potential computer problems?

7)      Which of the following is an application program?

8)      A computer program that imitates human thinking is a(n) …….

9)      Deciding how to prevent system failures along with the ability to continue operating if computer system fail is called ……

10)  Which of the following is considered information rather than data?

11)  The …… was created by the Sarbanes – Oxley Act of 2002

12)  Morgan works for a travel agency. Her job involves preparing financial reports and interpreting those reports to provide information for decision making. Which title is appropriate for Morgan’s job?

13)  Which of the following represents the accounting equation?

14)  The natural progression of a business begins with ……..

15)  Who appoints the members of the Public Company Accounting Oversight Board?

16)  Bonds with ratings of BBB and above are classified as …….

17)  ……… are short-term securities issued by the U.S. Treasury and backed by the full faith and credit of the U.S government

18)  Which of the following is a depository financial institution?

19)  The ……. is a collection of financial markets in which previously issued securities are traded among investors

20)  What provision allows the issuer to redeem the bond before its maturity at a specified price?

21)  The financial manager for a typical corporation is responsible for ………

22)  Which of the following assets would firm mostly likely finance using long-term sources?

23)  When a firm receives goods or services from a supplier and agrees to pay for them at a later date, this arrangement is called ……….

24)  Two types of divestitures are ……..

25)  …….. would be the LEAST likely to obtain a private placement


BUS 508 Final Exam Part 2 (2 Sets)

Please Check The Question Details Below:



1)      During the past decade, Which of the following countries has experienced the greatest annual rate of GDP growth?

2)      When firms develop products and marketing strategies that appeal to the customer tastes and buying habits of particular national markets, they are using a ……

3)      The foreign corrupt practices Act :

4)      A trade deficit occurs when

5)      The European Union (EU) …….

6)      Computers that are manufactured in the United States and sold in Norway are categorized as U.S. ……….

7)      A balance of payment deficit occurs when ……..

8)      An absolute advantage occurs when a country can maintain ……

9)      Which of the following is the first step in the decision for a business to expand globally?

10)  Although the average farm size has increased in recent years the majority of farmers operate as ….. businesses.

11)  Of the following industries, which is most likely to be owned by a small business owner?

12)  A restaurant franchisee purchases Which of the following from the franchisor?

13)  When a government unit owns and operates an organization, the arrangement is known as ………

14)  Owners of small businesses can increase their chances of success if they:

15)  In exchange for an ownership share, Benita’s small business receives from a group of individuals known as ……….

16)  ……. Newly launched businesses fail within two years after commencing operations.

17)  Martha is the owner of a very small technology start-up. She shares clerical staff, computers, and other business services with other small business owners. Martha is part of a(n)

18)  ……. Are business organizations or groups of private individuals who invest in new or growing firms

19)  ……. are specific geographical areas designated for economic revitalization

20)  Which of the following is a major consideration in selecting a business idea?

21)  The primary reasons people become entrepreneurs include all of the following reasons EXCEPT :

22)  Louis works as an artist for a major textile company and created an innovation for producing designs. The company will implement Louis’s idea as part of its …. Strategy

23)  An entrepreneur

24)  Colin works for a large bank that recently merged with another financial institution, world of layoffs has been discussed. Collin is most likely to become an entrepreneur in order to ……..

25)  Financial success




1)      …. involves a one-on-one presentation to a prospective buyer

2)      The process of finalizing a sale is the

3)      Advertising, sales promotion, direct marketing and public relations are example of ……

4)      ………. Advertising is used promote a specific viewpoint on a public issue.

5)      Trade promotion is …………

6)      Which of the following is an unreasonable response to potential computer problems?

7)      Which of the following is an application program?

8)      A computer program that imitates human thinking is a(n) …….

9)      Deciding how to prevent system failures along with the ability to continue operating if computer system fail is called ……

10)  Which of the following is considered information rather than data?

11)  The …… was created by the Sarbanes – Oxley Act of 2002

12)  Morgan works for a travel agency. Her job involves preparing financial reports and interpreting those reports to provide information for decision making. Which title is appropriate for Morgan’s job?

13)  Which of the following represents the accounting equation?

14)  The natural progression of a business begins with ……..

15)  Who appoints the members of the Public Company Accounting Oversight Board?

16)  Bonds with ratings of BBB and above are classified as …….

17)  ……… are short-term securities issued by the U.S. Treasury and backed by the full faith and credit of the U.S government

18)  Which of the following is a depository financial institution?

19)  The ……. is a collection of financial markets in which previously issued securities are traded among investors

20)  What provision allows the issuer to redeem the bond before its maturity at a specified price?

21)  The financial manager for a typical corporation is responsible for ………

22)  Which of the following assets would firm mostly likely finance using long-term sources?

23)  When a firm receives goods or services from a supplier and agrees to pay for them at a later date, this arrangement is called ……….

24)  Two types of divestitures are ……..

25)  …….. would be the LEAST likely to obtain a private placement


BUS 508 Week 3 Assignment 1 Corporate Responsibility and Marketing Strategies (2 Papers)

This Tutorial contains 2 Different Papers

Assignment 1: Corporate Responsibility and Marketing Strategies

Use the Internet to research the Apple Corporation, its current position and reputation regarding ethical and social responsibility, and the strategies that it currently employs to market its products.

Write a six to eight (6-8) page paper in which you:

1.Examine Apple’s current position on the company’s ethical and social responsibilities, and determine whether or not the company has met these responsibilities. Provide two (2) examples that support your position.

2.Determine the impact that the publication of ethics and social responsibilities violations made by Apple’s suppliers has had on Apple’s reputation. Support your response with examples of the impact in question.

3.Suggest two (2) methods that Apple can utilize to ensure that its suppliers adhere to wage and benefits standards going forward. Justify your response.

4.Determine whether or not you believe that Apple’s customers would be willing to pay more for its products if Apple had to increase selling prices in order to provide better wages and benefits for suppliers’ workers. Provide a rationale for your position.

5.Analyze Apple’s current overall marketing strategy. Recommend two (2) actions that Apple can take in order to improve its competitive advantage in the global marketplace. Support your response with examples of instances where your recommendations yielded the desired results.

6.Use at least five (5) quality academic resources in this assignment. Note: Wikipedia does not qualify as an academic resource.

Your assignment must follow these formatting requirements:

•Be typed, double spaced, using Times New Roman font (size 12), with one-inch margins on all sides; citations and references must follow APA or school-specific format. Check with your professor for any additional instructions.

•Include a cover page containing the title of the assignment, the student’s name, the professor’s name, the course title, and the date. The cover page and the reference page are not included in the required assignment page length.

The specific course learning outcomes associated with this assignment are:

•Examine the private enterprise systems, drivers of change on the system, ethical and social responsibilities of business, and the requirements for success in today’s business environment.

•Analyze the factors that drive supply and demand, different types of market structures in a free enterprise system, and factors of stability in a nation’s economy.

•Use technology and information resources to research issues in contemporary business.

•Write clearly and concisely about contemporary business using proper writing mechanics.


BUS 508 Week 6 Assignment 2 Human Resource Strategy (2 Papers)

This Tutorial contains 2 Different Papers

Assignment 2: Human Resource Strategy

Due Week 6 and worth 200 points

Use the Internet to research the Best Places to Work (http://www.greatplacetowork.com/).  Select two companies from two different industries on the Fortune 100 list.

Write a four to six (4-6) page paper in which you:

1.     Compare and contrast the two (2) industries you have identified in terms of size, products, services, customers, economic and regulatory environment.

2.    Describe the mission, vision, values and core business practices of each of the companies you selected.

3.    Recommend tree to five (3-5) possible HR strategies that will support each organization’s mission, vision, values and core business practices for each company. Support your recommendations.

4.    Identify how your recommended HR strategies will promote a competitive advantage for each company within their industry. Provide a rationale for your position.

5.    Use at least four (4) academic quality resources in this assignment. Note: Wikipedia does not qualify as an academic resource.

Your assignment must follow these formatting requirements:

Be typed, double spaced, using Times New Roman font (size 12), with one-inch margins on all sides; citations and references must follow APA or school-specific format. Check with your professor for any additional instructions.

Include a cover page containing the title of the assignment, the student’s name, the professor’s name, the course title, and the date. The cover page and the reference page are not included in the required assignment page length.

The specific course learning outcomes associated with this assignment are:

Evaluate the different forms of business ownership to determine the optimal structure in different scenarios and the process for a business start-up.

Integrate the core human resource management functions and considerations into viable recommendations to meet the organization’s operating requirements.

Use technology and information resources to research issues in contemporary business.

Write clearly and concisely about contemporary business using proper writing mechanics.


BUS 508 Week 9 Assignment 3 Promotional and Advertising Strategies (2 Papers)

This Tutorial contains 2 Different Papers

Assignment 3: Promotional and Advertising Strategies

Select one (1) of the following categories of products to research: sports apparel, automobiles, home furnishings, or televisions. Use the Internet to research at least two (2) companies within the selected product category. Take note of the leading companies in this product group, as well as the types of marketing, pricing, and consumer-oriented promotional strategies that these leading companies within the product group use.

Write a six to eight (6-8) page paper in which you:

1. Compare and contrast the promotional strategies used by two (2) different companies for a similar product within the category that you selected.

2. Recommend two (2) ways in which a company within the selected product group could use marketing information to differentiate itself in the marketplace to gain an advantage over its competitors. Provide a rationale to support your recommendations.

3. Propose two (2) uses for consumer-oriented promotions that could assist a company in both the short and long term for the product group that you selected. Provide a rationale for your response.

4. Analyze the strategic manner in which the leading company in this product group has made its pricing decisions by using one or more of the four (4) pricing objectives. Suggest two (2) actions that other companies within the same product group may take in order to differentiate themselves and gain a competitive advantage. Provide a rationale for your response.

5. Determine the most effective advertising medium for a company in the selected product category. Support your response with two (2) examples of the effectiveness of the chosen medium.

6. Use at least five (5) quality academic resources in this assignment. Note: Wikipedia does not qualify as an academic resource.

Your assignment must follow these formatting requirements:

1. Be typed, double spaced, using Times New Roman font (size 12), with one-inch margins on all sides; citations and references must follow APA or school-specific format. Check with your professor for any additional instructions.

2. Include a cover page containing the title of the assignment, the student’s name, the professor’s name, the course title, and the date. The cover page and the reference page are not included in the required assignment page length.