CIS 111 Midterm Exam (6 Set)
CIS 111 Week 11 Final Exam (4 Set)
CIS 111 Week 2 Assignment 1 Business Rules and Data Models (2 Papers)
CIS 111 Week 3 Lab 1 Creating a Database Design in Visio (2 Set)
CIS 111 Week 4 Lab 2 Modifying a Database Design in Visio
CIS 111 Week 5 Lab 3 EasyPHP and MySQL Setup
CIS 111 Week 6 Assignment 2 Normalization (2 Papers)
CIS 111 Week 7 Lab 4 Structured Query Language (SQL) (2 Papers)
CIS 111 Week 9 Assignment 3 Business Intelligence and Data Warehouses (2 Papers)
CIS 111 Midterm Exam (6 Set)
CIS 111 Week 11 Final Exam (4 Set)
CIS 111 Week 2 Assignment 1 Business Rules and Data Models (2 Papers)
CIS 111 Week 3 Lab 1 Creating a Database Design in Visio (2 Set)
CIS 111 Week 4 Lab 2 Modifying a Database Design in Visio
CIS 111 Week 5 Lab 3 EasyPHP and MySQL Setup
CIS 111 Week 6 Assignment 2 Normalization (2 Papers)
CIS 111 Week 7 Lab 4 Structured Query Language (SQL) (2 Papers)
CIS 111 Week 9 Assignment 3 Business Intelligence and Data Warehouses (2 Papers)
CIS 111 Midterm Exam (6 Set)
This Tutorial contains 6 Set of Midterm Exam (Approximately – 240 MCQ)
Set 1
• Question 1____ provide(s) a description of the data characteristics and the set of relationships that link the data found within the database.
• Question 2 A desktop database is a ____ database.
• Question 3 End-user data is ____.
• Question 4 A ____ database supports data distributed across several different sites.
• Question 5 ____ relates to the activities that make the database perform more efficiently in terms of storage and access speed.
• Question 6 A(n) ____ database supports a relatively small number of users (usually fewer than 50) or a specific department within an organization.
• Question 7 A ____ is a character or group of characters that has a specific meaning.
• Question 8 ____ exists when different versions of the same data appear in different places.
• Question 9 The ____ model is the end users’ view of the data environment.
• Question 10 A(n) ____ represents a particular type of object in the real world.
• Question 11 A(n) ____ is anything about which data are to be collected and stored.
• Question 12 A verb associating two nouns in a business rule translates to a(n) ____ in the data model.
• Question 13 A(n) ____ is a restriction placed on the data.
• Question 14 In the ____ model, the basic logical structure is represented as an upside-down tree.
• Question 15 In the ____ model, the user perceives the database as a collection of records in 1:M relationships, where each record can have more than one parent.
• Question 16 A noun in a business rule translates to a(n) ____ in the data model.
• Question 17 A(n) ____ join only returns matched records from the tables that are being joined.
• Question 18 A ____ is any key that uniquely identifies each row.
• Question 19 The ____ constraint can be placed on a column to ensure that every row in the table has a value for that column.
• Question 20 In an outer join, the matched pairs would be retained and any unmatched values in the other table would be left ____.
• Question 21 ____ combines all rows from two tables, excluding duplicate rows.
• Question 22 Since it is used to link the tables that originally were related in a M:N relationship, the composite entity structure includes—as foreign keys—at least the ____ keys of the tables that are to be linked.
• Question 23 ____ yields only the rows that appear in both tables.
• Question 24 A(n) ____ is an ordered arrangement of keys and pointers.
• Question 25 A ____ relationship exists when an association is maintained within a single entity.
• Question 26 A ____ relationship exists when three entities are associated.
• Question 27 A ____ identifier is composed of more than one attribute.
• Question 28 A ____ should be a derived attribute.
• Question 29 If an entity can exist apart from one or more related entities, it is said to be ____-independent.
• Question 30 An entity is said to be ____-dependent if it can exist in the database only when it is associated with another related entity occurrence.
• Question 31 A ____ entity has a primary key that is partially or totally derived from the parent entity in the relationship.
• Question 32 The M:N relationship between STUDENT and CLASS must be divided into two 1:M relationships through the use of the ENROLL entity; the ENROLL entity is ____.
• Question 33 From a strictly database point of view, ____ attribute values can be calculated when they are needed to write reports or invoices.
• Question 34 A table that displays data redundancies yields ____.
• Question 35 A table that has all key attributes defined, has no repeating groups, and all its attributes are dependent on the primary key, is said to be in ____.
• Question 36 The most likely data type for a surrogate key is ____.
• Question 37 ____ databases reflect the ever-growing demand for greater scope and depth in the data on which decision support systems increasingly rely.
• Question 38 A table that is in 1NF and includes no partial dependencies is said to be in ____.
• Question 39 Normalization works through a series of stages called normal forms. For most purposes in business database design, ____ stages are as high as you need to go in the normalization process.
• Question 40 1NF, 2NF, and 3NF are ____.
Set 2
Question 1 Correct ____ is used to reveal the meaning of data.
. Question 2 Correct A(n) ____ database is designed to support a company’s day-to-day operations.
. Question 3 Correct ____ exists when different versions of the same data appear in different places.
. Question 4 Correct A desktop database is a ____ database.
. Question 5 Correct A(n) ____ database supports a relatively small number of users (usually fewer than 50) or a specific department within an organization.
. Question 6 Correct A ____ database supports data distributed across several different sites.
. Question 7 Correct End-user data is ____.
. Question 8 Correct A ____ is a character or group of characters that has a specific meaning.
. Question 9 Correct The ____ data model uses the concept of inheritance.
. Question 10 Correct In the ____ model, the user perceives the database as a collection of records in 1:M relationships, where each record can have more than one parent.
. Question 11 Correct A(n) ____ represents a particular type of object in the real world.
. Question 12 Correct A(n) ____ is a restriction placed on the data.
. Question 13 Correct A(n) ____’s main function is to help you understand the complexities of the real-world environment.
. Question 14 Correct A noun in a business rule translates to a(n) ____ in the data model.
. Question 15 Incorrect In the ____ model, each parent can have many children, but each child has only one parent.
. Question 16 Correct A verb associating two nouns in a business rule translates to a(n) ____ in the data model.
. Question 17 Correct A ____ is any key that uniquely identifies each row.
. Question 18 Correct Referential ____ means that if the foreign key contains a value, that value refers to an existing valid tuple (row) in another relation.
. Question 19 Correct A(n) ____ is an ordered arrangement of keys and pointers.
. Question 20 Correct Any attribute that is part of a key is known as a ____.
. Question 21 Correct All primary key entries are unique, and no part of a primary key may be ____.
. Question 22 Correct Since it is used to link the tables that originally were related in a M:N relationship, the composite entity structure includes—as foreign keys—at least the ____ keys of the tables that are to be linked.
. Question 23 Correct A ____ contains at least all of the attribute names and characteristics for each table in the system.
. Question 24 Correct The ____ constraint can be placed on a column to ensure that every row in the table has a value for that column.
. Question 25 Correct Ideally, an entity identifier is composed of ____ attribute(s).
. Question 26 Correct A relationship is an association between ____.
. Question 27 Correct Another word for existence-independent is ____.
. Question 28 Correct If an entity can exist apart from one or more related entities, it is said to be ____-independent.
. Question 29 Correct Knowing the ____ number of entity occurrences is very helpful at the application software level.
. Question 30 Correct A ____ relationship exists when an association is maintained within a single entity.
. Question 31 Correct A ____ identifier is composed of more than one attribute.
. Question 32 Correct A ____ should be a derived attribute.
. Question 33 Correct An atomic attribute ____.
. Question 34 Correct A table that has all key attributes defined, has no repeating groups, and all its attributes are dependent on the primary key, is said to be in ____.
. Question 35 Correct A relational table must not contain a(n) ____.
. Question 36 Correct Normalization works through a series of stages called normal forms. For most purposes in business database design, ____ stages are as high as you need to go in the normalization process.
. Question 37 Correct Normalization represents a micro view of the ____ within the ERD.
. Question 38 Incorrect A table that is in 2NF and contains no transitive dependencies is said to be in ____.
. Question 39 Correct The most likely data type for a surrogate key is ____.
. Question 40 Correct ____ databases reflect the ever-growing demand for greater scope and depth in the data on which decision support systems increasingly rely.
Set 3
• Question 1 A(n) ____ database supports a relatively small number of users (usually fewer than 50) or a specific department within an organization.
• Question 2 A ____ database supports data distributed across several different sites.
• Question 3 ____ provide(s) a description of the data characteristics and the set of relationships that link the data found within the database.
• Question 4 ____ is the body of information and facts about a specific subject.
• Question 5 A ____ is a logically connected set of one or more fields that describes a person, place, or thing.
• Question 6 End-user data is ____.
• Question 7 ____ relates to the activities that make the database perform more efficiently in terms of storage and access speed.
• Question 8 The ____ structure is quite different from that of an operational or transactional database.
• Question 9 A(n) ____ is bidirectional.
• Question 10 In the ____ model, the user perceives the database as a collection of records in 1:M relationships, where each record can have more than one parent.
• Question 11 A(n) ____’s main function is to help you understand the complexities of the real-world environment.
• Question 12 In the ____ model, the basic logical structure is represented as an upside-down tree.
• Question 13 ____ are important because they help to ensure data integrity.
• Question 14 The ____ model is the end users’ view of the data environment.
• Question 15 A noun in a business rule translates to a(n) ____ in the data model.
• Question 16 A(n) ____ represents a particular type of object in the real world.
• Question 17 Since it is used to link the tables that originally were related in a M:N relationship, the composite entity structure includes—as foreign keys—at least the ____ keys of the tables that are to be linked.
• Question 18 Referential ____ means that if the foreign key contains a value, that value refers to an existing valid tuple (row) in another relation.
• Question 19 All primary key entries are unique, and no part of a primary key may be ____.
• Question 20 A ____ contains at least all of the attribute names and characteristics for each table in the system.
• Question 21 In the context of a database table, the statement “A ____ B” indicates that if you know the value of attribute A, you can look up the value of attribute B.
• Question 22 A(n) ____ is an ordered arrangement of keys and pointers.
• Question 23 In an outer join, the matched pairs would be retained and any unmatched values in the other table would be left ____.
• Question 24 ____ combines all rows from two tables, excluding duplicate rows.
• Question 25 Another word for existence-independent is ____.
• Question 26 An entity is said to be ____-dependent if it can exist in the database only when it is associated with another related entity occurrence.
• Question 27 A derived attribute ____.
• Question 28 Knowing the ____ number of entity occurrences is very helpful at the application software level.
• Question 29 A ____ relationship exists when three entities are associated.
• Question 30 If an entity can exist apart from one or more related entities, it is said to be ____-independent.
• Question 31 A ____ should be a derived attribute.
• Question 32 A relationship is an association between ____.
• Question 33 Before converting a table into 3NF, it is imperative the table already be in ____.
• Question 34 From a structural point of view, 2NF is better than ____.
• Question 35 For most business transactional databases, we should normalize relations into ____.
• Question 36 ____ databases reflect the ever-growing demand for greater scope and depth in the data on which decision support systems increasingly rely.
• Question 37 A table that displays data redundancies yields ____.
• Question 38 A ____ exists when there are functional dependencies such that Y is functionally dependent on X and Z is functionally dependent on Y, and X is the primary key.
• Question 39 A table that has all key attributes defined, has no repeating groups, and all its attributes are dependent on the primary key, is said to be in ____.
• Question 40 Normalization works through a series of stages called normal forms. For most purposes in business database design, ____ stages are as high as you need to go in the normalization process.
Set 4
• Question 1 ____ provide(s) a description of the data characteristics and the set of relationships that link the data found within the database.
• Question 2 ____ data exist in a format that does not lend itself to processing that yields information.
• Question 3 A ____ is a logically connected set of one or more fields that describes a person, place, or thing.
• Question 4 End-user data is ____.
• Question 5 ____ relates to the activities that make the database perform more efficiently in terms of storage and access speed.
• Question 6 A ____ is a character or group of characters that has a specific meaning.
• Question 7 A desktop database is a ____ database.
• Question 8 A ____ database supports data distributed across several different sites.
• Question 9 A(n) ____ enables a database administrator to define schema components.
• Question 10 A(n) ____ is anything about which data are to be collected and stored.
• Question 11 A verb associating two nouns in a business rule translates to a(n) ____ in the data model.
• Question 12 A(n) ____’s main function is to help you understand the complexities of the real-world environment.
• Question 13 A(n) ____ model represents a global view of the database as viewed by the entire organization.
• Question 14 The ____ model is the end users’ view of the data environment.
• Question 15 A(n) ____ is a restriction placed on the data.
• Question 16 ____ are important because they help to ensure data integrity.
• Question 17 A ____ contains at least all of the attribute names and characteristics for each table in the system.
• Question 18 Any attribute that is part of a key is known as a ____.
• Question 19 ____ combines all rows from two tables, excluding duplicate rows.
• Question 20 A(n) ____ is perceived as a two-dimensional structure composed of rows and columns.
• Question 21 In the context of a database table, the statement “A ____ B” indicates that if you know the value of attribute A, you can look up the value of attribute B.
• Question 22 Since it is used to link the tables that originally were related in a M:N relationship, the composite entity structure includes—as foreign keys—at least the ____ keys of the tables that are to be linked.
• Question 23 A(n) ____ join only returns matched records from the tables that are being joined.
• Question 24 In an outer join, the matched pairs would be retained and any unmatched values in the other table would be left ____.
• Question 25 A ____ identifier is composed of more than one attribute.
• Question 26 An entity is said to be ____-dependent if it can exist in the database only when it is associated with another related entity occurrence.
• Question 27 Another word for existence-independent is ____.
• Question 28 A ____ relationship exists when an association is maintained within a single entity.
• Question 29 Knowing the ____ number of entity occurrences is very helpful at the application software level.
• Question 30 A ____ relationship exists when three entities are associated.
• Question 31 A ____ should be a derived attribute.
• Question 32 Ideally, an entity identifier is composed of ____ attribute(s).
• Question 33 An atomic attribute ____.
• Question 34 A table that is in 2NF and contains no transitive dependencies is said to be in ____.
• Question 35 ____ databases reflect the ever-growing demand for greater scope and depth in the data on which decision support systems increasingly rely.
• Question 36 A table that displays data redundancies yields ____.
• Question 37 A table that has all key attributes defined, has no repeating groups, and all its attributes are dependent on the primary key, is said to be in ____.
• Question 38 Normalization represents a micro view of the ____ within the ERD.
• Question 39 A ____ exists when there are functional dependencies such that Y is functionally dependent on X and Z is functionally dependent on Y, and X is the primary key.
• Question 40 A relational table must not contain a(n) ____.
Set 5
• Question 1 A(n) ____ database supports a relatively small number of users (usually fewer than 50) or a specific department within an organization.
• Question 2 A(n) ____ database is designed to support a company’s day-to-day operations.
• Question 3 ____ provide(s) a description of the data characteristics and the set of relationships that link the data found within the database.
• Question 4 The response of the DBMS to a query is the ____.
• Question 5 A workgroup database is a(n)____ database.
• Question 6 The ____ structure is quite different from that of an operational or transactional database.
• Question 7 ____ is used to reveal the meaning of data.
• Question 8 A desktop database is a ____ database.
• Question 9 A verb associating two nouns in a business rule translates to a(n) ____ in the data model.
• Question 10 A(n) ____ is anything about which data are to be collected and stored.
• Question 11 In the ____ model, the basic logical structure is represented as an upside-down tree.
• Question 12 A(n) ____ enables a database administrator to define schema components.
• Question 13 A(n) ____ represents a particular type of object in the real world.
• Question 14 The ____ model is the end users’ view of the data environment.
• Question 15 A(n) ____’s main function is to help you understand the complexities of the real-world environment.
• Question 16 Students and classes have a ____ relationship.
• Question 17 A(n) ____ join only returns matched records from the tables that are being joined.
• Question 18 A(n) ____ is an ordered arrangement of keys and pointers.
• Question 19 ____ combines all rows from two tables, excluding duplicate rows.
• Question 20 In the relational model, ____ are important because they are used to ensure that each row in a table is uniquely identifiable.
• Question 21 A ____ is any key that uniquely identifies each row.
• Question 22 The ____ constraint can be placed on a column to ensure that every row in the table has a value for that column.
• Question 23 A ____ contains at least all of the attribute names and characteristics for each table in the system.
• Question 24 ____ yields only the rows that appear in both tables.
• &
CIS 111 Week 11 Final Exam (4 Set)
This Tutorial contains 4 Set of Final Exam (Approximately – 200 MCQ)
CIS – 111 Week 11 Final Exam
• Question 1 Which query will output the table contents when the value of P_PRICE is less than or equal to 10?
• Question 2 The SQL command that lets you select attributes from rows in one or more tables is ____.
• Question 3 To list all the contents of the PRODUCT table, you would use ____.
• Question 4 To delete a row from the PRODUCT table, use the ____ command.
• Question 5 The SQL character data format(s) is(are) ____.
• Question 6 A table can be deleted from the database by using the ____ command.
• Question 7 The special operator used to check whether a subquery returns any rows is ____.
• Question 8 The ____ special operator is used to check whether an attribute value is null.
• Question 9 The ____ operator could be used in place of INTERSECT if the RDBMS does not support it.
• Question 10 The syntax for the UNION query is ____.
• Question 11 The ANSI standard defines ____ type(s) of outer join(s)
• Question 12 A ____ join returns rows with matching values and includes all rows from both tables (T1 and T2) with unmatched values.
• Question 13 When using a(n) ____ join, only rows that meet the given criteria are returned.
• Question 14 Analyzing the company situation is part of the ____ phase of the DBLC.
• Question 15 Creating the conceptual design and selecting DBMS software are part of the ____ phase of the DBLC.
• Question 16 Evaluation, maintenance, and enhancement are part of the ____ phase of the SDLC.
• Question 17 The primary objective of database design is ____.
• Question 18 Installation and fine tuning are part of the ____ phase of the SDLC.
• Question 19 The traditional SDLC is divided into ____ phases.
• Question 20 Lock ____ indicates the level of lock use.
• Question 21 The information stored in the ____ is used by the DBMS for a recovery requirement triggered by a ROLLBACK statement, a program’s abnormal termination, or a system failure such as a network discrepancy or a disk crash.
• Question 22 A ____ lock prevents the use of any tables in the database from one transaction while another transaction is being processed.
• Question 23 The implicit beginning of a transaction is ____.
• Question 24 A(n) ____ condition occurs when two or more transactions wait for each other to unlock data.
• Question 25 A consistent database is ____.
• Question 26 A transaction is a ____ unit of work that must be either entirely completed or aborted.
• Question 27 A data mart is part of the “____” section of the business intelligence framework.
• Question 28 A characteristic of operational data is ____.
• Question 29 From the data analyst’s point of view, decision support data differ from operational data in three main areas: time span, granularity, and ____.
• Question 30 In a star schema, attributes are often used to search, filter, or classify ____.
• Question 31 Data ____ implies that all business entities, data elements, data characteristics, and business metrics are described in the same way throughout the enterprise.
• Question 32 A characteristic of decision support data is ____.
• Question 33 The ____ contains business data extracted from the operational database and from external data sources.
• Question 34 A ____ schema is a type of star schema in which the dimension tables can have their own dimension tables.
• Question 35 Computed or derived facts are sometimes called ____ to differentiate them from stored facts.
• Question 36 A programming language typically used for CGI scripts is ____.
• Question 37 Based on Microsoft’s Component Object Model (COM), ____ is database middleware that adds object-oriented functionality for access to relational and nonrelational data.
• Question 38 ____ is a collection of technologies used to access any type of data source and manage the data through a common interface.
• Question 39 What is the first step in the exchange between a Web browser and a database?
• Question 40 ____ is an OO programming language developed by Sun Microsystems that runs on top of the Web browser software.
• Question 41 A server-side extension ____.
• Question 42 In the ____ category, the cloud service provider offers the capability to build and deploy consumer-created applications using the provider’s cloud infrastructure.
• Question 43 ____ are written instructions that describe a series of steps to be followed during the performance of a given activity.
• Question 44 The DBA’s ____ role covers activities involving the use of the DBMS.
• Question 45 ____ activities cover all tasks directly related to the day-to-day operations of the DBMS and its applications.
• Question 46 ____ are more detailed and specific than policies and describe the minimum requirements of a given DBA activity.
• Question 47 The person responsible for the control of the centralized and shared database is the database ____.
• Question 48 The ____ is responsible for ensuring database security and integrity.
• Question 49 Current data distribution philosophy makes it easy for ____ end users to access the database.
• Question 50 ____ are general statements of direction or action that communicate and support DBA goals.
Set 2
Week 11 Final Exam
• Question 1 A(n) ____ is an alternate name given to a column or table in any SQL statement.
• Question 2 The SQL command that lets you insert rows into a table is ____.
• Question 3 The special operator used to check whether a subquery returns any rows is ____.
• Question 4 The ____ special operator is used to check whether an attribute value is null.
• Question 5 To delete a row from the PRODUCT table, use the ____ command.
• Question 6 The special operator used to check whether an attribute value is within a range of values is ____.
• Question 7 The ____ command is used to restore the table’s contents to their previous values.
• Question 8 Which of the following is used to select partial table contents?
• Question 9 In Oracle, ____ make(s) it possible to merge SQL and traditional programming constructs, such as variables, conditional processing (IF-THEN-ELSE), basic loops (FOR and WHILE loops,) and error trapping.
• Question 10 A ____ join returns rows with matching values and includes all rows from both tables (T1 and T2) with unmatched values.
• Question 11 The syntax for the UNION query is ____.
• Question 12 A(n) ____ join will select only the rows with common values in the common attribute(s).
• Question 13 The ANSI standard defines ____ type(s) of outer join(s)
• Question 14 The primary objective of database design is ____.
• Question 15 Installing the DBMS, creating the database, and loading or converting the data are part of the ____ phase of the DBLC.
• Question 16 The process of creating an information system is known as ____ development.
• Question 17 Evaluation, maintenance, and enhancement are part of the ____ phase of the SDLC.
• Question 18 Analyzing the company situation is part of the ____ phase of the DBLC.
• Question 19 There are ____ stages in the DBLC.
• Question 20 ____ are required to prevent another transaction from reading inconsistent data.
• Question 21 A consistent database is ____.
• Question 22 A ____ lock allows concurrent transactions to access different rows of the same table.
• Question 23 A ____ lock locks the entire table preventing access to any row by a transaction while another transaction is using the table.
• Question 24 The implicit beginning of a transaction is ____.
• Question 25 A ____ lock prevents the use of any tables in the database from one transaction while another transaction is being processed.
• Question 26 Lock ____ indicates the level of lock use.
• Question 27A characteristic of decision support data is ____.
• Question 28 Analyzing decision support data to generate information is part of ____.
• Question 29 The ____ contains business data extracted from the operational database and from external data sources.
• Question 30 ____ are in charge of presenting the data to the end user in a variety of ways.
• Question 31 A characteristic of operational data is ____.
• Question 32 The basic star schema has four components: facts, ____, attributes, and attribute hierarchies.
• Question 33 Fact and dimension tables are related by ____ keys.
• Question 34 A ____ schema is a type of star schema in which the dimension tables can have their own dimension tables.
• Question 35 Computed or derived facts are sometimes called ____ to differentiate them from stored facts.
• Question 36 ____ is embedded inside an HTML page and is activated by triggering events such as clicking on a link.
• Question 37 ____ is a collection of technologies used to access any type of data source and manage the data through a common interface.
• Question 38 The Web browser’s job is to ____ the HTML code that it receives from the Web server.
• Question 39 A programming language typically used for CGI scripts is ____.
• Question 40 Which of the following is a well-defined Web-server interface?
• Question 41 A server-side extension ____.
• Question 42 Of the following, what is one of the benefits of rapid development at manageable costs for Internet technologies?
• Question 43 The person responsible for the control of the centralized and shared database is the database ____.
• Question 44 A(n) ____ data dictionary is not updated automatically and usually requires a batch process to be run.
• Question 45 ____ is a named collection of database access privileges that authorize a user to connect to the database and use the database system resources.
• Question 46 When introducing a database into an organization, a(n) ____ impact is likely because the database approach creates a more controlled and structured information flow and thus affects people, functions, and interactions.
• Question 47 A(n) ____ data dictionary is automatically updated by the DBMS with every database access.
• Question 48 ____ CASE tools provide support for the planning, analysis, and design phases.
• Question 49 The ____ is responsible for ensuring database security and integrity.
• Question 50 ____ activities cover all tasks directly related to the day-to-day operations of the DBMS and its applications.
Set 3
Question 1 To delete a row from the PRODUCT table, use the ____ command.
Question 2 The special operator used to check whether a subquery returns any rows is ____.
Question 3 The ____ command would be used to delete the table row where the P_CODE is ‘BRT-345’.
Question 4 The SQL command that lets you select attributes from rows in one or more tables is ____.
Question 5 The SQL command that lets you insert rows into a table is ____.
Question 6 The ____ special operator is used to check whether an attribute value is null.
Question 7 The SQL character data format(s) is(are) ____.
Question 8 To list all the contents of the PRODUCT table, you would use ____.
Question 9 The ANSI standard defines ____ type(s) of outer join(s)
Question 10 The ____ operator could be used in place of INTERSECT if the RDBMS does not support it.
Question 11 In Oracle, ____ make(s) it possible to merge SQL and traditional programming constructs, such as variables, conditional processing (IF-THEN-ELSE), basic loops (FOR and WHILE loops,) and error trapping.
Question 12 The syntax for the UNION query is ____.
Question 13 A ____ join returns rows with matching values and includes all rows from both tables (T1 and T2) with unmatched values.
Question 14 Question 15 Installing the DBMS, creating the database, and loading or converting the data are part of the ____ phase of the DBLC.
Question 16 Creating the conceptual design and selecting DBMS software are part of the ____ phase of the DBLC.
Question 17 The traditional SDLC is divided into ____ phases.
Question 18 A detailed system specification is part of the ____ phase of the SDLC.
Question 19 User requirements, existing system evaluation, and logical system design are part of the ____ phase of the SDLC.
Question 20 Lock ____ indicates the level of lock use.
Question 21 The implicit beginning of a transaction is ____.
Question 22 ____ means that data used during the execution of a transaction cannot be used by a second transaction until the first one is completed.
Question 23 A ____ lock locks the entire table preventing access to any row by a transaction while another transaction is using the table.
Question 24 The information stored in the ____ is used by the DBMS for a recovery requirement triggered by a ROLLBACK statement, a program’s abnormal termination, or a system failure such as a network discrepancy or a disk crash.
Question 25 A transaction is a ____ unit of work that must be either entirely completed or aborted.
Question 26 A(n) ____ specifically reserves access to the transaction that locked the object.
Question 27 Data mining is part of the “____” section of the business intelligence framework.
Question 28 Question 29 A ____ schema is a type of star schema in which the dimension tables can have their own dimension tables.
Question 30 A characteristic of decision support data is ____.
Question 31 Data ____ implies that all business entities, data elements, data characteristics, and business metrics are described in the same way throughout the enterprise.
Question 32 In a star schema, attributes are often used to search, filter, or classify ____.
Question 33 Fact and dimension tables are related by ____ keys.
Question 34 Computed or derived facts are sometimes called ____ to differentiate them from stored facts.
Question 35 In a typical star schema, each dimension record is related to thousands of ____ records.
Question 36 What is the first step in the exchange between a Web browser and a database?
Question 37 A programming language typically used for CGI scripts is ____.
Question 38 In the ____ category, the cloud service provider offers the capability to build and deploy consumer-created applications using the provider’s cloud infrastructure.
Question 39 ODBC works on the ____ operating system.
Question 40 Microsoft’s alternative to Java is ____.
Question 41 The Web browser’s job is to ____ the HTML code that it receives from the Web server.
Question 42 ____ is a collection of technologies used to access any type of data source and manage the data through a common interface.
Question 43 When introducing a database into an organization, a(n) ____ impact is likely because the database approach creates a more controlled and structured information flow and thus affects people, functions, and interactions.
Question 44 A(n) ____ data dictionary is not updated automatically and usually requires a batch process to be run.
Question 45 A ____ is a named collection of database access privileges that authorize a user to connect to the database and use the database system resources.
Question 46 ____ CASE tools provide support for the planning, analysis, and design phases.
Question 47 ____ are more detailed and specific than policies and describe the minimum requirements of a given DBA activity.
Question 48 ____ CASE tools provide support for the coding and implementation phases.
Question 49 The ____ is responsible for ensuring database security and integrity.
Question 50 The person responsible for the control of the centralized and shared database is the database ____.
CIS 111 Week 2 Assignment 1 Business Rules and Data Models (2 Papers)
This Tutorial contains 2 Papers
Assignment 1: Business Rules and Data Models
Suppose a local college has tasked you to develop a database that will keep track of students and the courses that they have taken. In addition to tracking the students and courses, the client wants the database to keep track of the instructors teaching each of the courses.
Use the internet to research the types of information that a college would want to track in a database. Focus your attention on information that could represent entities within a database as well as attributes of such entities.
Write a two to three (2-3) page paper in which you:
- Describe the purpose of the database.
- Based on your research and / or common knowledge of a college and the information tracked by a college, describe the entities of the database and the attributes of each entity.
- Based on your research and / or common knowledge of a college and the information tracked by a college, describe the business rules that could impact the structure of the database.
- Determine the information that the conceptual model of the database would include and determine the information that the physical model of the database would include.
Your assignment must follow these formatting requirements:
- Be typed, double spaced, using Times New Roman font (size 12), with one-inch margins on all sides; citations and references must follow APA or school-specific format. Check with your professor for any additional instructions.
- Include a cover page containing the title of the assignment, the student’s name, the professor’s name, the course title, and the date. The cover page and the reference page are not included in the required assignment page length.
The specific course learning outcomes associated with this assignment are:
- Describe the role of databases and database management systems in managing organizational data and information.
- Compose conceptual data modeling techniques to capture the information requirements.
- Use technology and information resources to research issues in database systems.
- Write clearly and concisely about relational database management systems using proper writing mechanics and technical style conventions.
CIS 111 Week 3 Lab 1 Creating a Database Design in Visio (2 Set)
This Tutorial contains 2 Set of Solution/Paper for this lab
Lab 1: Creating a Database Design in Visio
This assignment contains two (2) Sections: Visio Diagram and Design Summary. You must submit both sections as separate files in order to complete this assignment.
Use “Appendix A: Designing Databases with Visio Professional: A Tutorial,” located in the online course shell to help you complete Section 1: Visio Database Design. (Note: This tutorial focuses on the use of Microsoft Visio. Open source applications are not covered in Appendix A; however, the use of open source applications within labs is permitted.)
Use the scenario from Assignment 1: Business Rules and Data Models to complete the lab:
Suppose a local college has tasked you to develop a database that will keep track of students and the courses that they have taken. In addition to tracking the students and courses, the client wants the database to keep track of the instructors teaching each of the courses.
Section 1: Visio Diagram
(Microsoft Visio or equivalent)
- Use Microsoft Visio (or open source equivalent) in which you:
- Create a database diagram with the entities and attributes that the scenario identified (i.e., a college tracking students, courses, and instructors).
Section 1 of your assignment must follow these formatting requirements:
- Submit the Visio diagram as a Visio file.
Section 2: Design Summary
(Microsoft Word or equivalent)
- Write a one (1) page paper in which you:
- Discuss the degree to which you believe the Visio diagram reflects the database design.
Section 2 of your assignment must follow these formatting requirements:
- Submit the design summary as a Microsoft Word file.
- Be typed, double spaced, using Times New Roman font (size 12), with one-inch margins on all sides; citations and references must follow APA or school-specific format. Check with your professor for any additional instructions.
- Include a cover page containing the title of the assignment, the student’s name, the professor’s name, the course title, and the date. The cover page is not included in the required assignment page length.
The specific course learning outcomes associated with this assignment are:
- Describe the role of databases and database management systems in managing organizational data and information.
- Compose conceptual data modeling techniques to capture the information requirements.
- Use technology and information resources to research issues in database systems.
- Write clearly and concisely about relational database management systems using proper writing mechanics and technical style conventions.
CIS 111 Week 4 Lab 2 Modifying a Database Design in Visio
This Tutorial contains 2 Set of Solution/Paper for this lab
Lab 2: Modifying a Database Design in Visio
This assignment contains two (2) Sections: Modified Visio Diagram and Design Summary. You must submit both sections as separate files in order to complete this assignment.
Use “Appendix A: Designing Databases with Visio Professional: A Tutorial,” located in the online course shell to help you complete Section 1: Modified Visio Database Design. (Note: This tutorial focuses on the use of Microsoft Visio. Open source applications are not covered in Appendix A. However, the use of open source applications within labs is permitted.)
After reviewing your database design from Lab 1: Creating a Database Design in Visio, the college has provided more information for the database that they want developed:
- For each student, the college needs to track the student ID, student names, addresses, start date, phone numbers and types (such as mobile, home, work), email addresses and types (such as personal, school, work), gender, and birth date.
- For each course, the college needs to track the course ID, course name, department, quarters offered, sections, and instructor teaching each course.
- For each instructor, the college needs to track the instructor ID, name, address, phone numbers and types (such as mobile, home, work), email addresses and types (such as personal, school, work), gender, birth date, and the courses that each instructor is qualified to teach.
- Additionally, the college needs to track the final grades for each student after each course has completed.
Section 1: Modified Visio Diagram
(Microsoft Visio or equivalent)
- Use Microsoft Visio (or open source equivalent) in which you:
- Modify the database diagram from Lab 1 with the entities and attributes that the scenario identified (i.e., a college tracking students, courses, and instructors).
- Create the appropriate relationships between each entity within the diagram.
Section 1 of your assignment must follow these formatting requirements:
- Submit the Visio diagram as a Visio file.
Section 2: Design Summary
(Microsoft Word or equivalent)
- Write a one to two (1-2) page paper in which you:
- Discuss the degree to which you believe the Visio diagram reflects the database design.
- Describe any assumptions that you had to make about the business rules to in order to create the Visio diagram and the associated relationships.
Section 2 of your assignment must follow these formatting requirements:
- Submit the design summary as a Microsoft Word file.
- Be typed, double spaced, using Times New Roman font (size 12), with one-inch margins on all sides; citations and references must follow APA or school-specific format. Check with your professor for any additional instructions.
- Include a cover page containing the title of the assignment, the student’s name, the professor’s name, the course title, and the date. The cover page is not included in the required assignment page length.
The specific course learning outcomes associated with this assignment are:
- Describe the role of databases and database management systems in managing organizational data and information.
- Recognize the historical development of database management systems and logical data models.
- Compose conceptual data modeling techniques to capture the information requirements.
- Use technology and information resources to research issues in database systems.
- Write clearly and concisely about relational database management systems using proper writing mechanics and technical style conventions.
CIS 111 Week 5 Lab 3 EasyPHP and MySQL Setup
Lab 3: Lab 3: EasyPHP and MySQL Setup
EasyPHP and MySQL Setup
- Install EasyPHP and MySQL and take a screen shot that shows the MySQL prompt on your screen. (Note: You must include the screen shot which shows that MySQL is installed on your computer as part of your assignment. An installation guide to aid the installation of EasyPHP and MySQL is located in the online course shell.)
- Research the capabilities of MySQL.
Write a one to two (1-2) page paper in which you:
- Describe your experiences related to your setup of MySQL. Include any difficulties or issues that you had encountered during the installation.
- Based on your post-installation research, describe the main capabilities of MySQL.
- Describe the approach that you would take to go from a conceptual or logical model that you created in Visio to the implementation of that database structure in MySQL. Determine the additional information that you will need to implement the database design in a database management system.
- Include the screen shot which shows that MySQL is installed on your computer.
Your assignment must follow these formatting requirements:
- Be typed, double spaced, using Times New Roman font (size 12), with one-inch margins on all sides; citations and references must follow APA or school-specific format. Check with your professor for any additional instructions.
- Include a cover page containing the title of the assignment, the student’s name, the professor’s name, the course title, and the date. The cover page and the reference page are not included in the required assignment page length.
The specific course learning outcomes associated with this assignment are:
- Describe the role of databases and database management systems in managing organizational data and information.
- Recognize the historical development of database management systems and logical data models.
- Use technology and information resources to research issues in database systems.
- Write clearly and concisely about relational database management systems using proper writing mechanics and technical style conventions.
CIS 111 Week 6 Assignment 2 Normalization (2 Papers)
CIS 111 Week 7 Lab 4 Structured Query Language (SQL) (2 Papers)
Lab 4: Structured Query Language (SQL)
Refer to the database design crested in Lab 2: Modifying a Database Design in Visio to complete this Lab.
Perform the following steps in MySQL:
- Create the tables and relationships from the database design discussed in Lab 2.
- Add at least five (5) records into each table (Note: You must determine the field values).
- Create a query with all fields from the student table, where the student’s last name is “Smith”.
- Create a query that includes students’ first names, last names, and phone numbers.
- Create a query that includes instructors’ first names, last names, and courses they teach.
Include the following screen shots in a Microsoft Word document to show the completion of the steps above:
- Screen shot depicting the tables created within MySQL.
- Screen shots depicting the records added into each table.
- Screen shots depicting the SQL code and the query results from each of the queries created.
Your assignment must follow these formatting requirements:
- Submit the lab as a Microsoft Word document.
- Include a cover page containing the title of the assignment, the student’s name, the professor’s name, the course title, and the date. The cover page is not included in the required assignment page length.
The specific course learning outcomes associated with this assignment are:
- Prepare database design documents using the data definition, data manipulation, and data control language components of the SQL language.
Grading for this assignment will be based on the creation of the tables and queries, using the following rubric.
CIS 111 Week 9 Assignment 3 Business Intelligence and Data Warehouses (2 Papers)