
CIS 336 Entire Course


CIS336 Entire Course includes:
CIS336 Lab 1 Normal Forms and Entity Relationship Diagrams
CIS 336 Lab 2 The Expanded Entity Relationship Diagram
CIS336 Lab 3 Building the Physical
CIS336 Lab 4 Introduction to Select Insert Update and Delete Statements
CIS336 Lab 5 Joining Tables
CIS336 Lab 6 Group Functions and Subqueries
CIS336 Lab 7 Working with Views


CIS336 Entire Course includes:
CIS336 Lab 1 Normal Forms and Entity Relationship Diagrams
CIS 336 Lab 2 The Expanded Entity Relationship Diagram
CIS336 Lab 3 Building the Physical
CIS336 Lab 4 Introduction to Select Insert Update and Delete Statements
CIS336 Lab 5 Joining Tables
CIS336 Lab 6 Group Functions and Subqueries
CIS336 Lab 7 Working with Views
Price: $69
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