



CISS 243 A Programming III

Course Description
This course is a continuation of CISS 242. Topics include inheritance, polymorphism, templates, stream I/O, file processing, stacks, queues and lists.

Course Overview
This class is the last in a three course sequence, a continuation of CISS 242, introducing computer programming using the C++ language. This class uses the C++ programming language, but the principles learned and skills obtained are applicable to programming in any language. In fact, one of the objectives of this course is to instill the ability to transfer your knowledge and skills to programming in any domain, with any language.



CISS 243 A Programming III

Course Description
This course is a continuation of CISS 242. Topics include inheritance, polymorphism, templates, stream I/O, file processing, stacks, queues and lists.

Course Overview
This class is the last in a three course sequence, a continuation of CISS 242, introducing computer programming using the C++ language. This class uses the C++ programming language, but the principles learned and skills obtained are applicable to programming in any language. In fact, one of the objectives of this course is to instill the ability to transfer your knowledge and skills to programming in any domain, with any language.


CISS 243 Week 7 Binary Trees

Assignment 1
Create a class (BinaryTree) template that will create a binary tree that can hold values of any data type. The class should provide functions to insert a node, a function to delete a node, functions to display the tree In Order, Pre Order and Post Order. It should also provide a member function to search the tree for a value. The class should provide a function that counts the number of nodes in the tree, a function to count the number left nodes in the tree, and a function that determines the height of the tree. The height of a tree is the number of levels the tree has. Write a program that shows all these functions work.

Assignment 2
In this program you are going to use the binary tree class you created in Assignment 1 this week. First create a class called EmployeeInfo that holds two private data members. One data member is an integer called empID which holds the id number of the employee. The second data member is a string called empName which holds the full name of the employee. The program will create an instance of the binary tree class with a data type of EmployeeInfo (BinaryTree< EmployeeInfo >). The binary tree will be sorted by the Employee ID number found in the EmployeeInfo class. The program should then allow the user to search for Employee by the Employee ID. If the employee is found in the tree, its name and ID should be displayed. If not, a message should be displayed indicating that it was not found. Sample data would be

  • 1021 John Williams
  • 1057 Bill Witherspoon
  • 2487 Jennifer Twain
  • 3769 Sophia Lancaster
  • 1017 Debbie Reece
  • 1275 George McMullen
  • 1899 Ashley Smith
  • 4218 Josh Plemmons

Note: The assignments must be completed with all source code files, including .cpp and .h (.h files only needed when working with classes), submitted to the correct dropbox by the end of the week.


CISS 243 Week 6 Recursion

Assignment 1
Write a function that uses recursion to raise a number to a power. The function should accept two arguments, the number to be raised and the exponent. Assume that the exponent is a nonnegative integer. Show that this function works correctly for several values.

Assignment 2
Write a function that accepts an integer argument and returns the sum of all the integers from 1 up to the number passed as an argument. For example if 10 is passed as an argument, the function will return the sum of 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9 and 10. Use recursion to calculate the sum. Show that this function works correctly for several values.

Note: The assignments must be completed with all source code files, including .cpp and .h (.h files only needed when working with classes), submitted to the correct dropbox by the end of the week.


CISS 243 Week 5 Stacks and Queues

Assignment 1
Write your own version of a class template that will create a dynamic stack of any data type. The pop function must return a bool;it should return a false if it was not able to pop an item off the stack. Otherwise it returns true. The parameter to the pop function is passed by reference and should be the item on the list if it was able to pop something. Create a driver program (main) that shows that the stack works for at least two different data types.

Assignment 2
In this program you will use the stack class you created in Assignment 1. First you will create a class called InventoryBin. This class will have its class declaration in InventoryBin.h and its implementation in Inventory.cpp. It will have three private data members, an integer serialNum which holds the part’s serial number, manufactDate which should be a string that holds the date the item was manufactured, then lotNum which will be an integer that holds the part’s lot number. The program should then create a stack with a data type of InventoryBin (stack). The program should loop asking the user to enter in new items to the inventory stack or to remove an item from the inventory stack. The loop should continue until the user indicates they are done. This should be menu driven. When adding an item, the program should ask the user for the information it needs for the 3 data members of the InventoryBin class and add a new item to the stack. When removing an item from the stack, the program should display all of the information in the InventoryBin object that was popped off the stack. When the program ends, it should pop all of the remaining items off the stack and display the data that is in the Inventory items as it pops them off. There should be 3 utility functions that main uses.

  • void popItem(DynStack< InventoryBin >* stack) // pops the item off the stack and displays it.
  • void pushItem(DynStack< InventoryBin >* stack) // pushes the item onto the stack
  • int menu(); // displays the menu and returns the user’s choice

Note: The assignments must be completed with all source code files, including .cpp and .h (.h files only needed when working with classes), submitted to the correct dropbox by the end of the week.


CISS 243 Week 4 Linked List

Assignment 1
Design your own linked list class that works as a template class. It should provide member functions for appending, inserting and deleting nodes. The destructor should destroy the list. The class should also provide a member function that will display the contents of the list to the screen. The class should also provide a member function to search the list for an element in the list. The search should return the index (location) of the item in the list. So if it is the first element in the list then it should return 0. If the item is not in the list,it should return -1. Have main create two instances of the linked list with different data types and show that all of the functions work correctly.

Assignment 2
In this program you will use the linked list created in Assignment 1. First you will create a class that holds information about the weather for a given month which should be called WeatherStats. It should have data members that are doubles to hold the amount of rain for the month and the amount of snow for the month. It will also have a data member that holds the number of sunny days during the month. It should provide accessors and mutators for the private data members. Main will create an instance of the linked list with a data type of the WeatherStats(LinkedList). The program should ask the user for how many months they wish to enter weather statistics for. The program will then prompt the user for that information (rain, snow and sunny days). The data needs to be stored in the WeatherStats class and it should be appended to the linked list. Main must then call a function that displays the data in the list;this function will call the display function in the linked list. Main will call a function that determines the month with the largest and smallest amount of rain, snow and sunny days. This function should not be part of the linked list. It should appear in the same file as main. A function will need to be added to the linked list that provides an item from the list. The function in the linked list will return the object stored in the list. The function in main will need to request each item in the list one at a time. Another solution is to create a derived class of the linked list, which does all of the work for finding the largest and smallest.

Note: The assignments must be completed with all source code files, including .cpp and .h (.h files only needed when working with classes), submitted to the correct dropbox by the end of the week.


CISS 243 Week 3 Exceptions Templates and Standard Template Library

Assignment 1
Test Scores. Write a class called TestScores. The class constructor should accept an array of test scores as its argument. The class should have a member function that returns the average of the test scores. If any test score in the array is negative or greater than 100, the class should throw an exception. There should be two classes for the exceptions; one should be called NegativeScore and other should be TooLargeScore. These exception classes will have a data member that is an integer value called score. This data member will be set in the constructor via the parameter. It should also provide a member function called getScore which returns score data member. The function in TestScores called getAverages will calculate the average (as a double) of the test scores in the array. The function getAverages will also check if the score is negative or greater than 100. If it is negative it should throw an exception using the NegativeScore class. If the score is greater than 100 it should throw an exception using the TooLargeScore class. Main will create the instance of the TestScores class and catch the exceptions. So it needs to handle both exceptions and display the error message with the score that is invalid.

Assignment 2
Create a class called MinMax which will be a template class. The class will have two data members which have a data type of the template. The class will provide two member functions called minimum and maximum. The function minimum will determine which of the two data members is the lower of the two and return that value. The function maximum will determine which of the two data members is the larger of the two and return that value. Create a program that creates 3 instances of this class for the data types int, double and char.

Note: The assignments must be completed with all source code files, including .cpp and .h (.h files only needed when working with classes), submitted to the correct dropbox by the end of the week.


CISS 243 Week 2 Inheritance Polymorphism and Virtual Functions

Assignment 1
Customer Data. This program will have two classes. The first class defines a person, which means this class can be used for anything that involves a person. We will use it to define a Customer but it could be used to define a Student. Create a class called PersonData and it will have its class declaration in PersonData.h and its implementation in PersonData.cpp. This class will have private data member’s lastName, firstName, address, city, state, zip and phone number as strings. Write the appropriate accessor and mutator functions for these member variables. It should have two constructors.

One constructor is a default constructor that sets all of the data members to empty strings. A second constructor has parameters for all of its data members. Create a class called CustomerData which will have its class declaration in CustomerData.h and its implementation in CustomerData.cpp. This class will be a derived class of PersonData. This class will have two private data members for the customer number
(customerNumber) as an integer; the other will be called mailingList which is a bool to indicate if they want to be on the mailing list or not. Write appropriate accessor and mutator functions for these data members. This class will also have two constructors. It will have a default constructor that sets its data members to zero and false. The other constructor will have parameters to set all of the data members of the two classes.

Create a program that will create two instances of the CustomerData class. It must create one instance using the default constructor and then another using the second constructor. Once both instances are fully populated with data, call a function that will display the customer information.

  • void displayCustomer(CustomerData c)

Assignment 2
Pure Abstract Base Class Project. Define a class called BasicShape which will be a pure abstract class. The class will have one protected data member that will be a double called area. It will provide a function called getArea which should return the value of the data member area. It will also provide a function called calcArea which must be a pure virtual function.

Define a class called Circle. It should be a derived class of the BasicShape class. This class will have 3 private data members. It will have 2 long integer data members called centerX and centerY. The last data member is a double called radius. It will have a constructor that accepts values for centerX, centerY and radius. This constructor should call the overridden calcArea function of this class. This class defines its version of the calcArea function which determines the area of the circle using the formula area = 3.14159 * radius * radius. The class will also provide two functions called getCenterX and getCenterY which return the correct values.

Define a class called Rectangle. It should be a derived class of the BasicShape class. This class will have 2 private data members called width and length. Both data members should be long integers. Its constructor will have parameters for both the width and length. It will also override the calcArea function. For this class the calcArea function will use the formula
area = length * width. It will provide member function called getWidth and getLength which should return the correct values. In main create instances of the Circle and Rectangle classes. It should then display the area of the two shapes using a function defined as

  • void DisplayArea(BasicShape* shape)

Note: The assignments must be completed with all source code files, including .cpp and .h (.h files only needed when working with classes), submitted to the correct dropbox by the end of the week.


CISS 243 Week 1 Operator Overloading

Assignment 1
Number of Days. Design a class called NumDays. The class’s purpose is to store a value that will convert the number of worked hours to a number of days. For example, 8 hours would be converted to 1 day, 12 hours would be converted to 1.5 days and 18 hours converted to 2.25 days. The class must have a constructor that accepts a number of hours. There must also be member function to set and get the hours and days. The class should have 2 data members, hours and days.
The class will also overload several operators:

  • the addition operator. This operator will add the hours of the two objects and return a new instance of the NumDays with its hour’s data member set to the sum of the other two objects.
  • the subtraction operator will also be overloaded which will subtract the two objects and return a new instance of the NumDays class.
  • the prefix and postfix increment operator. These operators should increment the number of hours stored in the object. It will return an instance of the NumDays object.
  • the prefix and postfix decrement operator. These operators should decrement the number of hours stored in the object. It will return an instance of the NumDays object.

Note that when the number of hours changes, the number of days should always be updated. The user of this class should be able to use the object in a statement like C = A + B; where A, B and C are instances of the NumDays class. Main must show that the class and all the operators work correctly.

Assignment 2
Carpet Calculator. This problem starts with the FeetInches class that is provided in the course Content area on the assignment page for this week. This program will show how classes will interact with each other as data members within another class. Modify the FeetInches class by overloading the following operators which should all return a bool.

  • <=
  • >=
  • !=

Next add a copy constructor to the FeetInches class and a multiply function.

  • The copy constructor should accept a FeetInches object as an argument. It will assign the feet attribute the value in the argument’s feet attribute and do the same for the inches attributes.
  • The multiply function should accept a FeetInches object as an argument. The argument object’s feet and inches attributes will be multiplied by the calling object’s feet and inches attributes. It will return a FeetInches object containing the result of the multiplication.

Next create a class called RoomDimension which will have its class declaration in RoomDimension.h and its implementation in RoomDimension.cpp. This class will have two data members which have a data type of FeetInches, one for the length of the room and another for the width of the room. The multiply function in FeedInches will be used to calculate the area of the room. RoomDimension will have a function that returns the area of the room as a FeetInches object.

Next create a class called RoomCarpet class that has a Room Dimension object as an attribute. This class will have its class declaration in RoomCarpet.h and its implementation in RoomCarpet.cpp. It should also have an attribute for the cost of the carpet per square foot. It will have a member function that returns the total cost of the carpet. For example, a room that is 12 feet long and 10 feet wide has an area of 120 square feet. If the cost per square foot is $8 then the cost to carpet the room will be $960 (120 x 8).

The main for this program will create an instance of RoomCarpet and ask the user for the dimensions of the room and the price per square foot for the carpet. The application should then display the total cost of the carpet. It should allow the user to continue doing more calculations until the user indicates they are done.

Note: The assignments must be completed with all source code files, including .cpp and .h (.h files only needed when working with classes), submitted to the correct dropbox by the end of the week.