
CMIS 102 Final Project Body Mass Index



The final project involves writing a Python program to determine the body-mass index of a collection of six individuals. Your program should include a list of six names. Using a for loop, it should successively prompt the user for the height in inches and weight in pounds of each individual. Each prompt should include the name of the individual whose height and weight is to be input. It should call a function that accepts the height and weight as parameters and returns the body mass index for that individual using the formula weight × 703 / height2.
That body mass index should then be appended to an array. Using a second loop it should traverse the array of body mass indices and call another function that accepts the body mass index as a parameter and returns whether the individual is underweight, normal weight or overweight. The number of individuals in each category should be counted and the number in each of those categories should be displayed. You should decide on the names of the six individuals and the thresholds used for categorization.
Your program should include the pseudocode used for your design in the comments. Document the thresholds you chose for under weight and over weight in your comments as well.
You are to submit your Python program as a text file (.py) file. In addition, you are also to submit a test plan in a Word document or a .pdf file. 15% of your grade will be based on whether the comments in your program include the pseudocode and define the values of your constants, 70% on whether your program executes correctly on all test cases and 15% on the completeness of your test report,
CMIS 102 Final Project Testcases
CMIS 102 Final Project Screenshot
CMIS 102 Final Project Screenshot
The solution consists of:
A report word document for this assignment
All Python programs in case you want to run theses programs on your computer.
Screenshots while running programs
Attachments [Move over files to preview content of those files] (230.03 KB)
CMIS 102 Final Project Report.docx
source code
xxxxxx ‘xxxxxx’
xx __xxxx__ == ‘__xxxx__’:
# xxxxxx xxx xxxxx xx xxx xxx xxxxxxxxxxx
xxxxx = [‘xxxx’, ‘xxxx’, ‘xxxxx’, ‘xxxxx’, ‘xxxxx’, ‘xxxx’]
bmi_array = []
for user in names: print(f’This is {user}:’) height = int(input(‘How tall are you (in inches)? ‘)) weight = int(input(‘How much do you weight (in pounds)? ‘)) # calculate bmi bmi = round(weight * 703 / height / height, 3) print(f’The bmi is: {bmi}’) # bmi appended to an array bmi_array.append(bmi) # end for
# xxxxxxx xxxxxx xx xxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxx xx 0
xxxxxxxxxx_xxxxx = 0
# xxxxxxx xxxxxx xx xxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxx xx 0
xxxxxxxxxxx_xxxxx = 0
# xxxxxxx xxxxxx xx xxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxx xxxxxx xx 0
Price: $25
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