
New Solution-CMIT-280 Assignment: Cloud Computing Security



CMIT-280 Assignment Introduce Yourself ,
CMIT-280 Assignment Week 1: Discussion – OWASP Top 10 Web Application Security Threats ,
CMIT-280 Assignment Week 1: Assignment – Applying Cloud Concepts ,
CMIT-280 Assignment Week 2: Discussion – Threat ,
CMIT-280 Assignment Week 2: Assignment 1 – Lab 1 – Cloud Security Mechanisms ,
CMIT-280 Assignment Week 3: Discussion – Cloud Infrastructure Risks ,
CMIT-280 Assignment Week 3: Assignment – Writing Assignment – Amazon GuardDuty ,
CMIT-280 Assignment Week 4: Discussion – Encryption ,
CMIT-280 Assignment Midpoint Course Feedback Survey ,
CMIT-280 Assignment Week 4: Assignment 1 – Lab 2 – Cloud Security Mechanisms ,
CMIT-280 Assignment Week 5: Discussion – Threat Source ,
CMIT-280 Assignment Week 5: Assignment 1 – Lab 3 – Cloud Vulnerability,
CMIT-280 Assignment Week 6: Discussion – Privacy Laws ,
CMIT-280 Assignment Week 6: Assignment – Amazon CloudWatch Writing Assignment ,
CMIT-280 Assignment Week 7: Discussion – Zero Trust Model ,
CMIT-280 Assignment Extra Credit: IDEA Survey Quiz ,
CMIT-280 Assignment Week 7: Assignment – Final Project ,

Week 1: Assignment – Applying Cloud Concepts

Company A’s IT department has a hosting platform specifically for systems used by the company’s large marketing department. This platform provides critical, high-availability hosted IT resources and services. However, the IT department has started to receive complaints about the time it takes to start new marketing campaigns, primarily due to how long it takes to provision new servers within this platform. Also, as a result of a recent set of mergers and acquisitions, the consumers of the services hosted by this platform have become more distributed, with service consumers accessing services from a large variety of locations, and with increasingly different types of devices.

What to submit:

Week 2: Assignment 1 – Lab 1 – Cloud Security Mechanisms

    • Due Sep 12 by 11:59pm
    • Points 100
    • Submitting a file upload

Please review the network diagram and scenario in detail. After you have completed your review, please choose the most appropriate statement that describes a legitimate source of the malicious data.

Network Diagram

Cloud Service Consumer A sends a message to Cloud Service X (1), but it is first intercepted by Service Agent A (2) before actually being forwarded to Cloud Service X.  Cloud Service X is hosted on Virtual Server X. Whenever an IT resource on Virtual Server X is accessed, the physical server that hosts Virtual Server X writes a log entry into Database A. After processing the request, Cloud Service X replies to Service Consumer A with a response message (4). Cloud Service Consumer B sends a message to Cloud Service Y (5), which is hosted by Virtual Server Y. This virtual server is hosted by the same physical server as Virtual Server X and therefore when Cloud Service Y is accessed, a log entry is again written into Database A (6). After processing the request, Cloud Service X replies to Service Consumer A with a response message (7). After being in use for several weeks, Cloud Service Consumer B unexpectedly shuts down. An investigation reveals that a response message sent by Cloud Service Y contained malicious data that successfully attacked and disabled Cloud Service Consumer B and its underlying implementation.

CMIT-280 Assignment Introduce Yourself ,
CMIT-280 Assignment Week 1: Discussion – OWASP Top 10 Web Application Security Threats ,
CMIT-280 Assignment Week 1: Assignment – Applying Cloud Concepts ,
CMIT-280 Assignment Week 2: Discussion – Threat ,
CMIT-280 Assignment Week 2: Assignment 1 – Lab 1 – Cloud Security Mechanisms ,
CMIT-280 Assignment Week 3: Discussion – Cloud Infrastructure Risks ,
CMIT-280 Assignment Week 3: Assignment – Writing Assignment – Amazon GuardDuty ,
CMIT-280 Assignment Week 4: Discussion – Encryption ,
CMIT-280 Assignment Midpoint Course Feedback Survey ,
CMIT-280 Assignment Week 4: Assignment 1 – Lab 2 – Cloud Security Mechanisms ,
CMIT-280 Assignment Week 5: Discussion – Threat Source ,
CMIT-280 Assignment Week 5: Assignment 1 – Lab 3 – Cloud Vulnerability,
CMIT-280 Assignment Week 6: Discussion – Privacy Laws ,
CMIT-280 Assignment Week 6: Assignment – Amazon CloudWatch Writing Assignment ,
CMIT-280 Assignment Week 7: Discussion – Zero Trust Model ,
CMIT-280 Assignment Extra Credit: IDEA Survey Quiz ,
CMIT-280 Assignment Week 7: Assignment – Final Project ,



Which of the following statements describes a legitimate source of the malicious data?

  1. The source of the malicious data was Service Agent A. Upon intercepting the message from Cloud Service Consumer A, the service agent altered its contents prior to forwarding the message to Cloud Service X. Because Cloud Service X and Cloud Service Y share the same underlying physical server, this data compromised IT resources on that physical server which further compromised Virtual Server Y and Cloud Service Y.
  2. The source of the malicious data was Database A. This database was independently attacked and made inaccessible by the physical server. Because the physical server was unable to write its log entries, it raised errors that affected the performance and behavior of Cloud Service Y.
  3. The source of the malicious data was Cloud Service Consumer A. This program forwarded malicious data in the message it sent to Cloud Service X. Because Cloud Service X and Cloud Service Y share the same underlying physical server, this data compromised IT resources on that physical server that further compromised Virtual Server Y and Cloud Service Y.
  4. The source of the malicious data was Virtual Server Y. This virtual server was independently attacked. The attacker managed to place malicious software on the virtual server which inserted malicious data into the message sent by Cloud Service Y to Cloud Service Consumer B.
  5. CMIT-280 Assignment Introduce Yourself ,
    CMIT-280 Assignment Week 1: Discussion – OWASP Top 10 Web Application Security Threats ,
    CMIT-280 Assignment Week 1: Assignment – Applying Cloud Concepts ,
    CMIT-280 Assignment Week 2: Discussion – Threat ,
    CMIT-280 Assignment Week 2: Assignment 1 – Lab 1 – Cloud Security Mechanisms ,
    CMIT-280 Assignment Week 3: Discussion – Cloud Infrastructure Risks ,
    CMIT-280 Assignment Week 3: Assignment – Writing Assignment – Amazon GuardDuty ,
    CMIT-280 Assignment Week 4: Discussion – Encryption ,
    CMIT-280 Assignment Midpoint Course Feedback Survey ,
    CMIT-280 Assignment Week 4: Assignment 1 – Lab 2 – Cloud Security Mechanisms ,
    CMIT-280 Assignment Week 5: Discussion – Threat Source ,
    CMIT-280 Assignment Week 5: Assignment 1 – Lab 3 – Cloud Vulnerability,
    CMIT-280 Assignment Week 6: Discussion – Privacy Laws ,
    CMIT-280 Assignment Week 6: Assignment – Amazon CloudWatch Writing Assignment ,
    CMIT-280 Assignment Week 7: Discussion – Zero Trust Model ,
    CMIT-280 Assignment Extra Credit: IDEA Survey Quiz ,
    CMIT-280 Assignment Week 7: Assignment – Final Project ,



Which of the following can be deployed to help ensure the confidentiality of the data in the cloud? (Choose two)

    1. Encryption
    2. SLA’s
    3. Masking
    4. Continuous Monitoring


The digital signature mechanism is a means of providing data authenticity and integrity through authentication and non-repudiation. A message is assigned a digital signature prior to transmission, which is then rendered invalid if the message experiences any subsequent, unauthorized modifications. A digital signature provides evidence that the message received is the same as the one created by its rightful sender. Would a digital signature have prevented Cloud Service Consumer B from being essentially attacked and shut down?

  1. Yes
  2. No

Week 3: Assignment – Writing Assignment – Amazon GuardDuty

Week 4: Assignment 1 – Lab 2 – Cloud Security Mechanisms

    • Due Sep 26 by 11:59pm
    • Points 100
    • Submitting a file upload

From the readings and lectures, we have learned about cloud security mechanisms and common  security threats. This lab will have students perform an exercise where they match up security threats against the cloud mechanism used to counter them.

Under each cloud security mechanism listed below, students are to list which one of the cloud security threats this mechanism can be used to counter / defend against (if any).

Cloud Security Mechanisms:

  • Encryption
  • Digital Signatures
  • Identity and Access Management
  • Single Sign on
  • Cloud Based Security Groups
  • Hardened Virtual Server Images


Cloud Security Threats:

  • Malicious Intermediary
  • Denial of Service
  • Insufficient Authorization
  • Virtualization Attack
  • Overlapping Trust Boundary

Week 5: Assignment 1 – Lab 3 – Cloud Vulnerability

    • Due Oct 3 by 11:59pm
    • Points 100
    • Submitting a file upload

In this lab, students will create a free account on the Cloud Security Alliance website and download a Top Threats study. Students will be asked to analyze a vulnerability, choose an appropriate control, and perform a little more research to back that selection up with facts.

This lab will give students exposure to the Cloud Security Alliance top threat program.

  1. Students should go to the CSA page / Knowledge Center / Research Library (Links to an external site.) and create a free account.
  1. Sign in and open the following document: Top Threats to Cloud Computing: Deep Dive
  2. Scroll down to the Cloudbleed vulnerability and read the one page details.

Students are to select one of these two categories – Preventative Controls or Detective Controls. Under this category, choose which control you believe to be the most effective and explain why.

CMIT-280 Assignment Introduce Yourself ,
CMIT-280 Assignment Week 1: Discussion – OWASP Top 10 Web Application Security Threats ,
CMIT-280 Assignment Week 1: Assignment – Applying Cloud Concepts ,
CMIT-280 Assignment Week 2: Discussion – Threat ,
CMIT-280 Assignment Week 2: Assignment 1 – Lab 1 – Cloud Security Mechanisms ,
CMIT-280 Assignment Week 3: Discussion – Cloud Infrastructure Risks ,
CMIT-280 Assignment Week 3: Assignment – Writing Assignment – Amazon GuardDuty ,
CMIT-280 Assignment Week 4: Discussion – Encryption ,
CMIT-280 Assignment Midpoint Course Feedback Survey ,
CMIT-280 Assignment Week 4: Assignment 1 – Lab 2 – Cloud Security Mechanisms ,
CMIT-280 Assignment Week 5: Discussion – Threat Source ,
CMIT-280 Assignment Week 5: Assignment 1 – Lab 3 – Cloud Vulnerability,
CMIT-280 Assignment Week 6: Discussion – Privacy Laws ,
CMIT-280 Assignment Week 6: Assignment – Amazon CloudWatch Writing Assignment ,
CMIT-280 Assignment Week 7: Discussion – Zero Trust Model ,
CMIT-280 Assignment Extra Credit: IDEA Survey Quiz ,
CMIT-280 Assignment Week 7: Assignment – Final Project ,

What to submit in your Lab Report:

  • Vulnerability: Cloudbleed
  • Select one – Preventative or Detective:
  • Most Important Control and Why:
  • Research: Do some research and try to find an example of where your chosen control could have prevented CloudBleed from being impactful.

Week 6: Assignment – Amazon CloudWatch Writing Assignment