CMIT 321 CMIT321 CMIT/321 Week 4 Discussion


CMIT 321 CMIT321 CMIT/321 Week 4 Discussion


What forms of authentication can be implemented for a web application? Describe three authentication techniques and the level of security provided by each.

1. Security QuestionsText or Email PINRe-Authentication for Sensitive areas

I have been required to answer security questions from various sites due to using an unfamiliar workstation to access my accounts. This generates a query from one or more of my security questions.

Usually there is a checkbox for making this a session based access or making it a system based authentication.


CMIT 321 CMIT321 CMIT/321 Week 4 Discussion


What forms of authentication can be implemented for a web application? Describe three authentication techniques and the level of security provided by each.

1. Security QuestionsText or Email PINRe-Authentication for Sensitive areas

I have been required to answer security questions from various sites due to using an unfamiliar workstation to access my accounts. This generates a query from one or more of my security questions.

Usually there is a checkbox for making this a session based access or making it a system based authentication. When I clear out my cookies from my browser this triggers this process the next time I access my account.Some sites I visit send a PIN number to my cell phone as a means to validate the connection.

I must know the password, ID, and PIN (temp) in order to access my account.I also have a work WebVPN account that uses an RSA token based PIN number. Part of that PIN is something I know and the other part is a synchronized random number that is displayed on the token.

I must know my part and possess the token to get the second part. I must also know my login ID. This presents I believe a very high level of security for my account. Two things I know, ID, PIN and one thing I must possess, RSA Token PIN.

2. Authentication is the process that verifies whether a user is the one whom they claim themselves to be and not a pretender.

There are several ways of web application authentication that can be implemented such as single or basic authentication, and multi layered authentication. The techniques used to authenticate can be:

CMIT 321 CMIT321 CMIT/321 Week 4 Discussion

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