CMIT 321 CMIT321 CMIT/321 Week 6 Discussions B


CMIT 321 CMIT321 CMIT/321 Week 6 Discussions B

CMIT321 Week 6 Discussions BWhy would a company or organization deploy and IDS? What are they hoping to accomplish when placing an IDS on their network?

Organization deploy IDS on either Network or Host-based or both for the purpose of having a layered protection against Network or system attack, just like Pappas mentioned in SANS documents “having a layered security architecture greatly reduces risk to system users” (2008).

For that being said, IDS is use to add protection depending on organizations on where to implement them and how to use them.Implementing IDS/IPS will provide organization the following:


CMIT 321 CMIT321 CMIT/321 Week 6 Discussions B

CMIT321 Week 6 Discussions BWhy would a company or organization deploy and IDS? What are they hoping to accomplish when placing an IDS on their network?

Organization deploy IDS on either Network or Host-based or both for the purpose of having a layered protection against Network or system attack, just like Pappas mentioned in SANS documents “having a layered security architecture greatly reduces risk to system users” (2008).

For that being said, IDS is use to add protection depending on organizations on where to implement them and how to use them.Implementing IDS/IPS will provide organization the following:

To detect unauthorized use or attack on the network or system.

To stop unauthorized activity.

Designed to aid mitigating the damage that can be cause by hackers in the network or system.

To spot a suspicious activity and can alarm administrator or prevent from happening by dropping request.

Monitor inbound and outbound traffic.

Analyze abnormal behavior within the network or system activities.

CMIT 321 CMIT321 CMIT/321 Week 6 Discussions B

CMIT 321 Ethical Hacking School: University of Maryland University College (UMUC) *Professor:Christopher J Gripko, kevincardwell, DavidMashburn, Daston,Mel… Documents (1293) Q&A (74) Textbook Exercises

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