CRED10106 Week 7,8,10 Discussion | Mohawk College


CRED10106 Week 7,8,10 Discussion | Mohawk College

CRED10106 Week 7 Discussion | Mohawk College

DISCUSSION 2: Complementary Partnerships

What are complementary Partnerships?  Complementary partnerships are formed when two or more people come together to achieve something greater than what they could have achieved apart. Some of the best partnerships are formed when we consciously think about our talents and the talents that may complement our own. Throughout your studies at Mohawk, you will work with students who have different strengths so it is important to know how to appreciate different talents to complete a great group project.  Discover what partners might be best compatible with you for developing academic excellence


1)      Read the following articles linked below:

  1. a)  Why Partners Need Complementary Strengths
  2. b) The Genius and Beauty of Strengths(this article will help you understand the benefits of each Strength) 

2)      Think about the talents you might want or need in a collaboration partner to help you achieve  greatness  in academics.



CRED10106 Week 7,8,10 Discussion | Mohawk College

CRED10106 Week 7 Discussion | Mohawk College

DISCUSSION 2: Complementary Partnerships

What are complementary Partnerships?  Complementary partnerships are formed when two or more people come together to achieve something greater than what they could have achieved apart. Some of the best partnerships are formed when we consciously think about our talents and the talents that may complement our own. Throughout your studies at Mohawk, you will work with students who have different strengths so it is important to know how to appreciate different talents to complete a great group project.  Discover what partners might be best compatible with you for developing academic excellence


1)      Read the following articles linked below:

  1. a)  Why Partners Need Complementary Strengths
  2. b) The Genius and Beauty of Strengths(this article will help you understand the benefits of each Strength) 

2)      Think about the talents you might want or need in a collaboration partner to help you achieve  greatness  in academics.

3)      In your dedicated discussion board “Complementary Partners”:

 Initial Posting – DUE BY Oct 22

 Type your top 5 strengths in the subject line

  1. In the body of your initial discussion post, identify two strengths that you believe complement yours.  You may find the two articles above some inspiration to help you identify complementary strengths to yours.
  2. Tell your group what two complementary strengths contribute to helping you achieve academic excellence.
  3. Now look at your top two strengths.  Why should people should seek you out as a partner?  What could you contribute to the partnership?  How would the partnership make you stronger?

Response Posting – DUE BY Oct 25  Comment on another student’s posting in your dedicated discussion group

Click here to see how your discussion board postings will be assessed.

CRED10106 Week 8 Discussion | Mohawk College

DISCUSSION 3: Personality Assessment


  1. a) Take the Personality Assessment here (also attached).  This is a REQUIREDfirst step before you move on.
  2. b) In your dedicated discussion group, identify your strongest personality type in the subject line of your posting – (example:  your top one will be either organizer, adventurer, giver or thinker)

FIRST POST (DUE BY Oct 29) –  Post a response to each question below

–  What are the positives of your preferred personality style?

–   What challenges does this personality style bring with it?

–   Does your preferred personality style align with any of your top 5 Strengths from your StrengthsQuest Assessment.  If so, which ones? 

–  What similarities do you find between your preferred personality style and your strengths?

–   What types of personalities do you think would be the ideal study partner for you?  Why?

–   What type of bosses and co-workers would you be least suited to work with?  Why?

RESPONSE POST (DUE BY NOV 2)  – Respond to one other student’s post. Comment on the student’s thoughts on their ideal study partner and best matches for bosses and co-workers.

CRED10106 Week 10 Discussion | Mohawk College

DISCUSSION 4: Employability Skills

Employability Skills 2000+ are the critical skills you need in the workplace. They include communication, problem solving, positive attitudes and behaviors, adaptability, working with others, and science, technology and mathematical skills.

Activity Description:

1) Go to (Links to an external site.)  Read carefully and consider the Fundamental, Personal Management and Team Work Skills employers are looking for in new hires.

2) Initial posting: In your dedicated discussion board “Employability Skills”:

  1. a) In the subject line of your initial posting, type your top 5 strengths
  2. b) Tell your group how will you apply your top 5 strengths from your StrengthsQuest report to the development and/or demonstration of each Employability Skill?

A sample initial post is below (If you have any of the Strengths in the sample, do not copy the wording – your statements should be reflective of YOUR thoughts.):

Fundamental Skills – communication, manage information, use numbers and think/solve problems: I believe my ARRANGER strength will help me here. This strength helps me to stay organized. I am highly flexible and can figure out how to maximize productivity by organizing all of the pieces of a project or group of job responsibilities. My Arranger strength allows me to prepare orderly reports with all the needed backup data to support conclusions.

Personal Management Skills – Demonstrate Positive Attitudes and Behaviors, be Responsible, Be Adaptable, Learn Continuously, Work Safely. I believe my LEARNER strength will help me here. I love the process of learning new things and want to continuously improve what I do. My desire to improve showcases my responsibility and my positive attitude

Teamwork Skills – Work with Others, Participate in Projects and Tasks. I believe my HARMONY strength can help me here. I actively seek consensus when I am working in a group or attending a team meeting.

3) Response Posting: Help at least one other student in your dedicated discussion group by adding ideas on how they might leverage their strengths to meet the employability skills requirements.