DBM405A Lab 2 Baseball Database Count Orderby and Where clause
Get access to a MySQL environment.
Familiarize yourself with the environment.
EDUPE Omnymbus Environment (https://devry.edupe.net:8300); and/or
MySQL (dev.mysql.com/downloads).
You may do the labs in this class on your own computer equipped with MySQL or you may use the MySQL environment hosted by the vendor Omnymbus. You may even use both.
Using MySQL on your own computer means downloading a version from dev.mysql.com/downloads and installing the database engine on your computer. This can be done easily and there are a number of resources on the web to help you with this process.
You may also use the MySQL environment hosted by Omnymbus by logging in with your credentials to https://devry.edupe.net:8300.
Using the first approach will give you experience writing programs on a desktop computer and accessing a database. Using the second approach will give you experience writing applications that access a database in a cloud environment.
You are encouraged to use both approaches.
In the previous lab (Week 1), you have established a database environment (either MySQL Community Server or the Omnymbus environment). You may continue to use that environment or you my return to Week 1 to set up the alternate environment.
Lab Procedure Continued (common to both environments)
Use the database named “Baseball” created in last week’s lab.
Use the table named “Teams” which consists of the following fields:
TeamCode (character 5)
TName (character 20)
TAddress (character 30)
TCity (character 20)
TState (character 2)
TZip (character 9)
Wins (integer)
Losses (integer)
You should have a table with 8 teams.
Use the table named “Players”, which consists of the following fields:
FirstName (character 20)
LastName (character 30)
MidInit (character 1)
PAddress (character 30)
PCity (character 20)
PState (character 2)
PZip (character 9)
Phone (character 11)
Team (character 5)
You should have a table with 80 players (10 on each team). Players are identified by the Team field which matches the TeamCode in the Teams table.
Demonstrate the use of the WHERE clause by selecting and displaying only the players from one team.
Demonstrate the use of the COUNT function by determining how many players are on each team and displaying the results.
For each City, find the number of players who list their home in that city.
Demonstrate the ORDER BY clause by listing all the players in alphabetical order by last name within Team.
The solution includes a zip document.
Attachments [Move over files to preview content of those files]
DBM405A_Week_2.zip (141.86 KB)
Preview DBM405A_Week_2_Script.sql
— xxx xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx
xxx xxxxxxxx;
— xxxx xxxxx (8 xxxxx)
xxxxxx *xxxx xxxxx;
— xxxx xxxxxxx (80 xxxxxxx. 10 xxxx xxxx)
— Show players for a single team using where
SELECT *FROM Players WHERE Team = ‘Team8’;
— Show count of players in each team.
SELECT Team, COUNT(Team) AS ‘Players’ FROM Players GROUP BY Team;
— xxx xxxx xxxx, xxxx xxx xxxxxx xx xxxxxxx xxx xxxx xxxxx xxxx xx xxxx xxxx.
xxxxxx xxxxx xx xxxx, xxxxx(*) xx ‘xx. xx xxxxxxx’ xxxx xxxxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xx (xxxxxx xxxxx xxxx xxxxx)
xxxxx xx xxxxx;
— xxxxxxxxxxx xxx xxxxx xx xxxxxx xx xxxxxxx xxx xxx xxxxxxx xx xxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxx xx xxxx xxxx xxxxxx xxxx.
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