PSY 100-Discussion Grit and Personality.edited.docx


PSY 100-Discussion Grit and Personality.edited.docx

Hello everyone, I hope everyone is well. There are two grit components proposed. Finding your passion necessitates having a sense of purpose and perseverance in the face of adversity. Many people concentrate on the second part, continuing to pursue a goal even after realizing they do not want it. Having grit, however, does not preclude you from changing your mind, and it may take some trial and error to figure out what is meaningful and enjoyable to you. Based on the grit scale, the level I received was 47 out of 50. The result stated that I see myself as grittier than approximately 95% of American adults do. I completely agree with this result. I have always pushed forward to achieve my goals. Failure has always pushed me to try harder until I succeed. For the Big Five Personality Test, I scored high on agreeableness and received a 47 out of 50.


PSY 100-Discussion Grit and Personality.edited.docx

Hello everyone, I hope everyone is well. There are two grit components proposed. Finding your passion necessitates having a sense of purpose and perseverance in the face of adversity. Many people concentrate on the second part, continuing to pursue a goal even after realizing they do not want it. Having grit, however, does not preclude you from changing your mind, and it may take some trial and error to figure out what is meaningful and enjoyable to you. Based on the grit scale, the level I received was 47 out of 50. The result stated that I see myself as grittier than approximately 95% of American adults do. I completely agree with this result. I have always pushed forward to achieve my goals. Failure has always pushed me to try harder until I succeed. For the Big Five Personality Test, I scored high on agreeableness and received a 47 out of 50. I consider myself polite and considerate, and I am always willing to assist anyone in need. I generally see the best in people and have few enemies.

PSY 100-Discussion Grit and Personality.edited.docx


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