ENGL 102 Week 3 Discussion | Southwestern College


ENGL 102 Week 3 Discussion | Southwestern College

ENGL 102  Week 3 Discussion | Southwestern College

Assignment 3.2: Discussion (Deliverable: Discussion post)


In this assignment, you will participate in a discussion with your classmates to identify the topic of your research paper. Discussing your ideas with your classmates will help you determine which topic will be most appropriate for your final project. 


  1. Review the research paper requirements contained in the rubric for research writing (found under the Faculty and Course Info tab on the left navigation menu).
  2. Identify possible topics for your research paper. Consider the following:
  • You may be involved with an issue because of your gender, ethnicity, field of study, or through some organization in which you participate. You may be concerned about a problem at your college, in your community, in your country, or elsewhere in the world. If so, you should have no problem deciding about what to write.


ENGL 102 Week 3 Discussion | Southwestern College

ENGL 102  Week 3 Discussion | Southwestern College

Assignment 3.2: Discussion (Deliverable: Discussion post)


In this assignment, you will participate in a discussion with your classmates to identify the topic of your research paper. Discussing your ideas with your classmates will help you determine which topic will be most appropriate for your final project. 


  1. Review the research paper requirements contained in the rubric for research writing (found under the Faculty and Course Info tab on the left navigation menu).
  2. Identify possible topics for your research paper. Consider the following:
  • You may be involved with an issue because of your gender, ethnicity, field of study, or through some organization in which you participate. You may be concerned about a problem at your college, in your community, in your country, or elsewhere in the world. If so, you should have no problem deciding about what to write.
  • If no issue comes quickly to mind, look around your campus and community to see what problems exist or what changes could be made.
  • Be attentive to various print, broadcast, and online news outlets. Talk with friends, family members, and professors about significant issues.
  • Think about questions in your areas of interest: your favorite college subjects, sports, entertainment, food, cars, the environment, architecture. Some of these questions may pertain to serious issues, while some might be more lighthearted; many will merit a reasoned argument.
  • Freewrite about one or two of your concerns. See how many issues or positions you can come up with in five minutes.
  1. Post your ideas for possible research paper topics to the Discussion Board.
  2. Be sure to read others’ posts and respond to at least two posts by asking questions, suggesting ideas, or adding constructive criticism to their proposals to help them refine their topics. 
  3. By the end of the discussion, you should have a focused, well-defined, and manageable topic ready to post.

Writing Requirements

  • Your initial post should be around 250 words, and responses should each be about 100 words, but don’t hesitate to write more if your assessments of your classmate’s work would benefit from additional detail.
  • Please be sure to treat the discussion forums with the same academic approach as you would a written assignment. This applies to your initial response as well as peer responses and follow-up.

Participation Requirements:

Consult the grading rubric in the Faculty & Course Info section for the grading criteria.

Original discussion board posts:

  • Create a thread for your original post identified with your name.
  • An average of 350-500 words in length with proper punctuation, capitalization, and grammar
  • Include supportive evidence, such as direct applicable experience and expert sources
  •     Responses to discussion board posts:
  • Respond to two peers, minimum (you are expected to continue to engage with peers/instructor beyond these two responses)