NETW 204 NETW204 NETW/204 Lab Report – Configuring VLANs and Trunks


NETW 204 NETW204 NETW/204 Lab Report – Configuring VLANs and Trunks

Clayton Blair DSI Number: D40391949 NETW204 DeVry University Date:11/8/15 Professor Name: Yahya Jeff Daoud


Discuss what you will do in this lab. Provide some background information on the main idea in


How did you go about implementing the lab activity. Describe the steps you took to ensure that the final implementation meets the original business goal.

For example, did you design a new IP scheme and assign IP addresses to devices based on a given range of IP addresses? Did you assign IP addresses manually, dynamically, or both?

Did you name devices based on location? Did you or would you connect switches first or routers first, why? Did you configure the end devices or the infrastructure devices first?

What was the plan to verify that the network work?

Note that the procedure must take into consideration not only the steps you took to implement the lab solution but also the order in which you carried out those steps and a rationale for doing so


NETW 204 NETW204 NETW/204 Lab Report – Configuring VLANs and Trunks

Clayton Blair DSI Number: D40391949 NETW204 DeVry University Date:11/8/15 Professor Name: Yahya Jeff Daoud


Discuss what you will do in this lab. Provide some background information on the main idea in


How did you go about implementing the lab activity. Describe the steps you took to ensure that the final implementation meets the original business goal.

For example, did you design a new IP scheme and assign IP addresses to devices based on a given range of IP addresses? Did you assign IP addresses manually, dynamically, or both?

Did you name devices based on location? Did you or would you connect switches first or routers first, why? Did you configure the end devices or the infrastructure devices first?

What was the plan to verify that the network work?

Note that the procedure must take into consideration not only the steps you took to implement the lab solution but also the order in which you carried out those steps and a rationale for doing so

I performed the tasks that were presented before me. The first part of the lab we were to configure and verify VLANS, we were assigned to connet to NYCORE1 which when booted up we input the NYCORE1#show vlan command that gave us a list of the VLAN name,status, and ports provided.

Then we input NYCORE1# configure terminal which then put NYCORE1(config)#vlan 5 followed by NYCORE1(config-vlan)#name engineering, after putting these commands in we exited privileged mode. By putting the command NYCORE1#show vlan brief showed that the VLAN that we have created was active and up and running.

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