
Programming Logic and Design 8th Chapter 6 Exercise 10



Countrywide Tours conducts sightseeing trips for groups from its home base in Iowa. Create an application that continuously accepts tour data, including a three-digit tour number, the numeric month, day, and year values representing the tour start date, the number of travelers taking the tour, and a numeric code that represents the destination. As each tour’s data is entered, verify that the month, day, year, and destination code are valid; if any of these is not valid, continue to prompt the user until it is. The valid destination codes are shown in Table 6-6.
Price per Person ($)
Table 6-6 Countrywide Tours codes and prices
Design the logic for an application that outputs each tour number, validated start date, destination code, destination name, number of travelers, gross total price for the tour, and price for the tour after discount. The gross total price is the tour price per guest times the number of travelers. The final price includes a discount for each person in larger tour groups, based on Table 6-7.
Number of Tourists,
Discount per Tourist ($)
Table 6-7 Countrywide Tours discounts
This tutorial built in Visual Logic, along with pseudo code.
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