PSY 104 PSY104 PSY/104 Community Child Development Center Proposal


PSY 104 PSY104 PSY/104 Community Child Development Center Proposal

Community Child Development Center Proposal Megan Besmer PSY 104 Instructor: Christine Dargon February 3, 2020

Community Child Development Center Proposal

The new child developmental community center has come together and come up with many fun, educational, and developmentally appropriate activities that will be completed in the infant room, toddler room, early childhood room, middle/late childhood room, and adolescent room.

Each activity will focus on physical development, cognitive development, and psychosocial development. The main goal behind these activities is for the students to develop ina healthy and educational way.


PSY 104 PSY104 PSY/104 Community Child Development Center Proposal

Community Child Development Center Proposal Megan Besmer PSY 104 Instructor: Christine Dargon February 3, 2020

Community Child Development Center Proposal

The new child developmental community center has come together and come up with many fun, educational, and developmentally appropriate activities that will be completed in the infant room, toddler room, early childhood room, middle/late childhood room, and adolescent room.

Each activity will focus on physical development, cognitive development, and psychosocial development. The main goal behind these activities is for the students to develop ina healthy and educational way.

Each student will be assessed upon completion of all activities to make sure the activity is both developmentally and educationally successful. The activities will also be adjusted to meet the needs of all children which will depend on the child’s developmentalprogress.

ROOM #1 – Infant Room

Physical Development Activity

The activity for the infant room that encourages physical development is tummy time. During tummy time, the child is laid gently on their belly, and toys are placed in front of them.

This activity is an excellent way for the child to use their developmental skills. Tummy time is a unique way to spike not only their physical development; it sparks their interest and curiosity. Placing the toys in front of them will also encourage the child to reach for the toy or even move towards it.

Once the child reaches the toy, they will use their hands to reach for and hold onto it, which allows the child to grasp it physically. “They will grasp anything placed in their palm and hold it with amazing strength for their size; some infants in the first weeks of life can support their entire body weight through that grasp” (Oswalt, n.d. para. 5).

The physical and developmental milestones that support this activity include; pushing up during tummy time to reach the toy in front of them, and the ability to move their arms in the direction of the toy.

Cognitive Development Activity

An activity that supports cognitive development in the infant room is a treasure hunt. “Jean Piaget proposed that children think differently than adults do, and that people began to view childhood and adolescence as a unique period of growth and development” (Cherry, 2019, para. 1).

That is why it is essential to incorporate age and developmentally appropriate activities in the classroom. The educator will hide toys and objects of different shapes under a small blanket. She will then encourage the child to find the objects that are hidden. This activity is an excellent way for the child to learn the different shapes of each object.

Psychosocial Development Activity

The activity that is included in the infant room that promotes psychosocial development is called floor mirror. Floor mirror is an activity where the educator places the child in front of a

PSY 104 PSY104 PSY/104 Community Child Development Center Proposal

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