PSY/620 PSY620 PSY 620 4-2 Milestone Two_Woolhiser Alicia.docx- Snhu


PSY/620 PSY620 PSY 620 4-2 Milestone Two_Woolhiser Alicia.docx- Snhu

Forensic Psychological Evaluation(Confidential)Name:Johnny B Male Date of Birth:8/13/1975Age:Forty-Two Referred by:X.XXXIX, M.D.Date of Examination:July 7 of 2003Place of Examination:Location of assessment Date of Report:May 26, 2018Examiner:Alicia Woolhiser Reason for Referral The patient was referred for Offender Risk Assessment. To determine Mr. B’s criminal risk potential and treatment relative to his condition of parole. This assessment was also done to determine visitation with his child (Albert) and his mother (Jamie). ProceduresClinical InterviewRecords ReviewSubstance Abuse Subtle Screening Inventory-3 (SASSI-3)Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory 2 (MMPI 2)Inventory of Offender Risk, Needs, & Strengths (IORNS)Spousal Assault Risk Assessment Guide (SARA)The Inventory of Offender Risk, Needs and Strengths (IORNS) is “a 130-item self-report measure that provides information about offender risk is useful in ‘assessment,treatment and management’” (Miller, 2006).


PSY/620 PSY620 PSY 620 4-2 Milestone Two_Woolhiser Alicia.docx- Snhu

Forensic Psychological Evaluation(Confidential)Name:Johnny B Male Date of Birth:8/13/1975Age:Forty-Two Referred by:X.XXXIX, M.D.Date of Examination:July 7 of 2003Place of Examination:Location of assessment Date of Report:May 26, 2018Examiner:Alicia Woolhiser Reason for Referral The patient was referred for Offender Risk Assessment. To determine Mr. B’s criminal risk potential and treatment relative to his condition of parole. This assessment was also done to determine visitation with his child (Albert) and his mother (Jamie). ProceduresClinical InterviewRecords ReviewSubstance Abuse Subtle Screening Inventory-3 (SASSI-3)Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory 2 (MMPI 2)Inventory of Offender Risk, Needs, & Strengths (IORNS)Spousal Assault Risk Assessment Guide (SARA)The Inventory of Offender Risk, Needs and Strengths (IORNS) is “a 130-item self-report measure that provides information about offender risk is useful in ‘assessment,treatment and management’” (Miller, 2006).

PSY/620 PSY620 PSY 620 4-2 Milestone Two_Woolhiser Alicia.docx- Snhu

The IORNS has been “standardized on both male[s] (age 18 through 75) and female[s] (ages 18 through 60)” (Miller, 2006). During the development of this assessment tool, the use of “five different offender samples” that included both genders, were used to standardize the test. When testing the validity and reliability of the test scores, it was correlated with multiple different test such as “the Level of Service Inventory-Revised, the Personality Assessment Inventory, several measures of psychopathology, a measure of substance abuse,depression and anxiety” (Miller, 2006). The IRONS test has not attracted widespread acceptance. There has been controversy regarding whether the ability to assess an offenders risk is possible. Many seem to believe that we are unable to assess and evaluate an offenders risk, even though this test has been proven reliable and valid.

PSY/620 PSY620 PSY 620 4-2 Milestone Two_Woolhiser Alicia.docx- Snhu

The purpose of an evaluation of the interview information is to consider the value of that information in line with the test results and supported by research (i.e. risk typologies). The rubric in this area calls for students to evaluate the interview information from the case study,and this would include looking at inconsistencies, identifying what additional information needs to be gathered, and how that information supports or refutes the Mr. B is a male of 42 years of age. He is of Indian-American decent. Mr. B was “convicted of aggravated kidnapping of his ex-girlfriend (Jamie) and physically injuring his 18-month-oldchild (Albert) at the time” (Chandler, 2014). At time of the evaluation, “Mr. B’s current mini-mental status examination indicated that his affect and mood were in normal limits, with no suicidal/homicidal idealizations or plans”(Chandler, 2014). Mr. B reported committing “minor violations” while incarcerated, for example tobacco possession (Chandler, 2014).

PSY/620 PSY620 PSY 620 4-2 Milestone Two_Woolhiser Alicia.docx- Snhu


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