
PSY216 PSY 216 Literature Review 2 of 3.docx – Snhu


PSY216 PSY 216 Literature Review 2 of 3.docx – Snhu

My second article is titled, Interlinkage between attachment and the Five-Factor Model of personality in middle childhood and young adulthood: a longitudinal study by Fransson et al(2012). The purpose of this article is to take a longitudinal approach (meaning viewing two different points over a long length of time from one) to find personal connections between the attachment and human development theory to personality, specifically the Five-Factor Model of personality. By taking a more in-depth look into attachment and personality development simultaneously over a long period of time, we may be able to get a better understanding of any relationship the two have.


PSY216 PSY 216 Literature Review 2 of 3.docx – Snhu

My second article is titled, Interlinkage between attachment and the Five-Factor Model of personality in middle childhood and young adulthood: a longitudinal study by Fransson et al(2012). The purpose of this article is to take a longitudinal approach (meaning viewing two different points over a long length of time from one) to find personal connections between the attachment and human development theory to personality, specifically the Five-Factor Model of personality. By taking a more in-depth look into attachment and personality development simultaneously over a long period of time, we may be able to get a better understanding of any relationship the two have. As stated in the introduction the study hopes to help answer these questions in personality psychology such as, “How does a person become who she is?

PSY216 PSY 216 Literature Review 2 of 3.docx – Snhu

And what are the constituents of her personality?”(Fransson et al, 2012). Besides closing this theoretical gap, an additional aim was to explore if attachment in young and middle childhood had any rare contributions to the personality in young adulthood beyond and above any observed historical consistency in personality (Fransson et al, 2012). Franson et al hypothesized an agreeing and longitudinal relationship between attachment security and high extraversion, high agreeableness, high conscientiousness, low neuroticism, and high openness in middle childhood as well as in young adulthood.

PSY216 PSY 216 Literature Review 2 of 3.docx – Snhu


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