PSYCH 216 Psychology of Personality-Snhu


PSYCH 216 Psychology of Personality-Snhu

How do the trait theory perspectives of Allport, Eysenck, and Cattell differ? Do you feel their research was conducted ethically? Why or why not? Raymond Allport, Hans Eysenck, and Raymond Cattell are all Trait Theorists(Cervone & Pervin,2016,page 199). I do feel that their research was ethically appropriate.Allport(1897-1967) findings were that traits are placed in a hierarchy of three levels.First level-Cardinal traits (Cervone & Pervin,2016,page 207)which is master and it shapes a person’s behavior.Second level-Central traits(Cervone & Pervin,2016,page 207) which are the basic buildingblocks that shape people’s behavior.Comprised of general characteristics varying in degrees in every person.Third level-Secondary dispositions traits(Cervone & Pervin,2016,page 207)which include attitudes and preferences.This explains why people show behaviors that are out of the norm for them.Cattell(1905-1998) believed that a trait is either present or absent,but it does not reflect a person accurately because everyone are made of the same traits but differentdegree of how it is expressed.


PSYCH 216 Psychology of Personality-Snhu

How do the trait theory perspectives of Allport, Eysenck, and Cattell differ? Do you feel their research was conducted ethically? Why or why not? Raymond Allport, Hans Eysenck, and Raymond Cattell are all Trait Theorists(Cervone & Pervin,2016,page 199). I do feel that their research was ethically appropriate.Allport(1897-1967) findings were that traits are placed in a hierarchy of three levels.First level-Cardinal traits (Cervone & Pervin,2016,page 207)which is master and it shapes a person’s behavior.Second level-Central traits(Cervone & Pervin,2016,page 207) which are the basic buildingblocks that shape people’s behavior.Comprised of general characteristics varying in degrees in every person.Third level-Secondary dispositions traits(Cervone & Pervin,2016,page 207)which include attitudes and preferences.This explains why people show behaviors that are out of the norm for them.Cattell(1905-1998) believed that a trait is either present or absent,but it does not reflect a person accurately because everyone are made of the same traits but differentdegree of how it is expressed.He believed it was necessary to a have a wide range of data. First type-Life data(Cervone & Pervin 2016,page 212), which comprised of person’s everyday life behaviors.Experimental data(Cervone & Pervin 2016,page 212)-which measured experimental situations .

PSYCH 216 Psychology of Personality-Snhu

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PSYCH 216 Psychology of Personality-Snhu