
SEC370 Lab 2 Create Firewall Rules



In this exercise, you will configure Inbound and Outbound Windows Firewall rules.
Please refer to your course material or use your favourite search engine to research for more information about this topic.
Task 1: Enable Firewall and Verify Inbound Rules
Step 1
Ensure you have powered on the required devices and connect toPLABWIN701 device.
Go to system tray and right-click on network icon, choose OpenNetwork and Sharing Centre.
Step 2
Click Windows Firewall.
Step 3
Verify that Windows Firewall is enabled for all network profiles –Domain, Home or network and Public.
Click Advanced settings.
Step 4
In Windows Firewall with Advanced Security, go to InboundRules.
Right-click on File and Printer Sharing (Echo Request –ICMPv4-In) – Private, Public and choose Enable.
Step 5
Verify that File and Printer Sharing (Echo Request – ICMPv4-In) – Domain is Enabled.
Minimize Windows Firewall with Advanced Security.
Step 6
Ensure you have powered on the required devices and connect toPLABWIN810 device.
Right-click network icon and choose Open Network and SharingCenter.
Step 7
From Network and Sharing Centre, click Windows Firewall.
Step 8
Verify that Windows Firewall state is On for all network profiles – Domain, Private and Guest or private networks.
Click on Advanced settings link.
Step 9
On Windows Firewall with Advanced Security, go to InboundRules and right-click on File and Printer Sharing (Echo Request- ICMP-v4-In) Domain and choose Enable Rule.
Note that green tick, indicating that ICMPv4 packets will pass through the interface.
Step 10
Right-click on File and Printer Sharing (Echo Request – ICMP-v4-In) Private and choose Enable Rule.
Minimize Windows Firewall with Advanced Security.
Step 11
Open command prompt and type
You should get the usual four standard replies.
Minimize command prompt window.
Step 12
Go to PLABWIN701 and open a command prompt. Type
You get the four standard replies.
Minimize command prompt window.
Task 2: Configure Outbound Rules and Test Connectivity
Step 1
Go to PLABWIN810 device and reopen Windows Firewall withAdvanced Security.
Navigate to Outbound Rules and right-click on File and PrinterSharing (Echo Request – ICMPv4-Out) Domain, chooseProperties.
Step 2
On File and Printer Sharing (Echo Request- ICMPv4-Out)Properties, select Enabled box and Block the connectionoption.
Click OK.
Step 3
Right-click on File and Printer Sharing (Echo Request -ICMPv4-Out) Private, Public choose Properties.
Step 4
On File and Printer Sharing (Echo Request- ICMPv4-Out)Properties, select Enabled box and Block the connectionoption.
Click OK.
Step 5
Restore command prompt window and type
Notice the General failure message as the Outbound interface has blocked ICMP packet from leaving.
Step 6
Go back to Windows Firewall with Advanced Security and right-click the File and Printer Sharing (Echo Request-(ICMPv4-Out) Domain and choose Disable Rule.
Step 7
Right-click the File and Printer Sharing (Echo Request-(ICMPv4-Out) Private, Public and choose Disable Rule.
Step 8
Reopen command prompt.
Verify that ICMP packets are allowed to go through the Outbound interface. Type
Shut down all virtual machines used in this exercise using Practice Labs power button function to revert these devices to their default settings.
Alternatively, you may sign out of the lab portal to power down all devices.
The solution includes a zip document.
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