
Visual Logic and Design 8th Edition Chapter 6 Maintenance



This solutions below just need to be built in Visual Logic:
// Sunrise Freight charges standard // per-pound shipping prices to the five states they serve // –- IL IN OH MI WI // — 0.60 0.55 0.70 0.65 0.67 // Modify this program to reduce its size // by using arrays start Declarations string state num pounds num SIZE = 5 string STATES[SIZE] = [“IL”, “IN”, “OH”, “MI”, “WI”] num PRICES[SIZE] = [0.60, 0.55, 0.70, 0.65, 0.67] num sub string foundIt string BAD_STATE_MSG = “Sorry, we do not ship to ” string FINISH = “XXX” getReady() while state <> FINISH findPrice() endwhile finishUp() stop getReady() output “Enter state or “, FINISH, ” to quit” input state return findPrice() foundIt = “N” sub = 0 index = 0 while sub < SIZE if state = STATES[sub] then foundIt = "Y" index = sub sub = SIZE endif sub = sub + 1 endwhile if foundIt = "N" then output BAD_STATE_MSG, state else price = PRICES[index] output “Enter pounds “ input pounds output “Cost per pound to ship to ”, state, “ is ”, price output “Total cost is ”, price * pounds endif output "Enter next state or ", FINISH, " to quit" input state return finishUp() output "End of job" return. SCREENSHOTS SOLUTION PAYMENT The solution includes a zip file. Attachments [Move over files to preview content of those files] (124.52 KB) Maintenance.docx Visual Logic program Visual Logic and Design 8th Edition Chapter 6 Maintenance.vls Visual-Logic-and-Design-8th-Edition-Chapter-6-Maintenance-FindPrice-Screenshot.png Visual-Logic-and-Design-8th-Edition-Chapter-6-Maintenance-Main-Screenshot.png Visual-Logic-and-Design-8th-Edition-Chapter-6-Maintenance-Result-Screenshot.png Price: $12 Buy Now Checkout Added to cart Add to Cart Checkout Added to cart Note: We offer a discount for buyers who purchase multiple items. You May Also Like: Visual Logic and Design 8th Edition Chapter 6 Debug Program Programming Logic and Design 8th Chapter 6 Exercise 10 Programming Logic and Design 8th Chapter 6 Exercise 9 Programming Logic and Design 8th Chapter 6 Exercise 8 Programming Logic and Design 8th Chapter 6 Exercise 7


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