
New-Solution-WEBD-125-40A-Week 1 assignment-Champlain College


New-Solution-WEBD-125-40A-Week 1 assignment-Champlain College

Week 1: Assignment - Marking up Your Site and FTP'ing to Coton


New-Solution-WEBD-125-40A-Week 1 assignment-Champlain College

Week 1: Assignment - Marking up Your Site and FTP'ing to Coton


Assginment 1 Rubric
Assginment 1 Rubric

Create local folder for WEBD125 containing all required directories and sub-directories — html, css, images

25 pts

Create index.html with all required elements, and paste in supplied HTML snippet as the file’s body

50 pts

FTP all local directories to Coton

15 pts

Working link is submitted

10 pts
Total Points: 100

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WEBD-125-40A-Week 1 assignment-Champlain College

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