ACCT 521 ACCT521 ACCT/521 MODULE 6 – CHAPTER 12 & 13


ACCT 521 ACCT521 ACCT/521 MODULE 6 – CHAPTER 12 & 13

MODULE 6 – CHAPTER 12 & 13 CHAPTER 12 – FUNDAMENTALS OF MANAGEMENT CONTROL SYSTEMS Why a Management Control System? Alignment of Managerial and Organizational Interests

The purpose of the management control system is to align more closely the interests of the manager and the interests of the organization Decentralized Organizations

Decentralization: the delegation of decision-making authority to subordinates in the organization’s name

When authority is decentralized, a superior, whom we call a principal, delegates duties to a subordinate, whom we call agent

Principal-agent relationship: relationship between a superior (principal) and subordinate (agent)

A major role of the management control system is to measure the performance of agents Why Decentralize the Organization?


ACCT 521 ACCT521 ACCT/521 MODULE 6 – CHAPTER 12 & 13

MODULE 6 – CHAPTER 12 & 13 CHAPTER 12 – FUNDAMENTALS OF MANAGEMENT CONTROL SYSTEMS Why a Management Control System? Alignment of Managerial and Organizational Interests

The purpose of the management control system is to align more closely the interests of the manager and the interests of the organization Decentralized Organizations

Decentralization: the delegation of decision-making authority to subordinates in the organization’s name

When authority is decentralized, a superior, whom we call a principal, delegates duties to a subordinate, whom we call agent

Principal-agent relationship: relationship between a superior (principal) and subordinate (agent)

A major role of the management control system is to measure the performance of agents Why Decentralize the Organization?

Some organizations are very centralized: few decisions are delegated

oCentralized: those organizations in which decisions are made by a relatively few individuals in the high ranks of the organization

oSmall businesses are examples of this

Others are highly decentralized

oOrganizations in which decisions are spread among relativelymany divisional and departmental managers

Local knowledge: information about local conditions, markets, regulations, and so on Advantages of Decentralization

Better use of local knowledge: by delegating decision-making authority to local mangers, top managers are delegating decision making to the managers more likely to possess this local knowledge
Faster response: local managers can react to a changing environment more quickly than top management oWith centralized decision making, delays occur while information is transmitted to decision makers
Wiser use of top management’s time: delegation of many decisionsallows top managers to focus on strategic decisions
Reduction of problems to manageable size: by dividing large problems into smaller more manageable parts, decentralization reduces the complexity of problems
Training, evaluation, and motivation of local managers: decentralization allows mangers to receive on-the-job training in decision making
Disadvantages of Decentralization
Local managers can make decisions that are not in the best interest of the organization’s top managers and owner Decentralized companies incur the cost of monitoring and controlling the activities of local managers
Dysfunctional decision making: the situation in which local managers make decisions in their interests, which can differ from those of the organization
A second cost of decentralization is administrative duplication
A third cost is the possibility of poor decisions based on incomplete information
oMany decisions made at the local level also affect other parts of the firm
The optimal level of decentralization is not static; it will change as the organization and environment change Framework for Evaluating Management Control Systems
Once an organization has decided to decentralize, it is important to

ACCT 521 ACCT521 ACCT/521 MODULE 6 – CHAPTER 12 & 13

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