Course Description: Introductory Programming (CMIS 141)
Course Introduction
In this course, we will introduce you to the design and implementation of programs using the object-oriented programming language Java. We will begin by showing you how to create, compile, and execute simple programs using the Java software developer’s kit (SDK). We will then introduce branching and looping structures and show you how to create subroutines that are referred to as methods in Java. After working with arrays to store and manipulate data, we will end with a discussion of object-oriented concepts, including classes. Throughout the course, we will cover good software engineering procedures as well as ethical issues.
Course Description: Introductory Programming (CMIS 141)
Course Introduction
In this course, we will introduce you to the design and implementation of programs using the object-oriented programming language Java. We will begin by showing you how to create, compile, and execute simple programs using the Java software developer’s kit (SDK). We will then introduce branching and looping structures and show you how to create subroutines that are referred to as methods in Java. After working with arrays to store and manipulate data, we will end with a discussion of object-oriented concepts, including classes. Throughout the course, we will cover good software engineering procedures as well as ethical issues.
- CMIS 141 Assignment 1 Student GPA,
- CMIS 141 Assignment 3 Calculate Student Grade,
- CMIS 141 Assignment 4 Output Triangle and Diamond Pattern,
- CMIS 141 Assignment 5 Body Mass Index,
- CMIS 141 Assignment 6 Highest and Lowest Score,
- CMIS 141 Final Project Employee Salary
CMIS 141 Final Project Employee Salary
Write a Java program which displays a menu to allow user the following functionality:
- Load employees’ data – prompts user for the number of employees to be loaded and then prompts for each employee name, id (5 digit number), and annual salary
- Add new employee – prompts user for an employee data, name, id, and annual salary
- Display all employees – displays each employee’s data to the console, one employee per line
- Retrieve specific employee’s data – prompts user for the employee id and displays the corresponding employee’s data: id, name, and salary
- Retrieve employees with salaries based on range – prompts user for the lowest and highest salary and displays all employees with salaries in that range. Display each employee on separate line with all information – name, id, and salary
- Exit
Design and implementation notes:
- Each menu selection should be implemented as a separate method
- Employees’ data should be saved in arrays, you can allocate for maximum 100 elements
- After completion of each selection, program should display the menu again to allow user another selection until they select Exit
Make sure your Java program is using the recommended style such as:
- Javadoc comment up front with your name as author, date, and brief purpose of the program
- Comments for variables and blocks of code to describe major functionality
- Meaningful variable names and prompts
- Identifiers are written in upper CamelCase
- Class name starts with upper case letter and variables in lower case letter
- Constants are written in All Capitals
- Use proper spacing and empty lines to make code human readable
- CMIS 141 Assignment 1 Student GPA,
- CMIS 141 Assignment 3 Calculate Student Grade,
- CMIS 141 Assignment 4 Output Triangle and Diamond Pattern,
- CMIS 141 Assignment 5 Body Mass Index,
- CMIS 141 Assignment 6 Highest and Lowest Score,
- CMIS 141 Final Project Employee Salary
CMIS 141 Assignment 6 Highest and Lowest Score
Write a Java program as follows:
1. Prompt user for the number of students
2. For each student have user enter student’s name and exam score (0-100)
3. Store names and scores in separate arrays
4. Code method which gets integer array and uses for-loop to find the index of the smallest value
5. Code method which gets integer array and uses for-loop to find the index of the largest value
6. Output all students with their scores
7. Output which student has highest exam score and which student has lowest exam score
Make sure your Java program is using the recommended style such as:
- Javadoc comment up front with your name as author, date, and brief purpose of the program
- Comments for variables and blocks of code to describe major functionality
- Meaningful variable names and prompts
- Identifiers are written in upper CamelCase
- Class name starts with upper case letter and variables in lower case letter
- Constants are written in All Capitals
- Use proper spacing and empty lines to make code human readable.
- CMIS 141 Assignment 1 Student GPA,
- CMIS 141 Assignment 3 Calculate Student Grade,
- CMIS 141 Assignment 4 Output Triangle and Diamond Pattern,
- CMIS 141 Assignment 5 Body Mass Index,
- CMIS 141 Assignment 6 Highest and Lowest Score,
- CMIS 141 Final Project Employee Salary
CMIS 141 Assignment 5 Body Mass Index
Write a Java program as follows:
- (1) Prompt the user which action they want to take:
(a) Convert pounds into kilograms
(b) Convert height in inches to centimeters
(c) Calculate BMI display category
(d) Exit program - (2) Programs at a minimum must have the following methods:
(a) Convert weight method gets pounds and returns kilograms
(b) Convert to height method that gets height in inches and returns meters
(c) Calculate BMI method that gets weight in kilograms and height in meters and returns BMI value - (3) For each action the user should be prompted for corresponding data and given the appropriate output
- (4) User should be able to select one action and then get prompted again for selection until they select exit choice
Use the following for calculations
- To convert from pounds to kilograms use the formula: 1 pound = 0.45 kilograms
- To convert from height in inches to centimeters use the following formula: 1 inch = 2.54 cm
- To calculate BMI use the formula: weight-kg/height-cm/height-cm * 10,000
- For categories use:
Underweight 18.5
Normal 18.5 – 24.99
Overweight 25.0 – 29.99
Obese 30.0
Make sure your Java program is using the recommended style such as:
- Javadoc comment up front with your name as author, date, and brief purpose of the program
- Comments for variables and blocks of code to describe major functionality
- Meaningful variable names and prompts
- Identifiers are written in upper CamelCase
- Class name starts with upper case letter and variables in lower case letter
- Constants are written in All Capitals
- Use proper spacing and empty lines to make code human-readable (Kernighan and Ritchie (KR) standard).
- CMIS 141 Assignment 1 Student GPA,
- CMIS 141 Assignment 3 Calculate Student Grade,
- CMIS 141 Assignment 4 Output Triangle and Diamond Pattern,
- CMIS 141 Assignment 5 Body Mass Index,
- CMIS 141 Assignment 6 Highest and Lowest Score,
- CMIS 141 Final Project Employee Salary
CMIS 141 Assignment 4 Output Triangle and Diamond Pattern
(1) Write Java code to prompts user for number of rows (e.g. 6) and output the triangle pattern below. Use nested for-loops.

(2) Write Java code to prompt user for side length (e.g. 6) and output diamond pattern below: Use nested for-loops.

Make sure your Java program is using the recommended style such as:
- Javadoc comment up front with your name as author, date, and brief purpose of the
program - Comments for variables and blocks of code to describe major functionality
- Meaningful variable names and prompts
- Identifiers are written in upper CamelCase
- Class name starts with upper case letter and variables in lower case letter
- Constants are written in All Capitals
- Use proper spacing and empty lines to make code human readable
Capture execution:
You should capture and label screen captures associated with compiling your code, and running a couple of different inputs for each program.
- CMIS 141 Assignment 1 Student GPA,
- CMIS 141 Assignment 3 Calculate Student Grade,
- CMIS 141 Assignment 4 Output Triangle and Diamond Pattern,
- CMIS 141 Assignment 5 Body Mass Index,
- CMIS 141 Assignment 6 Highest and Lowest Score,
- CMIS 141 Final Project Employee Salary
CMIS 141 Assignment 3 Calculate Student Grade
Write a Java program to calculate student’s final course grade. The program should:
(1) Prompt and read user’s input for the student’s name, assignment 1 grade (A1), assignment 2 grade (A2), ex@m grade (EX), and participation grade (P). User Scanner to read input.
(2) Each grade input should be 0-100 and the final grade should be calculated as follows: A1*0.25+A2*0.25+EX*0.4+P*0.1
(3) Output the student’s information and the calculated course grade
(4) prompt user whether they want to calculate grade for another student and repeat the input/output processing
(5) Allow user to exit program without inputting student’s data
Test program:
A minimum of 3 test cases should be supplied in the form of table with columns indicating the input values, expected output, actual output and if the test case passed or failed. This table should contain 4 columns with appropriate labels and a row for each test case. An example template is shown below. Note that the actual output should be the actual results you receive when running your program and applying the input for the test record.
The three minimum test cases should include:
(1) Run for one student’s data
(2) Run for 2 students’ data
(3) Start program but select to exit without inputting student’s data
Make sure your Java program is using the recommended style such as:
- Javadoc comment up front with your name as author, date, and brief purpose of the
program - Comments for variables and blocks of code to describe major functionality
- Meaningful variable names and prompts
- Identifiers are written in upper CamelCase
- Class name starts with upper case letter and variables in lower case letter
- Constants are written in All Capitals
- Use proper spacing and empty lines to make code human readable
Capture execution:
You should capture and label screen captures associated with compiling your code, and running each of your 3 test cases.
Here are a couple sample runs:
Welcome to the grade calculation program
Do you want to enter student’s data? Yes/No => Yes
Enter student’s name => Alicja Jones
Enter student’s grades separated by space: A1 A2 Ex P => 80 95 90 88
Student Name: Alicja Jones A1=80 A2=95 Ex@m=90 Participation=88 Final course grade=88.55
Do you want to enter another student’s data? Yes/No => Yes
Enter student’s name => John Paul
Enter student’s grades separated by space: A1 A2 Ex P => 75 70 80 85
Student Name: John Paul A1=75 A2=70 Ex@m=80 Participation=85 Final course grade=76.75
Do you want to enter another student’s data? Yes/No => No
Thank you for using the grade calculation program
Welcome to the grade calculation program
Do you want to enter student’s data? Yes/No => No
Thank you for using the grade calculation program.
- CMIS 141 Assignment 1 Student GPA,
- CMIS 141 Assignment 3 Calculate Student Grade,
- CMIS 141 Assignment 4 Output Triangle and Diamond Pattern,
- CMIS 141 Assignment 5 Body Mass Index,
- CMIS 141 Assignment 6 Highest and Lowest Score,
- CMIS 141 Final Project Employee Salary
CMIS 141 Assignment 2 Perform Operation on Two Numbers
Write a Java program which:
(1) Prompts a user to enter student two numbers and symbol for operation such as ‘+’, ‘-‘, ‘*’, and ‘/’ (use Scanner for input).
(2) Code uses nested if statement or switch to perform the operation on the two numbers
(3) If the provided symbol is valid, displays the input data along with the result of the calculation to the console. Otherwise displays error message
For example, for input: 7 8 + the calculation is addition and the result will be 15
Note 1: To read a single character by Scanner, you can read in as string and then use the first character. For example:
Note 2: Be careful you do not have integer division
Note 3: If user inputs invalid symbol, print an error message only
Test program:
A minimum of 5 test cases (one for each valid operation and one for invalid operation) should be supplied in the form of table with columns indicating the input values, expected output, actual output and if the test case passed or failed. This table should contain 4 columns with appropriate labels and a row for each test case. An example template is shown below. Note that the actual output should be the actual results you receive when running your program and applying the input for the test record.
Make sure your Java program is using the recommended style such as:
- Javadoc comment up front with your name as author, date, and brief purpose of the
program - Comments for variables and blocks of code to describe major functionality
- Meaningful variable names and prompts
- Identifiers are written in upper CamelCase
- Class name starts with upper case letter and variables in lower case letter
- Constants are written in All Capitals
- Use proper spacing and empty lines to make code human readable
Capture execution:
You should capture and label screen captures associated with compiling your code, and running each of your 4 test cases.
Here are a couple sample runs:
Enter two integer numbers separated by space: 7 6
Enter operation symbol (+, -, *, or /): +
Evaluation: 7 + 6 = 13.0
Enter two integer numbers separated by space: 5 6
Enter operation symbol (+, -, *, or /): (
Not valid operation symbol
Example test cases:
Input Expected Output Actual Output Pass?
- CMIS 141 Assignment 1 Student GPA,
- CMIS 141 Assignment 3 Calculate Student Grade,
- CMIS 141 Assignment 4 Output Triangle and Diamond Pattern,
- CMIS 141 Assignment 5 Body Mass Index,
- CMIS 141 Assignment 6 Highest and Lowest Score,
- CMIS 141 Final Project Employee Salary
CMIS 141 Assignment 1 Student GPA
Write a Java program which:
- Prompts a user to enter student id, current class grade in GPA format (e.g. 3.5), current class number of credits, overall GPA, and overall number of credits (use Scanner for input).
- Calculates student’s new overall GPA based
- Displays the input data along with new GPA to the console. To calculate new overall GPA: ((current-class-GPA times current-class-credits) plus (overallGPA times overall-credits)) divided by (current-class-credits + overall-credits) For example, given current class 3.5 and 3 credits and overall GPA 3.0 and 9 credits: ((3.5*3) + (3.0*9)) / (3+9) = 3.125 new overall GPA
Test program: A minimum of 3 test cases should be supplied in the form of table with columns indicating the input values, expected output, actual output and if the test case passed or failed. This table should contain 4 columns with appropriate labels and a row for each test case.
Make sure your Java program is using the recommended style such as:
- brief purpose of the program
- Comments for variables and blocks of code to describe major functionality
- Meaningful variable names and prompts
- Class names are written in upper CamelCase
- Constants are written in All Capitals
- Use proper spacing and empty lines to make code human-readable.
- CMIS 141 Assignment 1 Student GPA,
- CMIS 141 Assignment 3 Calculate Student Grade,
- CMIS 141 Assignment 4 Output Triangle and Diamond Pattern,
- CMIS 141 Assignment 5 Body Mass Index,
- CMIS 141 Assignment 6 Highest and Lowest Score,
- CMIS 141 Final Project Employee Salary
CMIS 141 Final Project Employee Salary
Write a Java program which displays a menu to allow user the following functionality:
- Load employees’ data – prompts user for the number of employees to be loaded and then prompts for each employee name, id (5 digit number), and annual salary
- Add new employee – prompts user for an employee data, name, id, and annual salary
- Display all employees – displays each employee’s data to the console, one employee per line
- Retrieve specific employee’s data – prompts user for the employee id and displays the corresponding employee’s data: id, name, and salary
- Retrieve employees with salaries based on range – prompts user for the lowest and highest salary and displays all employees with salaries in that range. Display each employee on separate line with all information – name, id, and salary
- Exit
Design and implementation notes:
- Each menu selection should be implemented as a separate method
- Employees’ data should be saved in arrays, you can allocate for maximum 100 elements
- After completion of each selection, program should display the menu again to allow user another selection until they select Exit
Make sure your Java program is using the recommended style such as:
- Javadoc comment up front with your name as author, date, and brief purpose of the program
- Comments for variables and blocks of code to describe major functionality
- Meaningful variable names and prompts
- Identifiers are written in upper CamelCase
- Class name starts with upper case letter and variables in lower case letter
- Constants are written in All Capitals
- Use proper spacing and empty lines to make code human readable
- CMIS 141 Assignment 1 Student GPA,
- CMIS 141 Assignment 3 Calculate Student Grade,
- CMIS 141 Assignment 4 Output Triangle and Diamond Pattern,
- CMIS 141 Assignment 5 Body Mass Index,
- CMIS 141 Assignment 6 Highest and Lowest Score,
- CMIS 141 Final Project Employee Salary.
- CMIS 141 Assignment 1 Student GPA,
- CMIS 141 Assignment 3 Calculate Student Grade,
- CMIS 141 Assignment 4 Output Triangle and Diamond Pattern,
- CMIS 141 Assignment 5 Body Mass Index,
- CMIS 141 Assignment 6 Highest and Lowest Score,
- CMIS 141 Final Project Employee Salary