



CISS 242 B Programming II

Course Description
This course introduces more advanced steps to program design and is a continuation of CISS 241. A disciplined approach to problem solving and algorithm development will be stressed using top down design. Topics include strings, pointers, recursion, classes, and methods, and operator overloading.

Course Overview
This class is the second in a three course sequence, a continuation of CISS 241, introducing computer
programming using the C++ language. This class uses the C++ programming language, but the principles learned and skills obtained are applicable to programming in any language. In fact, one of the objectives of this course is to instill the ability to transfer your knowledge and skills to programming in any domain, with any language.



CISS 242 B Programming II

Course Description
This course introduces more advanced steps to program design and is a continuation of CISS 241. A disciplined approach to problem solving and algorithm development will be stressed using top down design. Topics include strings, pointers, recursion, classes, and methods, and operator overloading.

Course Overview
This class is the second in a three course sequence, a continuation of CISS 241, introducing computer
programming using the C++ language. This class uses the C++ programming language, but the principles learned and skills obtained are applicable to programming in any language. In fact, one of the objectives of this course is to instill the ability to transfer your knowledge and skills to programming in any domain, with any language.


CISS 242 Week 7 Classes

Assignment 1
Payroll. Write a class name Payroll, with the class declaration in a file called Payroll.h and the implementation in a file called Payroll.cpp. The class will have data members for an employee’s hourly pay rate, number of hours worked and calculate the total pay for the week. All of the data members will be doubles. The class only needs one constructor which can be a default constructor that sets all data members to zero. Then add the mutators and accessor for the class. The program will have an array of 7 Payroll objects. The program will prompt the user for number of hours each employee has worked and will then display the amount of gross pay each has earned. Before asking the user for the hours, the program
should set the pay rate for each employee without user input. Validation: Do not accept values greater than 60 for the number of hours worked.

Assignment 2
Cash Register. This program will use two classes; one of the classes is provided in the assignment description for week 7 in the course site. Write a class name CashRegister, with the class declaration in a file called CashRegister.h and the implementation in a file called CashRegister.cpp. This class will interact with the InventoryItem class that has been provided. The program should display a list of items that are available to purchase.

The program will ask the user for the item and quantity being purchased. It will then get the cost of the item from the InventoryItem object. It will add 30% profit to the cost of the item to get the item’s unit price. It will then multiply the unit price times the quantity being purchased to get the purchase subtotal. The program will then compute a 6% sales tax on the subtotal to get the purchase total. It should then display the purchase subtotal, tax and total on the screen. The program will then subtract the quantity being purchased from the onHand variable of the InventoryItem class object. InventoryItem will need to be modified to handle this.
Validation: Do not accept a negative value for the quantity of items being purchased.


CISS 242 Week 6 Introduction to Classes

Assignment 1
Employee Class. Write a class named Employee, with the class declaration in a file called
Employee.h and the implementation in a file called Employee.cpp. The class should have the
following data members:

  • name – A string that holds the employee’s name
  • idNumber – An int variable that holds the employee’s ID number
  • department – a string that holds the name of the department where the employee works
  • position – A string that holds the employee’s job status

The class must have the following constructors:

  • A constructor that accepts the following values as arguments and assigns them to the appropriate member
    variables: employee’s name, employee’s ID number, department and position.
  • A constructor that accepts the following values as arguments and assigns them to the appropriate member variable: employee’s name, employee’s ID number. The department and position fields should be assigned an empty string (“ “).
  • A default constructor that assigns empty string (“”) to the name, department and position member variables and 0 to the idNumber member variable.

Write the appropriate mutator functions that store values in these member variables and accessor functions that return the values in these member variables. Once you have written the class, write a separate program that creates 3 instances of the Employee class. Each instance of the class should use a different constructor than the other 2 objects (so all three constructors must be used). Main should use a function called displayEmployee that has one parameter which is a pointer to a constant Employee object. Main will call the function 3 times to display the information for each of the 3 instances of the Employee class.
void displayEmployee(Employee* const e);
The output of the program must be in the form of a table.

Assignment 2
Circle Class. Write a class name Circle, with the class declaration in a file called Circle.h and
the implementation in a file called Circle.cpp. The class will have two data members, a double that holds the radius of the circle and a double called pi which will be set to the value, 3.14159 (data member cannot be set in the class declaration, pi should not be set via a parameter but set in the constructor). The class must provide the following member functions

  • Default Constructor – that sets the radius to 0.0
  • Constructor – that accepts the radius of the circle as an argument
  • setRadius – a mutator function for the radius variable
  • getRadius – an accessor function for the radius variable
  • getArea – calculates and returns (as double) the area of the circle using the formula
    area = pi * radius * radius
  • getDiameter – calculates and returns (as double) the diameter of the circle using the formula
    diameter = radius * 2
  • getCircumference – calculates and returns (as double) the circumference of the circle using the formula
    circumference = 2 * pi * radius

Write a program that demonstrates the Circle class by asking the user for the circle’s radius and creating a Circle object and then reporting the circle’s area, diameter and circumference. Two objects
need to be created each using one of the two constructors (showing that both work along with the mutators and accessors)


CISS 242 Week 5 Advanced File Operations

Assignment 1
File Display Program. Write a program that asks the user for the name of a file. The program should display the content of the file on the screen. If the file’s contents won’t fit on a single screen, the program should display 24 lines of the output at a time, and then pause. Each time the program pauses, it should wait for the user to strike a key before the next 24 lines are displayed.

Assignment 2
Punch Line. Write a program that reads and prints a joke and its punch line from two different files (please keep it clean). The first file contains a joke, but not its punch line. The second file has the punch line as its last line, preceded by “garbage text” (does not matter what it is). NOTE: the last sentence (punch line) will have a newline character before it. The program is to search for the start of the last sentence; it should NOT move backward from the file a fixed number of characters. It should work for any punch line file. The main function of your program should open the two files and then call two functions, passing each one the file it needs. The first function should read and display each line in the file it is passed (the joke file). The second function should display only the last line of the file it is passed (the punch line file). IT should find this line by seeking to the end of the file and then
backing up to the beginning of the last line. Data to test your program can be found in the joke.txt and punchline.text files provided at the textbook web site.

Program must have the following functions

  • void displayAllLines(ifstream &infile); //Display joke
  • void displayLastLine(ifstream &infile); //Display punchline


CISS 242 Week 4 Structured Data

Assignment 1
Corporate Sales Data. This program will have a structure that holds data about each division of a corporation. This structure will have a string object that holds the division’s name, 4 doubles that hold the sales totals for each quarter. The structure will also have two other doubles, one for the annual sales and the other will hold the average of the quarter sales. The program should use four variables (instances) of this structure. Each variable should represent one of the following corporate divisions:
East, West, North, South. The user should be asked for the four quarters’ sales figures for each division. Each division’s total and average sales should be calculated and stored in the appropriate member of each structure variable. The output of the program will be all the figures in the structures.
Validation: Do not accept negative numbers for any sales figures.

Program must have the following functions:

  • void DisplayCorpInformation(const Division& east, const Division& west, const Division& north, const
    Division& south);
  • void FindTotalAndAverageSales(Division& div);
  • void GetDivisionSales(Division& div);

The input should look like this screen shot.

The output should look like this screen shot.

CISS 242  Assignment 2
Soccer Scores. Write a program that stores the following data about a soccer player in a structure: Player’s name, Player’s number, Points scored by Player. The program should keep an array of 12 of these structures. Each element is for a different player on a team. The program should ask the user to enter information for each player. It should then display a table that lists each player’s number, name and points scored. The program should also calculate and display the total points earned by the team. The
program should also determine which player earned the most points on the team and display that player’s
information. Validation: Do not accept negative values for player’s number or points scored.

Program must have the following functions

  • void getPlayerInfo(Player &);
  • void showInfo(Player);
  • int getTotalPoints(Player [], int);
  • void showHighest(Player [], int);

The input and output should look like the following screen shot except it should work for 12 players.


CISS 242 Week 3 Characters Strings and the String Class

CISS 242 Assignment 1

Password Verifier. Here you will be creating part of a bigger program. Your task is to develop code that will verify the password the user is selecting meets the requirements of a password for the system.
Create a program which will verify that a password meets the following criteria:

  • The password should be at least 6 characters long.
  • The password should contain at least one uppercase and at least one lowercase letter.
  • The password should have at least one digit.

If the password does not meet these requirements, the program should display a message telling the user why the password is invalid, specifically. It should also continue to loop until the user enters a valid password.

  • Program must have the following functions (may also use string instead of a char array).
    • bool validatePassword(char [ ]) – True if valid password, false otherwise.

CISS 242 Assignment 2

Phone Number List. This program should have an array of at least 10 string objects. The array will hold people’s names and phone numbers. The following list is an example of the data in the array.
"Renee Javens, 678-1223",
"Joe Looney, 586-0097",
"Geri Palmer, 223-8787",
"Lynn Presnell, 887-1212",
"Bill Wolfe, 223-8878",
"Sam Wiggins, 486-0998",
"Bob Kain, 586-8712",
"Tim Haynes, 586-7676",
"John Johnson, 223-9037",
"JeanJames, 678-4939",
"Ron Palmer, 486-2783"

The program should ask the user to enter a name or partial name to search for in the array. Any entries in the array that match the string entered should be displayed. For example, if the user enters “Palmer” the program should display the following names from the list:
Geri Palmer, 223-8787
Ron Palmer, 486-2783

NOTE: if the user enters “Pal” it should produce the same output


CISS 242 Week 2 Pointers

CISS 242 Assignment 1

Write a program that dynamically allocates an array large enough to hold a user defined number of test scores. Once all the scores are entered by the user, the array must be passed to a function that sorts them in ascending order. It must use another function that calculates the average score. The program should display the sorted list of scores and average with appropriate headings. The program must use pointer notation instead of array notation.

Validation: Do not accept negative numbers for test scores;keep prompting the user for a new grade. Do not accept negative numbers for the number of scores the user wants to enter. The output should look like this:

Average Score: 78.10

Program must have the following functions:

  • void getGrades(double* score, int size)
  • void displayGrades(double* score, int size, double avg)
  • void sort(double* score, int size)
  • double average(double* score, int numScores)

CISS 242 Assignment 2

Array Expander. The program should have an array of integers. It will have a function that has two parameters, the integer array and the array’s size. This function will create a new array that is twice the size of the arguments array. The function should copy the contents of the argument array to the new array, and initialize the unused elements of the second array with 0. The function must return a pointer to the new array. The program will then display the contents of the new array.

Program must have the following functions:

  • int* expandArray(int[ ], int)
  • void showArray(int[ ], int)


CISS 242 Week 1 Searching and Sorting Arrays

CISS 242  Assignment 1

Lottery Winners. Write a program that determines if the user is a winner in the lottery game. A lottery ticket buyer purchases 10 tickets a week, always playing the same 10 5-digit “lucky” combinations. The program will initialize an array with these numbers and then lets the player enter this week’s winning 5-digit number. The program should perform both a linear search and a binary search through the list of player’s numbers and report whether or not one of the tickets is a winner this week. Here are the numbers, and the array must be created with the values in this order: 13579, 62483, 26791, 77777, 26792, 79422, 33445, 85647, 55555, 93121. NOTE: The numbers are not in order, they must start this way for the linear search and then sorted (using a function) for the binary search.

CISS 242 Assignment 2

This program will be a modification of the program done in CISS 241, Week 7 Programming Assignment 1. That was the Rainfall Statistics program. For those who did not take 241, that program description is below. Modify the Rainfall Statistics program so that it displays a list of months, sorted in the order of rainfall from highest to lowest.

Original Assignment: Write a program that lets the user enter the total rainfall for each of 12 months into an array of doubles. The program should use two 12 element arrays. One array will hold strings, the names of the 12 months. This array will be initialized when the array is created using an initialization list (could also be created as a array of constants). The second array will hold doubles which will be the total rainfall for each month. The program will prompt the user for the rainfall for each month (using both arrays) and store the value entered into the array with the rainfall totals, the other is used to display which month the program is asking for the rainfall total. The program should display the following once the data is all entered:

  • The total rainfall for the year
  • The average monthly rainfall
  • The month with the highest amount of rainfall (must display the month as a string)
  • The month with the lowest amount of rainfall (must display the month as a string)

The program must have the following functions:

  • double getTotal(double [ ], int);
  • double getAverage(double [ ], int);
  • double getLowest(double [ ], int, int&); //returns the lowest value, provides the index of the lowest value in the last parameter.
  • double getHighest(double [ ], int, int&); //returns the highest value, provides the index of the highest value in the last parameter