



Development of computer and programming skills, problem solving methods, and selected applications. This course provides a broad-based introduction to programming in Visual Basic. Students will learn how to build a program from the design phase all the way through to delivery.

  • CSIS 208 Final Exam,
  •  CSIS 208 Programming Assignment 1,
  •  CSIS 208 Programming Assignment 2,
  •  CSIS 208 Programming Assignment 4,
  •  CSIS 208 Programming Assignment 5,
  •  CSIS 208 Programming Assignment 6,
  •  CSIS 208 Programming Assignment 7,
  •  CSIS 208 Programming Assignment 8,
  •  CSIS 208 Course Project



  • CSIS 208 Final Exam,
  •  CSIS 208 Programming Assignment 1,
  •  CSIS 208 Programming Assignment 2,
  •  CSIS 208 Programming Assignment 4,
  •  CSIS 208 Programming Assignment 5,
  •  CSIS 208 Programming Assignment 6,
  •  CSIS 208 Programming Assignment 7,
  •  CSIS 208 Programming Assignment 8,
  •  CSIS 208 Course Project

Development of computer and programming skills, problem solving methods, and selected applications. This course provides a broad-based introduction to programming in Visual Basic. Students will learn how to build a program from the design phase all the way through to delivery.

CSIS 208 Final Exam


In the following statement which term is used to designate the distance (in pixels) from the left side of the picture box to the left side of the rectangle?

picBox.CreateGraphics.DrawRectangle(Pens.Blue, x, y, w, h)



What numbers will be displayed in the list box when the button is clicked?

Private Sub btnDisplay_Click(...) Handles btnDisplay.Click
Dim num as Double = 10
Do While num > 1
num = num - 3
End Sub

 10, 7, and 4
 10, 7, 4, and 1
 10, 7, 4, 1, and -2
 No output


What is the value of (“12/15/09”).Substring(3,2)?


What colleges are displayed in the list box by the following program segment?

Dim ivies() As String = {"Harvard", "Princeton", "Yale", "Dartmouth",
"Brown", "Columbia", "Univ. of PA", "Cornell"}
Dim query = From college in ivies
Where college.Length <= 9
Order By college.Length Descending, college Descending
Select college

 Dartmouth and Princeton
 Yale and Brown
 Yale and Cornell
 Dartmouth and Yale


How many lines of output are produced by the following program segment?

For i As Integer = 1 To 3
For j As Integer = 1 To 3
For k As Integer = i to j
lstBox.Items.Add("Programming is fun.")



Which of the properties in a control’s list of properties is used to give the control a meaningful name?


What is the correct syntax for displaying the value of the String variable myString in a text box?
 txtBox.Text = “myString”
 txtBox.Text = myString
 txtBox.Text = Str(myString)


What will be displayed when the following lines are executed?

Dim x As Double = 3, y As Double = 1
>Dim z As Double
z = x + (y * x)
x = y
z = x + z lstBox.Items.Add(x + y + z)

 None of the above


Which statement will display the words “Hello World” in a text box?
 txtBox.Text = Hello & World
 txtBox.Text = “Hello ” & World
 txtBox.Text = Hello & ” World”
 txtBox.Text = “Hello” & ” World”


The ______________ of a Sub procedure are vehicles for passing numbers and strings to the Sub procedure.
 calling statements
 variables declared inside


In Visual Basic, tooltips assist by showing a small caption about the purpose of each icon on the Toolbar. How do you make a tooltip appear?
 Right click the Toolbar icon and select purpose from the available options.
 Position the mouse pointer over the icon for a few seconds.
 Hold down a shift key, then click the appropriate Toolbar icon to display its purpose.
 Hold down the Alt key, then click the appropriate Toolbar icon to display its purpose.


The default event procedure for a list box is _______


The Count method returns what information about an array?
 The highest number that can be used as a subscript for the array.
 The largest value that can be assigned to an array element.
 The number of elements in the array.
 The highest dimension of the array.


A form contains a horizontal scroll bar control named hsbXpos, and the code lblFace.Left = hsbXpos.Value is placed inside the hsbXpos.Scroll event procedure (where lblFace identifies a label on the form, and the hsbXpos’s Minimum and Maximum properties are set at their default values). What will happen when the hsbXpos.Scroll event is triggered by moving the scroll bar’s scroll box to the right?
 lblFace will move to the left
 lblFace will move up
 lblFace will move down
 lblFace will move to the right


When the odd numbers are added successively, any finite sum will be a perfect square (e.g., 1 + 3 + 5 = 9 and 9 = 3^2). What change must be made in the following program to correctly demonstrate this fact for the first few odd numbers?

Private Sub btnDisplay_Click(...) Handles btnDisplay.Click
Dim oddNumber As Integer
Dim sum As Integer = 0
For i As Integer = 1 To 9 Step 2 'Generate first few odd numbers
oddNumber = i
For j As Integer = 1 To oddNumber Step 2 'Add odd numbers
sum += j
lstBox.Items.Add(sum & " is a perfect square.")
End Sub

 Change the Step size to 1 in the first For statement.
 Move oddNumber = i inside the second For loop.
 Reset sum to zero immediately before the second Next statement.
 Reset sum to zero immediately before the first Next statement.


After a ToolTip control has been placed into the component tray of the Form Designer, the message that appears when the mouse hovers over a text box is set with which of the following properties?
 ToolTip on ToolTip1


Which of the following is a valid statement in Visual Basic?
 Form1.Text = “Revenue”
 Form1.Caption = “Revenue”
 btnButton.Text = Push Me
 Me.Text = “Revenue”


Which statement is true?
 “Ford“ < “Ford“  “Chevy” > “Chevy”
 “GMC” <= “GMC”  “oldsmobile” < “Oldsmobile”


What will be the output of the following lines?

Dim alphabet, soup As String
alphabet = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"
soup = alphabet.ToUpper
txtBox.Text = alphabet.Substring(0, 5) & soup.Substring(0, 5)



What control causes a binding navigator toolbar to appear anchored to the top of the form?


In analyzing the solution to a program, you conclude that you want to construct a loop so that the loop terminates either when (a < 12) or when (b = 16). Using a Do loop, the test condition should be
 Do While (a > 12) Or (b <> 16)
 Do While (a >= 12) Or (b <> 16)
 Do While (a < 12) Or (b <> 16)
 Do While (a >= 12) And (b <> 16)
 Do While (a < 12) And (b = 16)


Assuming the following statement, what is the For…Next loop’s counter variable?

For yr As Integer = 1 To 5



Which of the following logical structures should not be used in structured programming?
 Looping (iteration)
 Unconditional branching


A list box named lstBox has its Sorted property set to False and contains the three items Cat, Dog, and Gnu in its list. If the word Elephant is added to the list at run time, what will be its index value?


Which of the following is not a main type of event that can be raised by user selections of items in a list box?
 Click event
 SelectedIndexChanged event
 FillDown event
 DoubleClick event


What elements are in the array newArray after the following code is executed?

Dim firstArray() As Integer = {1, 2, 3}
Dim secondArray() As Integer = {3, 4, 5, 6}
Dim newArray() As Integer = firstArray.Union(secondArray).ToArray

 1, 2, 3, 3, 4, 5, 6
 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6
 1, 2


Which of the following statements is used when you want to add data to the end of an existing text file?
 Dim sr As IO.StreamReader = IO.File.OpenText(“Data.txt”)
 Dim sr As IO.StreamReader = IO.File.AddText(“Data.txt”)
 Dim sw As IO.StreamWriter = IO.File.CreateText(“Data.txt”)
 Dim sw As IO.StreamReader = IO.File.AppendText(“Data.txt”)


For a scroll bar, the value of the Value property is
 any number
 a number between the values of the SmallChange and LargeChange properties
 a number between the values of the Minimum and Maximum properties
 true or false


What is one drawback in using non-integer Step sizes?
 Round-off errors may cause unpredictable results.
 Decimal Step sizes are invalid in Visual Basic.
 A decimal Step size is never needed.
 Decimal Step sizes usually produce infinite loops.


The code in a Try block refers to a file and the first catch block is written as follows:

Catch exc As IO.IOException

The second catch block is written with the following clause:


What type of exception will this second Catch block handle?
 any exception that hasn’t already been handled
 an exception generated by deleting or renaming an open file
 this block isn’t designed to catch any exceptions
 this block will catch all cases where the file specified by fileName does exist


The Description pane, located below the Properties windows, shows a brief explanation of the highlighted property.


A class-level variable declared in one form can be accessed by other forms if it is declared with the keyword Public.


The following lines of code are correct.

If age >= 13 And < 20 Then
txtOutput.Text = "You are a teenager."
End If



Debugging an unstructured program often requires the programmer to look at the entire program in order to make even a simple modification.


Get property procedures are used to retrieve values of member variables.


Keywords are also referred to as reserved words.


Like other variables, array variables can be declared and assigned initial values at the same time.


The value of cboBox.Text is the currently highlighted item.


The number of items in cboBox is cboBox.Items.Count.


When starting a new program, it is best to start writing code as soon as possible to avoid wasting time thinking about it.


The Substring method is used to extract a portion of a string.


One may use a Select Case block within another Select Case block.


Inheritance does not enhance code reusability.


End tags always begin with a less than symbol followed by a forward slash.


In a Simple combo box, the list is always visible.


If the initial value is greater than the terminating value in a For…Next loop, the statements within are still executed one time.


When an If block has completed execution, the program instruction immediately following the If block is executed.


No more than one ElseIf statement may occur in any one If block.


Clicking on a checked check box unchecks the check box.


Two instances of the same class may exist in a single program.

  • CSIS 208 Final Exam,
  • CSIS 208 Programming Assignment 1,
  • CSIS 208 Programming Assignment 2,
  • CSIS 208 Programming Assignment 4,
  • CSIS 208 Programming Assignment 5,
  • CSIS 208 Programming Assignment 6,
  • CSIS 208 Programming Assignment 7,
  • CSIS 208 Programming Assignment 8,
  • CSIS 208 Course Project


  • CSIS 208 Final Exam,
  • CSIS 208 Programming Assignment 1,
  • CSIS 208 Programming Assignment 2,
  • CSIS 208 Programming Assignment 4,
  • CSIS 208 Programming Assignment 5,
  • CSIS 208 Programming Assignment 6,
  • CSIS 208 Programming Assignment 7,
  • CSIS 208 Programming Assignment 8,
  • CSIS 208 Course Project

CSIS 208 Course Project

Final Class Project Grading System:

You are currently taking a course at Liberty University and you notice your professor has been keeping track of grades manually. To help alleviate any issues he is having you decide to create a Visual Basic program that will allow him to enter grades for each student and produce a report for later use. You sit down with him to come up with the following requirements for the application:

There will be at least two forms, the student form and the grade entry form.
The initial form will provide the professor with the following functionality:

  1. Student populated list
    • The student list must be populated from a .txt file into an array
    • The student list will vary from term to term so the array has to be flexible
    • The student list can be in a drop-down box or in a list box
    • When the professor selects the student from the list provided a student entry form is displayed.
  2. When the quit button is selected the user will be presented with a verification if the professor would like to leave the screen

The student entry form will provide the professor with the following functionality

  1. The student name
  2. A picture of the student selected is required for verification (the student image will be named with the studentname.jpg)
  3. The ability to enter the following number of assignments for each category (2 tests (out of 100 each), 3 quizzes (out of 50 points each), 5 assignments(out of 50 points each))
  4. Indication if any of the individual grades are below 70 percent
  5. A calculate button
  6. A clear button
    The clear button will clear everything on the screen except for the student name and image
  7. A cancel button
    The cancel button returns to the previous form for the professor to select a new student
  8. The calculate button is required to include the following”
    • A check to see if any grades are missing. If a grade is missing the user is prompted with an error and the application directs the professor to the location of his mistake. The program will not keep calculating
    • A total for each category where all assignments for each category are out of the same number of points
    • Once the totals are determined, the total grade is calculated using the following percentage
      1. Tests – percentage of grade 50%
      2. Quizzes – percentage of grade 20%
      3. Assignments – percentage of grade 30%
    • The professor is presented with a report to the screen with the following information:
      1. The total student points
      2. The total final letter grade for the student using the following breakdown:
        • 90-100 = A
        • 80-89 = B
        • 70-79 = C
        • Below 70 = Not passing
    • If the student fails the form background color will change

For this assignment you will provide appropriate pictures of your choice for the students selected, one being an image that is provided along with the assignment.

The student list will be created and populated by you. You must have at least 5 students and all students must be unique.

As in all of your assignments, make sure that you have used appropriate programming techniques (i.e. naming of controls and variables, form has a title, internal documentation/comments are clear, formatting of any currency fields, etc.)


  • CSIS 208 Final Exam,
  • CSIS 208 Programming Assignment 1,
  • CSIS 208 Programming Assignment 2,
  • CSIS 208 Programming Assignment 4,
  • CSIS 208 Programming Assignment 5,
  • CSIS 208 Programming Assignment 6,
  • CSIS 208 Programming Assignment 7,
  • CSIS 208 Programming Assignment 8,
  • CSIS 208 Course Project

CSIS 208 Programming Assignment 8

Write a Visual Basic program to implement the cash register in the diagram below. The program should have a class called CashRegister that keeps track of the balance and allows deposits and withdrawals. The class should not permit a negative balance. If the user tries to subtract a number that would result in a negative balance, the system should produce a messagebox indicating that the transaction would result in a negative balance, which is not permitted.



CSIS 208 Programming Assignment 7

The database Microland.accdb is maintained by the Microland Computer Warehouse, a mail-order computer-supply company. The illustrations below show data in the Customers table and the Orders Table in the database. The table identifies each customer by an ID number and gives, in addition to the name and address, the total amount of purchases during the current year. The Order table provides the customer id and the item ordered.

The database that contains the table for this assignment is contained within your Instructions folder and should be placed in your project’s bin\debug folder.

**To receive any points for this assignment you must do the following:
For this assignment you will open the attached Microsoft Access file and add your name and your instructors name in the customers table using the following information:

13Your NameYour StreetYour City100.50
14Your teachers NameYour StreetYour City95.25

You must also add the following lines to the Orders table


Write a Visual Basic program that will:

  1. On the form_load event, display in a listbox the customers’ names that are listed in the Customers table.
  2. When the user selects a customer from the listbox,the customer’s name, street, city, and purchases should be displayed in the textboxes to the right of the buttons as illustrated below.
  3. The customer and the order table are joined and the orders for the customer are displayed in the atagrid. The datagrid should have headers for the data as shown below.
  4. The purchases should be formatted to be currency.
  5. A Display Total Purchases should be included to sum up all of the total purchases for all names listed in the lstOutput. This information should be displayed in a message box.
  6. A Clear button should be included to clear all of the textboxes and datagrid. [Note that it should not clear the listbox containing the customers’ names.]
  7. A Close button should be included to exit the application.

As in all of your assignments, make sure that you have used appropriate programming techniques (i.e. naming of controls and variables, form has a title, tab order of controls is appropriate, textboxes used for display purposes are not writeable, internal documentation/comments are clear, formatting of any currency fields, etc.)


  • CSIS 208 Final Exam,
  • CSIS 208 Programming Assignment 1,
  • CSIS 208 Programming Assignment 2,
  • CSIS 208 Programming Assignment 4,
  • CSIS 208 Programming Assignment 5,
  • CSIS 208 Programming Assignment 6,
  • CSIS 208 Programming Assignment 7,
  • CSIS 208 Programming Assignment 8,
  • CSIS 208 Course Project

CSIS 208 Programming Assignment 6

Go and Tell Missions

You have been asked to provide a program to the Go and Tell Missions Company, which will store a list of their current missionaries. The information they have is stored in a text file. Each record of the file contains the last name, first name, state the missionary resides, the age of the missionary, the years of service, and the preference for the mission field. When the application opens, the program should display all of this data in a datagridview control. The user should have the option of sorting the data in ascending order or descending order by the last name. The menu item File contains the second-level menu item Exit, which exits the application. The menu item Sort contains the two second-level menu items Ascending and Descending. The menu item Filter contains the four second-level menu items All, Europe, Middle East, South America, and North America. The menu item Search provides the user the ability to input a last name to retrieve the full record of the user selected.

[Note: You should make the first column containing the book title large enough to display the entire title of each book. To do this, set the AutoSizeColumnsMode property to “All Cells”.]


  1. The text file, easterndiv_missions.txt is included in your Instructions folder and should be stored in your project’s bin\debug folder.
  2. ****This step must be included for your assignment to be accepted. You must include three other rows in the file that include your name, your instructor’s name, and another name with the appropriate data
  3. Read the values of the text file into an array called missionsarray.
  4. Use LINQ queries to separate the lines of the text file into their own fields called Last, First, State, Age, Years of Service, Location and display these values in a datagridview control. You will find it useful to set the datasource property of the datagridview control to the results of your LINQ query.
  5. When the user clicks on the Sort menu, use LINQ queries to sort the array in ascending or descending order by Title and re-display your results in the same datagridview control. Make sure that only one option under the Sort menu appears checked at any given time.
  6. When the user clicks on the Filter menu, use LINQ queries to filter the array by Europe, Middle East, South America, North America, or All. Make sure that only one option under the Filter menu appears checked at any given time.
  7. When the user clicks on the Search menu, the user is prompted with an input box. The program will prompt the user for a last name. The program will utilize a try catch statement to check if the user entered a value in the input.
  8. Preserve the selections from the Sort and Filter menus in your results. That is, if the user has selected to Filter the list to Middle East and then clicks Sort | Descending, the datagridview control should display the list of missionaries where the preference is the Middle East, sorted in descending order.
  9. The form should open with the Sort | Ascending and Filter | All options set. The datagridview control should display these results as well.
  10. Ensure that the full title can be seen for every row.
  11. Include shortcuts and access keys for each menu item (such as Ctrl-X for Exit, Ctrl-A for Ascending, etc.)

As in all of your assignments, make sure that you have used appropriate programming techniques (i.e. naming of controls and variables, form has a title, internal documentation/comments are clear, formatting of any currency fields, etc.)


  • CSIS 208 Final Exam,
  • CSIS 208 Programming Assignment 1,
  • CSIS 208 Programming Assignment 2,
  • CSIS 208 Programming Assignment 4,
  • CSIS 208 Programming Assignment 5,
  • CSIS 208 Programming Assignment 6,
  • CSIS 208 Programming Assignment 7,
  • CSIS 208 Programming Assignment 8,
  • CSIS 208 Course Project

CSIS 208 Programming Assignment 5

In this assignment, you are to design an application, which will manage a listing of missionaries on staff at the Organization Go and Tell. The company has several specifications for this application. This application must be able to display two of the organizations files that contain the missionaries in the field and the missionaries waiting for assignment. The application must be able to sort the display. When a new missionary is added to the organization the application must have the ability to accept this addition. When a missionary retires from the organization, the application must remove the missionary from the appropriate file. The organization would like the application to display the number of missionaries in the field and in waiting while the program is running. Please see below for more specifications on the application.

Helpful hints:

  1. Design your form as depicted in the diagram below.
  2. The text files needed for this assignment should be placed in the bin\debug folder of the project. Note that you will not have a starting text file for either. Your program should create it when it doesn’t exist the first time it runs.
  3. ***You must include Your name, instructor as one of the default missionary names. Please use the example below to see how it should be displayed. This is a requirement or your application will not be accepted. There must be at least 10 names included for the missionaries when creating the files from the application.
  4. Add the Company name at the top of the application
  5. Before displaying the contents of the MissionaryInWiating and MissionarInField files in the initial load, make sure the files exist first. You will need to use the IO.File.Exists method in your checks.
  6. Your program will then populate the In Field listbox with the names of the missionaries listed in the MissionaryInField text file and populate the In Waiting listbox with the missionaries listed in the MissionaryInWaiting text file.
  7. When a missionary is being sent to the field, the program should move it from the “MissionaryInWaiting.” textfile into the “MissionaryInField” textfile.
  8. When a missionary is done with his/her mission work the application must be able to remove the name from the “MissionaryInField” textfile into the “MissionaryInWaiting” textfile.
  9. The contents of the two text files should be displayed in listboxes when the application starts. After each “update”, the listboxes should be cleared and refreshed with the changes shown from the file.
  10. Your application should also have a button to add more missionaries to the “MissionariesInWaiting “ text file. Your application will accept an item through user input and add it to the MissionariesInWaiting file and refresh the approriate listbox.
  11. Your application should also have a button to delete the missionary completely from the file the name is stored in. The application must check a name is selected before deleting.
  12. The application will use the listbox count feature to display the number of missionaries for each file. This must be refreshed each time the file is updated.
  13. The sort Button will sort both list boxes in ascending order. A quit button should be included to exit the application.
  14. Do NOT use arrays to populate the listboxes, but instead, use LINQ queries that read directly from the text files.
  15. Use the StreamWriter in conjunction with IO.File.AppendText to and IO.File.CreateText to append new directories and create new text files. (Note: You will need to use the WriteLine method to write the name of the new file to each text file.)
  16. Use good programming practices by clearing the listboxes before refreshing them when a change is made that affects their contents.
  17. Remember to close the files after accessing them.
  18. To remove a listing from a directory, you want to select only those records in the file that are not the one the user wants to remove.
  19. Include appropriate error checking (i.e. check to make sure something has been selected in one of the listboxes before trying to move it to the other listbox.).
  20. Use appropriate naming conventions for all controls and variables. Make sure the form has a title. Include appropriate internal documentation (i.e. comments in your code).


  • CSIS 208 Final Exam,
  • CSIS 208 Programming Assignment 1,
  • CSIS 208 Programming Assignment 2,
  • CSIS 208 Programming Assignment 4,
  • CSIS 208 Programming Assignment 5,
  • CSIS 208 Programming Assignment 6,
  • CSIS 208 Programming Assignment 7,
  • CSIS 208 Programming Assignment 8,
  • CSIS 208 Course Project

CSIS 208 Programming Assignment 4

A dry cleaning service is in the need of a invoice order form. They currently would like to have an ordering system to reflect the three main items they dry clean (comforters, shirts, and pants).
The cost of drycleaning the items are as follows:


The sales tax rate is 7%. Write a Visual Basic program to create an invoice form for an order. (See the diagram below.)

After the data on the left side of the form are entered, the user can display an invoice in a list box by pressing the Process Order button. The user can click on the Clear Order Form button to clear all text boxes and the list box, and can click on the Quit button to exit the program.

The invoice number consists of the capitalized first two letters of the customer’s last name, followed by the last four digits of the zip code.

The customer name is input with the last name first, followed by a comma, a space, and the first name. However, the name is displayed in the invoice in the proper order.

The generation of the invoice number and the reordering of the first and last names should be carried out by Function procedures.

After the invoice is created the dates of delivery will be displayed through loops. The user should be prompted to enter a number between 1 and 10 to determine how many delivery dates should be scheduled. You want to display the next delivery dates starting with the current date and ending with the week the user entered. The date should not be hard coded but be the current date. With each iteration you will add 7 days.

The lstbox must contain the employee name (your name) and the manager name (your instructor’s name). ***This is a requirement of the assignment and the assignment will not be accepted without it.

All variables to hold the price of the items to be dry cleaned must be created as constants.

Internatl communication must be used throughout the assignment.


  • CSIS 208 Final Exam,
  • CSIS 208 Programming Assignment 1,
  • CSIS 208 Programming Assignment 2,
  • CSIS 208 Programming Assignment 4,
  • CSIS 208 Programming Assignment 5,
  • CSIS 208 Programming Assignment 6,
  • CSIS 208 Programming Assignment 7,
  • CSIS 208 Programming Assignment 8,
  • CSIS 208 Course Project

CSIS 208 Programming Assignment 3

Mark 16:15
He said to them, “ Go into all the world and preach the good news to all creation”

It is very important to share the Word with others. One of the ways to do this is through mission trips where not only are you the hands and feet of Jesus but also you provide His Word.

This week you are going to create a Visual Basic program which produces a quote for mission teams. The user should enter the Name of the Group, the location of the mission trip, the number of people going on the trip, the number of days, and the choice of insurance.

  1. Design your screen to look like the one below.
  2. Store the amounts entered by the user in variables and use these variables in the formula.
  3. A processing fee in the amount of $250 must be stored in a constant variable
  4. The following locations should be stored in a listbox:
    1. Africa – price per day $500
    2. United States – price per day $100
    3. Haiti – price per day $400
    4. Mexico – price per day $200
  5. Use appropriate naming conventions for controls and variables.
  6. Include internal documentation to describe the logic in your program (i.e. put comments in your code).
  7. Tab Control must flow in order and not go to the lstbox.
  8. The Calculate Button will do the following:
    1. The results listbox should be cleared before displaying the new results.
    2. The information that was entered should be checked to make sure there are values entered. If the user entry contains null values, the user should be so advised, and the user should be directed to the text box that contains the error. Make sure your error messages are meaningful.
    3. Determine if insurance is wanted based on the value of the checked box. Set the value of insurance to zero if the option is not checked and 300 if the option is checked.
    4. Determine the price per day depending on the location selection. You must show you can use a case statement for this decision.
    5. Calculate the cost for the total trip using the calculation below:
      ((number of people) * (daily cost of trip) * (number of days)) + insurance amount + fee
    6. Using the output below, display the following information using the appropriate spacing
      1. *****In the lstBox you must include the mission coordinator (your instructor) and the guide (your name). This is a requirement for the assignment to be accepted.
      2. The Group Name – Must be converted to upper case before displaying
      3. The Location of the Trip
      4. The number of people going
      5. The daily cost per person
      6. The number of days
      7. The insurance amount for the trip formatted as currency
      8. Total cost of trip formatted as currency


  • CSIS 208 Final Exam,
  • CSIS 208 Programming Assignment 1,
  • CSIS 208 Programming Assignment 2,
  • CSIS 208 Programming Assignment 4,
  • CSIS 208 Programming Assignment 5,
  • CSIS 208 Programming Assignment 6,
  • CSIS 208 Programming Assignment 7,
  • CSIS 208 Programming Assignment 8,
  • CSIS 208 Course Project

CSIS 208 Programming Assignment 2

One of the most important pieces to programming is the design. In many cases the planning phase is longer than the actual programming time.

This assignment is to help you understand the importance of planning and for you to see how it will be beneficial for assignment three and all of your future assignments.

Using the information you learned in week one, create a flow chart to show the steps you will need for assignment 3. You can create this assignment using any flowcharting tool, including Microsoft Word.

In your FlowChart you should include the following:

  • Ensure that all processes are included
  • Ensure that the process is logical and can be followed
  • Ensure you have one start and one End
  • Your name and instructor name must be included in the assignment through a footer or as a title.


  • CSIS 208 Final Exam,
  • CSIS 208 Programming Assignment 1,
  • CSIS 208 Programming Assignment 2,
  • CSIS 208 Programming Assignment 4,
  • CSIS 208 Programming Assignment 5,
  • CSIS 208 Programming Assignment 6,
  • CSIS 208 Programming Assignment 7,
  • CSIS 208 Programming Assignment 8,
  • CSIS 208 Course Project

CSIS 208 Programming Assignment 1

Create a Visual Basic form like the one below that allows the user to press buttons to change the background and foreground colors of the textbox and update a text box. Your form should have 3 buttons, 1 label, and 1 textbox.

  1. Name the form frmAssignment_1 and put Assignment #1 in its title bar.
  2. Name the buttons btnUpdateFont, btnUpdateVerse, btnVerify. The tab order of the buttons should be Update Verse, Update Font, and Update Verify. The tab should not go to the verse. The form should open with the Update Verse button having the focus.
  3. Create access keys for the buttons with the “V” underlined for the Update Verse and the F underlined for the Update Font buttons. Create an access key for the “V” underlined on the Verify button
  4. Name the textbox txtVerse and enter into it the Bible verse from Phil 4:13 as depicted below. The font of the textbox should be something other than the default Microsoft Sans Serif. The text should be center aligned.
  5. When the user clicks the Update Font Button, the background of the textbox should become blue (use Color.Blue), the foreground of the textbox should become red (use Color.Red).
  6. When the user clicks the Update verse button, Your favorite verse should be displayed in the txtverse text box.
  7. A label should be created called lblVerify. The label should be created but not show on the load.
  8. When the user clicks the Verify button the label text should now be visible to the user. The label should include your name and your teacher name and the date you finished your project.. **This is a main requirement and the assignment will not be accepted without this detail.
  • CSIS 208 Final Exam,
  • CSIS 208 Programming Assignment 1,
  • CSIS 208 Programming Assignment 2,
  • CSIS 208 Programming Assignment 4,
  • CSIS 208 Programming Assignment 5,
  • CSIS 208 Programming Assignment 6,
  • CSIS 208 Programming Assignment 7,
  • CSIS 208 Programming Assignment 8,
  • CSIS 208 Course Project