
CSIS 208 Programming Assignment 3



Mark 16:15
He said to them, “ Go into all the world and preach the good news to all creation”
It is very important to share the Word with others. One of the ways to do this is through mission trips where not only are you the hands and feet of Jesus but also you provide His Word.
This week you are going to create a Visual Basic program which produces a quote for mission teams. The user should enter the Name of the Group, the location of the mission trip, the number of people going on the trip, the number of days, and the choice of insurance.
Design your screen to look like the one below.
Store the amounts entered by the user in variables and use these variables in the formula.
A processing fee in the amount of $250 must be stored in a constant variable
The following locations should be stored in a listbox:
Africa – price per day $500
United States – price per day $100
Haiti – price per day $400
Mexico – price per day $200
Use appropriate naming conventions for controls and variables.
Include internal documentation to describe the logic in your program (i.e. put comments in your code).
Tab Control must flow in order and not go to the lstbox.
The Calculate Button will do the following:
The results listbox should be cleared before displaying the new results.
The information that was entered should be checked to make sure there are values entered. If the user entry contains null values, the user should be so advised, and the user should be directed to the text box that contains the error. Make sure your error messages are meaningful.
Determine if insurance is wanted based on the value of the checked box. Set the value of insurance to zero if the option is not checked and 300 if the option is checked.
Determine the price per day depending on the location selection. You must show you can use a case statement for this decision.
Calculate the cost for the total trip using the calculation below:
((number of people) * (daily cost of trip) * (number of days)) + insurance amount + fee
Using the output below, display the following information using the appropriate spacing
*****In the lstBox you must include the mission coordinator (your instructor) and the guide (your name). This is a requirement for the assignment to be accepted.
The Group Name – Must be converted to upper case before displaying
The Location of the Trip
The number of people going
The daily cost per person
The number of days
The insurance amount for the trip formatted as currency
Total cost of trip formatted as currency
The solution includes a Visual Studio (Visual Basic) project
Attachments [Move over files to preview content of those files] (99.00 KB)
Visual Studio project
My Project
My Project.Resources.Designer.vb.dll
Preview MissionTripCalculator.vb
xxxxxx xxxxx
xxx xxx
xxx xxxxxxxx
xxxxxxx xxx xxxxxxxxxxxx_xxxxx(xxxxxx xx xxxxxx, x xx xxxxxxxxx) xxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxx.xxxxx
Dim s As String Dim list As List(Of String) = New List(Of String) Try lstBox.Items.Clear() s = “Mission Coordinator: ” & YOUR_INSTRUCTOR_NAME & vbCrLf list.Add(s) s = “Mission Guide: ” & YOUR_NAME & vbCrLf list.Add(s) If String.IsNullOrEmpty(txtGroupName.Text) Then Throw New Exception(“Group name can not be blank”) End If s = “Group Name: ” & txtGroupName.Text.ToUpper & vbCrLf
xxx xxxxxxxxx xx xxxxxx = 0
xx (xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.xxxxxxx = xxxx) xxxx
xxxxxxxxx = 300
xxx xx
xx (xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.xxxxxxxxxxxxx < 0) xxxx (74.96 KB) .vs MissionTeams v14 .suo MissionTeams App.config bin Debug MissionTeams.exe MissionTeams.exe.config MissionTeams.pdb MissionTeams.vshost.exe MissionTeams.vshost.exe.config MissionTeams.xml Release MissionTeams.vbproj MissionTripCalculator.Designer.vb MissionTripCalculator.vb My Project Application.Designer.vb Application.myapp AssemblyInfo.vb Resources.Designer.vb Settings.Designer.vb Settings.settings obj Debug DesignTimeResolveAssemblyReferences.cache DesignTimeResolveAssemblyReferencesInput.cache MissionTeams.exe MissionTeams.pdb MissionTeams.Resources.resources MissionTeams.vbproj.FileListAbsolute.txt MissionTeams.vbproj.GenerateResource.Cache MissionTeams.vbprojResolveAssemblyReference.cache MissionTeams.xml TempPE My Project.Resources.Designer.vb.dll MissionTeams.sln Preview MissionTripCalculator.vb xxxxxx xxxxx xxx xxx xxx xxxxxxxx xxxxxxx xxx xxxxxxxxxxxx_xxxxx(xxxxxx xx xxxxxx, x xx xxxxxxxxx) xxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxx.xxxxx Dim s As String Dim list As List(Of String) = New List(Of String) Try lstBox.Items.Clear() s = "Mission Coordinator: " & YOUR_INSTRUCTOR_NAME & vbCrLf list.Add(s) s = "Mission Guide: " & YOUR_NAME & vbCrLf list.Add(s) If String.IsNullOrEmpty(txtGroupName.Text) Then Throw New Exception("Group name can not be blank") End If s = "Group Name: " & txtGroupName.Text.ToUpper & vbCrLf xxx xxxxxxxxx xx xxxxxx = 0 xx (xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.xxxxxxx = xxxx) xxxx xxxxxxxxx = 300 xxx xx xx (xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.xxxxxxxxxxxxx < 0) xxxx Price: $19 Buy Now Checkout Added to cart Buy More Save More Buy at least TWO items & save up to 30% OFF your ENTIRE order! Rack up instant rebates in your shopping cart. Simply add items to your cart, and see the savings add up. Discounts will automatically be applied on eligible orders. CSIS 208 Programming Assignment 3 – $15.00 CSIS 208 Programming Assignment 4 – $19.00 CSIS 208 Programming Assignment 5 – $19.00 CSIS 208 Programming Assignment 6 – $19.00 CSIS 208 Programming Assignment 7 – $19.00 CSIS 208 Programming Assignment 8 – $19.00 CSIS 208 Course Project – $29.00 Add to Cart Checkout Added to cart You May Also Like: CSIS 208 Final Exam CSIS 208 Programming Assignment 1 CSIS 208 Programming Assignment 2 CSIS 208 Programming Assignment 4 CSIS 208 Programming Assignment 5 CSIS 208 Programming Assignment 6 CSIS 208 Programming Assignment 7 CSIS 208 Programming Assignment 8 CSIS 208 Course Project


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