
nursing psychology.docx


nursing psychology.docx

This is a mental condition that affects one’s perception and behavior towards certain situations. It causes dysfunction in thinking, making someone selfish, uncaring, manipulative, and socially irresponsible. These people usually act or think mindless of the consequences their actions may have on themselves or those around them. They may be unsympathetic, violent, and sometimes unable to carry on with their daily activities like jobs or care for their families. It is common among those who abuse alcohol/drugs and criminals and usually has an early onset at around eight years of age. (Livesley & Larstone, 2018). The actual cause of ASPD is unknown, but genetics and environment have been known as some of the risk factors. Medication can play a key role in helping those who are struggling with mental health disorders and conditions. Adding a medication to a treatment plan in combination with psychotherapy can prove to be beneficial for many individuals. Though some may disagree, medication can help an individual in many ways, including reducing their symptoms, preventing relapses, minimizing cravings, maintaining abstinence, and can aid in short-term treatment plans.


nursing psychology.docx

This is a mental condition that affects one’s perception and behavior towards certain situations. It causes dysfunction in thinking, making someone selfish, uncaring, manipulative, and socially irresponsible. These people usually act or think mindless of the consequences their actions may have on themselves or those around them. They may be unsympathetic, violent, and sometimes unable to carry on with their daily activities like jobs or care for their families. It is common among those who abuse alcohol/drugs and criminals and usually has an early onset at around eight years of age. (Livesley & Larstone, 2018). The actual cause of ASPD is unknown, but genetics and environment have been known as some of the risk factors. Medication can play a key role in helping those who are struggling with mental health disorders and conditions.

nursing psychology.docx

Adding a medication to a treatment plan in combination with psychotherapy can prove to be beneficial for many individuals. Though some may disagree, medication can help an individual in many ways, including reducing their symptoms, preventing relapses, minimizing cravings, maintaining abstinence, and can aid in short-term treatment plans. Medication is thought to be unnecessary or unhelpful to individuals struggling with mental illnesses such as anxiety and depression, and for some individuals, that is true. Studies have shown that an antidepressant used in an individual who is only mildly depressed had virtually no difference in effect than a placebo pill given to the same patient (Kirsch, Deacon, Huedo-Medina, Scoboria, Moore, & Johnson, 2006). However, higher antidepressant efficacy was seen in individuals who are severely depressed that are in desperate need of help (Kirsch et al., 2008).

nursing psychology.docx

This concludes that the higher level of depression a person has, the more efficient the antidepressant is.1. Discuss your basic understanding of this emerging issue and of the research findings.2. Criticize aspects of this emerging issue and present your assigned side of the debate in an arational manner (e.g., in justifying the use of a method with a selected population) 3. Identify at least two critical dilemmas and/or points related to this issue (e.g., ethical/sociocultural concerns). Telepsychiatry is a medical assessment and distant treatment for psychiatric conditions. This allows it difficult to get to populations in the military settings, prisons as well as far-away rural communities to able to access the expertise of a specialist.

nursing psychology.docx

This expertise service was introduced decades ago and is a very successful case in point of the more wide-ranging field of telemedicine.Patients who are conventionally treated by Telepsychiatry are confined in controlled locations and thus utilize protected, exceptional function record conferencing apparatus. Most of these patients often suffer from mental illness in a way that the diagnosis is likely to be based on obvious signs and indications. Management for these conditions is more often than not pharmacologic. In recent times, private practice clinicians are widely using online psychotherapy. Video/Online Therapy is a system that is rapidly growing. Articles and mental health blogs are being widely used and are becoming popular (Kraus, R., Stricker, G. & Speyer, C. 2011)

nursing psychology.docx


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