



‘From Novice to Expert’ is a nursing concept developed by Patricia Benner, applying the principles and ideas of ‘The Dreyfus Model of Skill Acquisition. This nursing concept was primarily formed to keep up with the increasing demands of nursing practice and to improve the acuity of nursing care for the patients with a focus on longstanding professional development. The foundation of this concept is based upon the accumulation of nursing skills through a combination of robust educational footing and individual experiences that shape the proficiency levels of the nurses. There are five levels identified in this concept by Patricia Benner, which are, namely, novice, advanced beginner, competent, proficient, and expert. As the skills are developed over time, the nurses move from one level to another based on their capabilities and experience gained via clinical practice and extensive research. This movement is a gradual process that occurs when the nurses start to apply their past experiences from the clinical practice rather than simply depending upon abstract theories, and their perception undergoes a transition based on ongoing requirements of nursing care.


‘From Novice to Expert’ is a nursing concept developed by Patricia Benner, applying the principles and ideas of ‘The Dreyfus Model of Skill Acquisition. This nursing concept was primarily formed to keep up with the increasing demands of nursing practice and to improve the acuity of nursing care for the patients with a focus on longstanding professional development. The foundation of this concept is based upon the accumulation of nursing skills through a combination of robust educational footing and individual experiences that shape the proficiency levels of the nurses. There are five levels identified in this concept by Patricia Benner, which are, namely, novice, advanced beginner, competent, proficient, and expert. As the skills are developed over time, the nurses move from one level to another based on their capabilities and experience gained via clinical practice and extensive research.


This movement is a gradual process that occurs when the nurses start to apply their past experiences from the clinical practice rather than simply depending upon abstract theories, and their perception undergoes a transition based on ongoing requirements of nursing care. This essay will discuss the various aspects of these five levels and provide an overview of them. The initial level is a novice, where the nurse is a beginner and has no prior experience in the areas in which they are expected to perform tasks that can help them in decision-making in the clinical field. They are usually student nurses who are in their first or second year of clinical learning, and hence their ability to work with flexibility and adept knowledge is limited. In order to give them entry into these situations, they are taught about them in terms of objective attributes.


These attributes are features of the task that can be recognized without situational experience. Common attributes accessible to the novice include weight, intake and output, temperature, blood pressure, pulse, and other such objectifiable, measurable parameters of the patient’s condition. Novice practitioners are also taught rules to guide action for different attributes. The heart of the difficulty that the novice faces is the inability to use discretionary judgment. Since novices have no experience with the situation they face, they must use these context-free rules to guide their task performance. However, following rules legislation against successful task performance because no rule can tell a novice which tasks are most relevant in a real situation or when an exception to the rule is in order.



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