
PSY 215 PSY215 Abnormal Psy Discussion 1 – Snhu


PSY 215 PSY215 Abnormal Psy Discussion 1 – Snhu

How would you describe the evolution of abnormality across time, and how do you define abnormality? To define abnormality, it is a manner of conducting oneself that strays from the “normal” path. One definition of abnormality is the failure to function adequately and being unable to meet their activities of daily living independently for example having the ability to get yourself out of bed in the morning and prepare yourself for the day or being able to function in the world, for instance, being able to keep a job. It suggests that people should be able to attain personal well-being and contribute to society. We do need to understand that what is normal today will not be normal in the future. We live in a constant world of change as more research is done and new answers are found maybe the 1 in 4 will become 0. If you were going to conduct a research study to determine whether or not a behavior is “normal” or “abnormal,” what sort of design or methodology do you feel might be effective?


PSY 215 PSY215 Abnormal Psy Discussion 1 – Snhu

How would you describe the evolution of abnormality across time, and how do you define abnormality? To define abnormality, it is a manner of conducting oneself that strays from the “normal” path. One definition of abnormality is the failure to function adequately and being unable to meet their activities of daily living independently for example having the ability to get yourself out of bed in the morning and prepare yourself for the day or being able to function in the world, for instance, being able to keep a job. It suggests that people should be able to attain personal well-being and contribute to society. We do need to understand that what is normal today will not be normal in the future. We live in a constant world of change as more research is done and new answers are found maybe the 1 in 4 will become 0. If you were going to conduct a research study to determine whether or not a behavior is “normal” or “abnormal,” what sort of design or methodology do you feel might be effective?

PSY 215 PSY215 Abnormal Psy Discussion 1 – Snhu

To be able to conduct proper research on whether or not a behavior is normal or abnormal I

would prepare a case study in order to have a better understanding, it would give me the ability to come to some conclusiveness of why certain things happen, which then would give me the realization of what is normal or abnormal. Being that ever one’s personality is impacted in emotions, and shown through behavior. I would have several individuals to study. What modern theoretical perspective of abnormality (biological, psychological, or sociocultural) do you think you might like to explore further as part of your final project for this course? Why? I think I want to explore the biological model of abnormality because it is a huge part of mental illnesses. Being caused by so many different ways; genetic inheritance, evolution, prenatal exposure, viral infections, or even injuries to the brain tissue. Even though we have grown with knowledge on how to diagnose and treat the medications can also cause unwelcoming side effects that can actually cause more issues for the patients. I find this part very interesting and look forward to learning much about this.

PSY 215 PSY215 Abnormal Psy Discussion 1 – Snhu


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