PSY 620 PSY/620 PSY620 HG 2 paper Parenting Styles .PDF -Snhu


PSY 620 PSY/620 PSY620 HG 2 paper Parenting Styles .PDF -Snhu

Growing up we all learn to figure out the ways our parents work as our parents. All parents have their own styles of discipline their children on how they’d like them to be raised.Some parents raise their kids based on how they were brought up, or by what they think results in the best outcome. Those parenting styles being authoritarian, permissive: indulgent or neglectful, and authoritative. Whether both parents use the same styles or have opposite ones,none of it is ever perfect or consistent. After eighteen years with my mom and dad I am now starting to realize this.My mother’s parents, my grandparents, were fairly easy-going with her. They didn’t allow her to be a wild child exactly but she did receive her punishments when she acted or behaved inappropriately. Well, my mother is definitely the more laid back of my parents putting her under authoritative parenting like her parents.


PSY 620 PSY/620 PSY620 HG 2 paper Parenting Styles .PDF -Snhu

Growing up we all learn to figure out the ways our parents work as our parents. All parents have their own styles of discipline their children on how they’d like them to be raised.Some parents raise their kids based on how they were brought up, or by what they think results in the best outcome. Those parenting styles being authoritarian, permissive: indulgent or neglectful, and authoritative. Whether both parents use the same styles or have opposite ones,none of it is ever perfect or consistent. After eighteen years with my mom and dad I am now starting to realize this.My mother’s parents, my grandparents, were fairly easy-going with her. They didn’t allow her to be a wild child exactly but she did receive her punishments when she acted or behaved inappropriately. Well, my mother is definitely the more laid back of my parents putting her under authoritative parenting like her parents.

PSY 620 PSY/620 PSY620 HG 2 paper Parenting Styles .PDF -Snhu

Authoritative parenting encourages children to be independent but still places limits and controls on their actions (Santrock, 2014, 172). My mom is very warm and nurturing, she’s always made it easy for me to talk with her and still continues to be a reasonable and understanding parent. With my fourteen year old sister things are a little more difficult with her, especially at the age she’s at. When it comes to my sister my mom has to be a little bit of both of authoritative as well as authoritarian. Parents using authoritarian styles are more restrictive and punitive, exhorting the child to follow their directions and and respect their work and effort (Santrock, 2014, 172). My sister Jenna tends to be more disrespectful towards our mother, thinking she’s required more freedom and independence.

PSY 620 PSY/620 PSY620 HG 2 paper Parenting Styles .PDF -Snhu


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