
PSY 223 PSY223:Psych4-2 Final Project Milestone Two: Snhu


PSY 223 PSY223:Psych4-2 Final Project Milestone Two: Snhu

The sample size in my chosen data set (scenario 2), is 34 total, split into two separate groups. All participants are from a college campus. With such a small sample size, my analysis will have to indicate that the results may not be representative of the greater population. The small sample size also makes me wonder if it is representative of the college population. While I can still report on the results of the study, I will have to remind the reader of my data analysis report that the sample was small and may not be. The sample number for the group that I have chosen is n=forty participants. This sample has then been randomly divided into two even groups of twenty. Each of these groups will be treated with a form of CBT. Group A will be treated with a less aggressive form of CBT. Those chosen for Group B will be treated with a more aggressive form of CBT. The individuals in both groups will be treated for an hour and a half each day. This will be divided into forty-five-minute sessions.


PSY 223 PSY223:Psych4-2 Final Project Milestone Two: Snhu

The sample size in my chosen data set (scenario 2), is 34 total, split into two separate groups. All participants are from a college campus. With such a small sample size, my analysis will have to indicate that the results may not be representative of the greater population. The small sample size also makes me wonder if it is representative of the college population. While I can still report on the results of the study, I will have to remind the reader of my data analysis report that the sample was small and may not be. The sample number for the group that I have chosen is n=forty participants. This sample has then been randomly divided into two even groups of twenty. Each of these groups will be treated with a form of CBT. Group A will be treated with a less aggressive form of CBT. Those chosen for Group B will be treated with a more aggressive form of CBT. The individuals in both groups will be treated for an hour and a half each day. This will be divided into forty-five-minute sessions.

PSY 223 PSY223:Psych4-2 Final Project Milestone Two: Snhu

These groups were divided randomly. This will help with any bias in the study. There is an issue with this study. Forty participants do not allow for the study to be duplicated with any validity. This is too small of a number to say the results would be reliable. I do not believe that this sample is big enough to be a good representation of the population. Data Analysis: Statistical Procedures This study is trying to resolve the question of whether or not the more aggressive treatment of Group A will produce better results than the less aggressive treatment of Group B. It is my opinion that the best statistical procedure that should be employed is a two-sample t-test. This test would be effective in examining the outcome of the two treatments that are being employed and their effectiveness. The best way to determine the effectiveness of these treatments is to look at the averages or the mean score of each treatment. These comparative scores would help identify the two treatments of CBT in the 40 individuals.

PSY 223 PSY223:Psych4-2 Final Project Milestone Two: Snhu


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