PSY 605 PSY605 PSY/605 A this Week 2 Assignment (1). docx – Running head: WEEK 2-Snhu


PSY 605 PSY605 PSY/605 A this Week 2 Assignment (1). docx – Running head: WEEK 2-Snhu

WEEK 2 ASSIGNMENT2Selecting an Age Group/Developmental Stage for the Final Paper The age group that I will be selected for my paper is 3 to 12 years of age. This age group falls on the developmental stage of “childhood.” I have selected this age group because I have always wanted to work with children and the developmental aspects related to this age group. In this paper, I will be exploring the physical, emotional, cognitive and social features of childhood.Moreover, I will also analyze this age group with the theories of Erickson, Piaget, Bandura, and Freud.Features of Childhood In the age range of childhood, physical development is seen to be dramatic. The development in brain, physique, health and fine motor skills is evident at this stage of human life. Children grow quickly in the initial years and then the growth slows down as they enter their preschool period.


PSY 605 PSY605 PSY/605 A this Week 2 Assignment (1). docx – Running head: WEEK 2-Snhu

WEEK 2 ASSIGNMENT2Selecting an Age Group/Developmental Stage for the Final Paper The age group that I will be selected for my paper is 3 to 12 years of age. This age group falls on the developmental stage of “childhood.” I have selected this age group because I have always wanted to work with children and the developmental aspects related to this age group. In this paper, I will be exploring the physical, emotional, cognitive and social features of childhood.Moreover, I will also analyze this age group with the theories of Erickson, Piaget, Bandura, and Freud.Features of Childhood In the age range of childhood, physical development is seen to be dramatic. The development in brain, physique, health and fine motor skills is evident at this stage of human life. Children grow quickly in the initial years and then the growth slows down as they enter their preschool period.

PSY 605 PSY605 PSY/605 A this Week 2 Assignment (1). docx – Running head: WEEK 2-Snhu

The baby fat of the children begin to shed, and they start becoming lean and tall as they grow. Moreover, the development of the nervous system and brain increases as the children start using different aspects of cognition like problem-solving, puzzles, mazes, etc.(Smith, Cowie & Blades, 2003). Furthermore, children also develop their motor skills because they learn to understand their physical abilities as they indulge in playing physical activities. They are involved in throwing, jumping, turning around, dancing, balancing and hopping. All these skills help them develop each day. Furthermore, their observational skills also develop in such a way that they start to imitate and perform behaviors after observing their surroundings. According to Bandura’s theory, when children start to learn to discover their biological abilities, they also learn certain behaviors.

PSY 605 PSY605 PSY/605 A this Week 2 Assignment (1). docx – Running head: WEEK 2-Snhu

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