PSY 615 PSY615 PSY/615 Organizational and Industrial Psychology -Snhu


PSY 615 PSY615 PSY/615 Organizational and Industrial Psychology -Snhu

Organization Selection The organization that was selected for the final project was Walmart. The company began in 1950 when Sam Walton opened two stores called Walton’s 5 and Walton’s 10 (Trimble, 1990). Located in Arkansas, Walton wanted to expand his stores. The company did not become the super store we know today as Walmart until 1962, and by 1980, there was at least one store in every southern state (Trimble, 1990). By the beginning of 2010, Walmart had over 11,000 stores in 28 different states (Trimble). Fast forward to 2018, Walmart has over 1.4 million employees; to put this into perspective, 1.4 million employees is roughly 1% of the United States population(). Such a large company must be running smoothly, right?Within the past few years, there have been numerous articles, such as the one from Forbes, stating that Wal-mart has an outdated management style and organization, and those are making the company fail (Mourdoukotas, 2016).Walmart’s management style is outdated due to its lack of being streamlined. It has been found that at each level of the corporation, a different management style is being used. For higher-ups, transformational leadership styles are utilized,and for in-store workers, transactional leadership styles(). Transformational leadership, used by higher management, is known as the style that leads by example and uses inspiration to motivate in-store employees; also known as the selling type of leadership (Judge & Piccolo, 2004).



PSY 615 PSY615 PSY/615 Organizational and Industrial Psychology -Snhu

Organization Selection The organization that was selected for the final project was Walmart. The company began in 1950 when Sam Walton opened two stores called Walton’s 5 and Walton’s 10 (Trimble, 1990). Located in Arkansas, Walton wanted to expand his stores. The company did not become the super store we know today as Walmart until 1962, and by 1980, there was at least one store in every southern state (Trimble, 1990). By the beginning of 2010, Walmart had over 11,000 stores in 28 different states (Trimble). Fast forward to 2018, Walmart has over 1.4 million employees; to put this into perspective, 1.4 million employees is roughly 1% of the United States population(). Such a large company must be running smoothly, right?Within the past few years, there have been numerous articles, such as the one from Forbes, stating that Wal-mart has an outdated management style and organization, and those are making the company fail (Mourdoukotas, 2016).Walmart’s management style is outdated due to its lack of being streamlined. It has been found that at each level of the corporation, a different management style is being used. For higher-ups, transformational leadership styles are utilized,and for in-store workers, transactional leadership styles().

PSY 615 PSY615 PSY/615 Organizational and Industrial Psychology -Snhu

Transformational leadership, used by higher management, is known as the style that leads by example and uses inspiration to motivate in-store employees; also known as the selling type of leadership (Judge & Piccolo, 2004). This means that higher management serves as a sort of figure head for in-store employees. On the other hand, in-store employees use transactional leadership that is defined by leading through rules previously set and following current organizational structures; also known as the telling type of leadership (Judge & Piccolo, 2004). On the surface, it may seem to make sense that different parts of an organization would use different leadership styles since they are, in fact, doing different jobs. However, as companies like Forbes have pointed out, this is outdated. Having multiple leadership styles throughout a company leads to disconnect and confusion among employees. More than that,there is no current policy in place to ensure that leaders are being effective in their positions.Measurements To assess possible organizational problems at Walmart, a steps should be taken. First, the Job Satisfaction Survey (JSS) should be given to employees and managers. The Job Satisfaction Survey is a thirty six item survey that focuses on nine scales with answers that range from strongly disagree to strongly agree (Spector, 1985).

PSY 615 PSY615 PSY/615 Organizational and Industrial Psychology -Snhu


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