PSY/624 PSY624 PSY 624 Milestone 3 AFTERCARE PLAN.docx – Snhu


PSY/624 PSY624 PSY 624 Milestone 3 AFTERCARE PLAN.docx – Snhu

An aftercare plan is vital for violent offenders, non-violent offenders, or trauma victims. There are many offenders that are released from the penal system daily, and an aftercare plan is important to help prevent recidivism. A majority of offenders have little education, job experience, and many have a dependency on drugs and/or alcohol. Society often considers offenders to be hopeless due to the rate of recidivism in the U.S. and this is why it is important to create an aftercare plan that works to prevent recidivism (Second Chance Act Statewide Adult Recidivism Reduction Strategic Plan Implementation Program FY 2016 Competitive Grant Announcement, 2016). This act authorizes state, local, and tribal governments as well as non-profit organization to work to try and reduce recidivism and improve outcomes for offenders that have been release from both state and federal prison systems. There are many options available for aftercare that is why it is important to know what resources are available, and to be knowledgeable of the procedures for getting offenders into effective aftercare programs.


PSY/624 PSY624 PSY 624 Milestone 3 AFTERCARE PLAN.docx – Snhu

An aftercare plan is vital for violent offenders, non-violent offenders, or trauma victims. There are many offenders that are released from the penal system daily, and an aftercare plan is important to help prevent recidivism. A majority of offenders have little education, job experience, and many have a dependency on drugs and/or alcohol. Society often considers offenders to be hopeless due to the rate of recidivism in the U.S. and this is why it is important to create an aftercare plan that works to prevent recidivism (Second Chance Act Statewide Adult Recidivism Reduction Strategic Plan Implementation Program FY 2016 Competitive Grant Announcement, 2016). This act authorizes state, local, and tribal governments as well as non-profit organization to work to try and reduce recidivism and improve outcomes for offenders that have been release from both state and federal prison systems.

PSY/624 PSY624 PSY 624 Milestone 3 AFTERCARE PLAN.docx – Snhu

There are many options available for aftercare that is why it is important to know what resources are available, and to be knowledgeable of the procedures for getting offenders into effective aftercare programs. Non-Violent offenders Non-violent offenders are involve offenses that do not include any threats of harm or actual harm (i.e. drug crimes, and theft). Most offenders of non-violent crimes have some form of addiction. Many addicts will receive rehabilitation for their addiction while incarcerated or be released into a residential treatment center after release as part of their aftercare plan. This is in hopes of preventing a relapse. The Center for Substance Abuse Treatment, (2005) recommends that aftercare for the non-violent offender who is struggling with addiction, should include intensive supervision involving frequent contact with supervising officers, frequent random drug.

PSY/624 PSY624 PSY 624 Milestone 3 AFTERCARE PLAN.docx – Snhu



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