PSY 620 PSY620 PSY/620-Building Common Ground.docx- Snhu


PSY 620 PSY620 PSY/620-Building Common Ground.docx- Snhu

Building Common Ground2Building Common Ground While communicating with people, there are many different things that we do in order to ensure that the conversation is an effective one. People engage in the conversation because they are catalysts. They care about the person, concerned about the issue at hand, you pursue the issue even if there is an uncertain outcome, and the situation needs your influence in order to solve it. (Greene, 2013). Before the conversation even begins though, the person needs to understand whether or not the issue at hand is one that is an actual issue or is it just a personal issue. Then if it is an issue it is important to remember these three questions in order to have an effective conversation. “What exactly is the behavior that is not meeting my expectations? How does the behavior affect the work environment, the organizational culture, others’ work performance, or the employees’ ability to meet job expectations? What behavior do I expect to see instead?” (Greene, 2013).


PSY 620 PSY620 PSY/620-Building Common Ground.docx- Snhu

Building Common Ground2Building Common Ground While communicating with people, there are many different things that we do in order to ensure that the conversation is an effective one. People engage in the conversation because they are catalysts. They care about the person, concerned about the issue at hand, you pursue the issue even if there is an uncertain outcome, and the situation needs your influence in order to solve it. (Greene, 2013). Before the conversation even begins though, the person needs to understand whether or not the issue at hand is one that is an actual issue or is it just a personal issue. Then if it is an issue it is important to remember these three questions in order to have an effective conversation. “What exactly is the behavior that is not meeting my expectations? How does the behavior affect the work environment, the organizational culture, others’ work performance, or the employees’ ability to meet job expectations? What behavior do I expect to see instead?” (Greene, 2013).

PSY 620 PSY620 PSY/620-Building Common Ground.docx- Snhu

Next, a person needs expectations. If a workplace has certain values and needs then expectations are required from the employee in order for those values and needs to be met. They need to be shared with the employees and then implemented and showed by the managers. This not only shows the other employees that the expectations are there but they are also being used by others. Another big thing in effective communication is having the conversation based upon evidence and not judgment.Conversational are based upon evidence when the information provided is factual, concrete, proof, free of emotional influence, intended for growth, and when it is provided for the benefit of the other person (Greene, 2013). Conversations that are done in investigations are more like inquiries and questioning because there is an issue that needs answering. These questions have five things in order for them to be powerful and get answers that will fully help to answer the issue that is being investigated. First, the situation needs to be paraphrased from what has been said and done in order to propel it into a new direction.

PSY 620 PSY620 PSY/620-Building Common Ground.docx- Snhu


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