PSY 636 PSY636 Module Eight short paper.docx – Snhu


PSY 636 PSY636 Module Eight short paper.docx – Snhu

According to Sally Sample’s psychiatric report, she was referred for testing because she had regularly shown reduced academic performance as well as difficulty controlling frustration after being diagnosed with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) five years ago. Sally’s obvious impairments with visual discrimination, mental construction, impulse inhibition, perceptual accuracy, executive functioning, and socioemotional functioning are apparent in the findings of this most recent assessment, despite her maintaining positive actions and affect during the evaluation phase. Sally’s report says that she is cognitively functioning at an age-appropriate stage, but that she has consistent impairments across her socioemotional functioning, implying that she is depressed. According to the report, she suffers from anxiety and is more worried.


PSY 636 PSY636 Module Eight short paper.docx – Snhu

According to Sally Sample’s psychiatric report, she was referred for testing because she had regularly shown reduced academic performance as well as difficulty controlling frustration after being diagnosed with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) five years ago. Sally’s obvious impairments with visual discrimination, mental construction, impulse inhibition, perceptual accuracy, executive functioning, and socioemotional functioning are apparent in the findings of this most recent assessment, despite her maintaining positive actions and affect during the evaluation phase. Sally’s report says that she is cognitively functioning at an age-appropriate stage, but that she has consistent impairments across her socioemotional functioning, implying that she is depressed. According to the report, she suffers from anxiety and is more worried.

PSY 636 PSY636 Module Eight short paper.docx – Snhu

Mental health professionals are tasked with identifying the needs of their patients which may require several assessments to obtain a definitive diagnosis. During the assessment phase, the professional is tasked with determining if the child/adolescent has a disorder and if so, making the correct diagnosis [ CITATION Fla10 \l 1033 ]. A psychological assessment report is based on the assessment is taken by the patient and should include a summarization of the assessment scores and basis for the specific diagnosis, recommendations for evidence-based treatments and strategies for the diagnosis, and if needed, eligibility considerations for school programs and services such as an Individual Education Plan (IEP) or 504 plan [ CITATION Fla10 \l 1033 ]. The report should also contain a list of the patient’s strengths and target areas that need to be addressed, a description of all assessments and tests administered, all appropriate diagnoses, and an appendix that details all the scores from each test and assessment given [ CITATION Fla10 \l1033 ]. Sally Sample Psychological Assessment ReportSally Sample is a 16-year-old Caucasian female currently in the 10thgrade.

PSY 636 PSY636 Module Eight short paper.docx – Snhu

She was referred for testing by her guardian, Grandma Sample to identify potential issues which could account for Sally’s poor school performance, and make recommendations for treatment and/or school accommodations [ CITATION Str09 \l 1033 ]. At the time of the assessment, Sally had a history of anger management issues and poor school performance [ CITATION Str09 \l 1033 ].In 2004, she was diagnosed with Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder Combined Type(ADHD) and is currently on a regimen of stimulant medication. Sally was administered the Bender-Gestalt-2 (Bender), Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children, Fourth Edition (WISC-IV), Roberts Apperception Test for Children 2ndEdition (RATC-2), Integrated Visual/Auditory Continuous Performance Test (IVA-Plus), Behavioral AssessmentSystem for Children 2ndEdition (BASC-2), Rorschach Inkblot Test Exner ComprehensiveSystem (Rorschach), House, Tree Person Test (HTP), Minnesota Multiphasic PersonalityInventory for Adolescents (MMPI-A), Wechsler Individual Achievement Test, Second Edition(WIAT-II), Rey Complex Figure Test (RCFT), Behavior Rating Inventory of ExecutiveFunctioning (BRIEF), and the Sentence Completion (SC) [ CITATION Str09 \l 1033 ].

PSY 636 PSY636 Module Eight short paper.docx – Snhu


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