PSY 638 PSY/638Final Project GRANT PROPOSAL.docx – Snhu


PSY 638 PSY/638Final Project GRANT PROPOSAL.docx – Snhu

Problem Identification: Prevalence For the school and educational setting case study, the school is submitting a grant proposal for a reading program. The school has reported over 50 students that are at-risk for reading performance. This is a significant population of students who are struggling readers at the Middle School level and is concerned that, according to current research, this will interfere with their self-esteem and overall performance as well as mental health over time. According to the NH Department of Education, statewide, reading proficiency for 8thgraders is at 45.3%, which would mean that including these students in the average would result in a lower percentile of reading proficient students. The school is also concerned that these students are more likely to have behavioral concerns related to their mental health status and would like to mitigate the risk by supporting a new reading program that can get these students on track for reading.


PSY 638 PSY/638Final Project GRANT PROPOSAL.docx – Snhu

Problem Identification: Prevalence For the school and educational setting case study, the school is submitting a grant proposal for a reading program. The school has reported over 50 students that are at-risk for reading performance. This is a significant population of students who are struggling readers at the Middle School level and is concerned that, according to current research, this will interfere with their self-esteem and overall performance as well as mental health over time. According to the NH Department of Education, statewide, reading proficiency for 8thgraders is at 45.3%, which would mean that including these students in the average would result in a lower percentile of reading proficient students. The school is also concerned that these students are more likely to have behavioral concerns related to their mental health status and would like to mitigate the risk by supporting a new reading program that can get these students on track for reading.

PSY 638 PSY/638Final Project GRANT PROPOSAL.docx – Snhu

The skills that they are aiming to target are reading speed, comprehension, and reading attention span while also increasing their sense of worth, self-esteem, and achievement. There are many programs that can work to improve reading performance in students and could be used as a tier-two intervention for the individuals who have been targeted as at-risk for reading performance. The point of the reading program should be to increase the reading domains that are targeted as well as support self-esteem and achievement domains. The students who are taking part in this grant-funded program are students that have proven to be having difficulty with reading acquisition skills. Students with difficulties in reading are shown to have difficulties with self-esteem, self-worth, and achievement as well as future mental health issues (Boyes et al., 20180401).

PSY 638 PSY/638Final Project GRANT PROPOSAL.docx – Snhu

Another concern that may assist with this program, is identifying whether any of the students who are selected may have some form of learning disability that has not been previously identified. Students with ADHD or Dyslexia have their own difficulties with reading and behavior that may be a contributing factor that underlies the reading performance issue. Students with ADHD may struggle to focus on reading, a goal of the reading program proposal, and may benefit from intervention on focus and attention in the school (Vanzin et al., 2018). Students with dyslexia may already be identified, but it has been known to be identified as late as high school, college, and later adulthood for individuals that struggle with reading and may fall in the “at-risk” category but have been making it by so far. These students may also suffer from self-esteem and achievement issues related to their difficulties (International Dyslexia Association, 2017).

PSY 638 PSY/638Final Project GRANT PROPOSAL.docx – Snhu


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