
PSY216 PSY 216 Environmental Influences on Personality- Snhu


PSY216 PSY 216 Environmental Influences on Personality- Snhu

The track I have chosen is Environmental Influences on Personality with a concentration in Childhood Experiences. I used five different studies throughout my research to help gain knowledge on this topic. Each study focused on the different effects life has on an individual’s personality and trait development. The first article, Birth Order Effects on Personality and achievement within Families, focused on the effects birth order has on an individual’s achievement. During this study, firstborns were nominated as the most achieving and most conscientious. Children who were born later were stated to be the most rebellious, liberal, and agreeable. Past studies done regarding this topic came back with mixed reviews.


PSY216 PSY 216 Environmental Influences on Personality- Snhu

The track I have chosen is Environmental Influences on Personality with a concentration in Childhood Experiences. I used five different studies throughout my research to help gain knowledge on this topic. Each study focused on the different effects life has on an individual’s personality and trait development. The first article, Birth Order Effects on Personality and achievement within Families, focused on the effects birth order has on an individual’s achievement. During this study, firstborns were nominated as the most achieving and most conscientious. Children who were born later were stated to be the most rebellious, liberal, and agreeable. Past studies done regarding this topic came back with mixed reviews. Sulloway’sthesis states that birth order effects derive from competition among siblings as they fight for a family niche.

PSY216 PSY 216 Environmental Influences on Personality- Snhu

The results that were obtained in a peer rating agreed with Sulloway’s prediction. However, those who rated themselves and were rated by spouses showed none of these predicted effects. Attachment theory and research: Resurrection of the psychodynamic approach to personality is the second study I used for my research. This study analyzed attachment theory as a contemporary psychodynamic approach. The researchers state that it was difficult to create valid measurement techniques to gather evidence. Also, that behaviorism and the “cognitive revolution” led to general neglect of motivation. The researchers state that real-world topics, prejudice, and health had an influence. They also state that according to Bowlby (1982-1969), human beings are born with an innate psychobiological system, which motivates us to seek out significant others.

PSY216 PSY 216 Environmental Influences on Personality- Snhu


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