PSYC 2001 PSYC2001 PSYC/2001 Week 1 Assignment


PSYC 2001 PSYC2001 PSYC/2001 Week 1 Assignment

Submita 2- to 3-page paper that includes the following components. Be sure to reference the Learning Resources, including the media, in your Assignment. When providing examples, describe people and situations from outside of your own family.

Describe the attitudes, behaviors, and symbols that define your culture. (Be sure you address your larger cultural setting and not your family.)

Explain whether your culture is more traditional or nontraditional, and provide examples to illustrate your thinking.

Diagnose the power distance level in your culture and provide examples to explain your thinking.


PSYC 2001 PSYC2001 PSYC/2001 Week 1 Assignment

Submita 2- to 3-page paper that includes the following components. Be sure to reference the Learning Resources, including the media, in your Assignment. When providing examples, describe people and situations from outside of your own family.

Describe the attitudes, behaviors, and symbols that define your culture. (Be sure you address your larger cultural setting and not your family.)

Explain whether your culture is more traditional or nontraditional, and provide examples to illustrate your thinking.

Diagnose the power distance level in your culture and provide examples to explain your thinking.

Shiraev and Levy (2017) state “cultures can be described as having both explicit and implicit characteristics. Explicit characteristics are the set of observable acts regularly found in this culture.

Implicit characteristics refer to the organizing principles that are inferred to lie behind these regularities on the basis of consistent patterns of explicit culture” (page 4). My family has been part of the American culture for many generations now.

From what I can tell, the American culture is about independence, individuality, equality, and being straightforward. Having independence and individuality mean that we want to be in control of our own lives, which to a large extent we are.

We make our own choices about where to accept jobs, what to wear, what we do for fun, who we share our lives with, and all the other small choices that we make in our lives that make us who we are.

Equality is part of our culture because we are all created equal, it even says so in the Declaration of Independence. We all start on the same path and are given opportunities to make something of

PSYC 2001 PSYC2001 PSYC/2001 Week 1 Assignment

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