Psychology in the Courtroom 6-2 Milestone Three.docx- Snhu


Psychology in the Courtroom 6-2 Milestone Three.docx- Snhu

After reviewing Ms. C’s case report, an extensive treatment strategy has been suggested to address each of her individual issues at hand: alcohol and substance abuse, domestic violence/anger issues, and her involvement with CPS. it is recommended that more thorough assessments be done to determine the extent of her alcohol and substance abuse. Combined with the results already obtained from the Substance Abuse Subtle Screening Inventory- 3rdedition(SASSI-3), I would also administer the Alcohol Use Inventory (AUI) and the CAGE-AID assessment tools. The AUI is especially useful in distinguishing sub types of alcoholism,therefore, this would allow for a more individualized treatment plan for Ms. C (Allen, 1996). The AUI has the most psychometric integrity in categorizing alcoholic sub types than other alcoholism typologies, which makes it preferable in this scenario (Chang, et al., 2001). All components of this assessment tool meet the Daubert standard as well.The CAGE-AID is useful in this case as well due to Ms. C also having substance abuse issues. This assessment tool is known for yielding accurate diagnoses in the prediction of.


Psychology in the Courtroom 6-2 Milestone Three.docx- Snhu

After reviewing Ms. C’s case report, an extensive treatment strategy has been suggested to address each of her individual issues at hand: alcohol and substance abuse, domestic violence/anger issues, and her involvement with CPS. it is recommended that more thorough assessments be done to determine the extent of her alcohol and substance abuse. Combined with the results already obtained from the Substance Abuse Subtle Screening Inventory- 3rdedition(SASSI-3), I would also administer the Alcohol Use Inventory (AUI) and the CAGE-AID assessment tools. The AUI is especially useful in distinguishing sub types of alcoholism,therefore, this would allow for a more individualized treatment plan for Ms. C (Allen, 1996). The AUI has the most psychometric integrity in categorizing alcoholic sub types than other alcoholism typologies, which makes it preferable in this scenario (Chang, et al., 2001). All components of this assessment tool meet the Daubert standard as well.The CAGE-AID is useful in this case as well due to Ms. C also having substance abuse issues. This assessment tool is known for yielding accurate diagnoses in the prediction of.

Psychology in the Courtroom 6-2 Milestone Three.docx- Snhu

THE EVALUATION PROCESS:Completing a psychological assessment for an individual involved in a court case,whether it be a defendant, victim, or witness, can be very useful in the case by adding scientific data, evaluation results, professional recommendation, truthful information, etc.In fact, some research shows that with a proper evaluation by a psychologist, utilizing their own knowledge and assessments, will better determine if eye witness statements area reconstructed/suggested memory or a legitimate memory (Schooler, Gerhard & Loftus,1986). The results from a psychological assessment can be used in combination with the other evidence submitted in a case.As the psychologist doing the assessment, they should have access to any prior psychological records of the individual. For instance, they should have full access to any previous psychological testing, psychiatric treatment, previous psychiatric medical records, etc. All of this previous psychiatric history of the individual as well as any other collateral information should be taken into consideration and used in the psychologist’s evaluation of them.

Psychology in the Courtroom 6-2 Milestone Three.docx- Snhu



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