CISS 350 Programming Assignment 3 Local Medical Clinic
Programming Assignment 3
The local medical clinic has decided to automate its scheduling services. You have been assigned to design the initial version of the schedules. The basic functions that the clinic has in mind are doctor check-in and check-out and patient check-in and check-out.
A doctor checks in by telling the scheduler his or her name, an examination room number, and a medical specialty code. Each doctor has a favorite room. The scheduler checks to see whether the room is free. If so, it assigns this doctor to the room; if not, it rejects the request with a message, and the doctor can try again to check in. When a doctor checks out, the examination room is freed.
A patient checking in gives a name, age, specialist code, and emergency indication. The scheduler tries to match up the patient with a doctor according to a set of rules that are described here. If there is a match, the patient is seen by the assigned doctor. If this doctor is currently seeing a patient, the new patient is queued to see the doctor.
The rules for assigning doctors to patients are as follows:
Any patient under age 16 is assigned to see a pediatrician.
Patients age 16 and older are assigned a doctor according to the specialty requested. If there is no doctor in the clinic with the requested specialty, the patient is assigned to a general practitioner (GP). If there is no GP, the patient can be assigned to any doctor.
If there is more than one doctor of the requested specialty, the patient is assigned to the doctor with the shortest waiting list. When a patient checks out, the doctor he or she was assigned to is available to see the next patient, if there is anyone in the waiting list.
Because this is an interactive system, your program should prompt the users to input the correct information.
The initial prompt is:
‘ Type D for Doctor or P for Patient:
‘ The next prompt is Type I for check-in or O for checkout: According to the request, your program should prompt the user for any other needed information, as indicated in the following table:
Action, Additional Information
Doctor check-in,Doctor’s name~~Room number~~Specialty code
Doctor check-out,Doctor’s name
Patient check-in,Patient’s name~~Age~~Specialty (code requested)
Patient check-out,Patient’s name~~Room number
You may define the format for the input processed by your program.
The output for each request is in the form of messages to the user, according to the request, as indicated in the following table.
Action, Message
Doctor check-in, Confirmation that room is available or Error message if room is in use.
Doctor check-out, Good-bye message
Patient check-in, “Message telling patient which room to go to and which doctor has been assigned. If no doctor is available, apologetic message.”
Patient check-out, “Good-bye message. At a later time we may add billing information at this point. In addition to printing the messages on the screen, you should also write the requests and messages to a transaction file (trans.out), to be turned in with your program listing.”
Details and Assumptions
There are l 00 examination rooms at the clinic, each with a waiting room attached.
Specialty codes are as follows:
Pediatrics PED
General practice GEN
Internal medicine INT
Cardiology CAR
Surgeon SUR
Obstetrics OBS
Psychiatry PSY
Neurology NEU
Orthopedics ORT
Dermatology DET
Ophthalmology OPT
Ear, Nose, and Throat ENT
You may assume that no patient leaves without checking out. (That is, every doctor becomes free eventually.)
No one leaves before he or she sees the assigned doctor. (That is, no one has to be taken out of the waiting queue.) The clinic is open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
If a doctor checks out while there is still a waiting list of patients assigned to him or her, the patients must be reassigned to other doctors.
Data Structures
The basic data structure is a list of examination rooms with waiting lists attached to each. Because the number of rooms is fixed, you may use an array of records to represent it. It is the waiting list attached to each examination room that is of interest to us. We have seen that patients are seen in the order in which they are added to the list (a simple queue).
Your design including CRC cards for each class
A listing of your source program including all included files
A listing of your test plan as input to the program
A listing of your output from the test plan
The solution includes a Visual Studio (c++) project
Attachments [Move over files to preview content of those files]
CISS_350_Programming_Assignment_3.zip (4.22 MB)
Visual Studio C++ Project
Preview LocalMedicalClinic.cpp
xxxxx xxxxxxxxx xxx;
xxxxxxx xxxxxx xx{
xxxxxx xxxxxxxxxx;
xxx xxxxxxxxxx;
int specialcode; int state; //1: free; 2: busy int numPatient; } Doctor; typedef struct Patient{ string Patientname; int Age; string RoomNumber; string specialcode; string DoctorCheck; } Patient;
xxxxxxxx xxxx(xxxxxxxxxxxxxx);
xxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxx(xxxxxx xx1){
Preview ReadMe.txt
xxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxx : xxxx350xxxxxxxxxx3 xxxxxxx xxxxxxxx
xxxxxxxxx xxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxx350xxxxxxxxxx3 xxxxxxxxxxx xxx xxx.
This file contains a summary of what you will find in each of the files that make up your CISS350Assignment3 application.
CISS350Assignment3.vcxproj This is the main project file for VC++ projects generated using an Application Wizard. It contains information about the version of Visual C++ that generated the file, and
xxxxxxxxxxx xxxxx xxx xxxxxxxxx, xxxxxxxxxxxxxx, xxx xxxxxxx xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx xxxx xxx
xxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxx.
xxxx xx xxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxx xx++ xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxx xxxxx xx xxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxx.
xx xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxx xxxxx xxx xxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxx xxx xxxxx xx xxxx xxxxxxx
Preview stdafx.h
// xxxxxx.x : xxxxxxx xxxx xxx xxxxxxxx xxxxxx xxxxxxx xxxxx,
// xx xxxxxxx xxxxxxxx xxxxxxx xxxxx xxxx xxx xxxx xxxxxxxxxx, xxx
// xxx xxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxx
#pragma once
#include “targetver.h”
// xxxx: xxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxxxxxx xxxx
Preview targetver.h
#pragma once
// Including SDKDDKVer.h defines the highest available Windows platform.
// If you wish to build your application for a previous Windows platform, include WinSDKVer.h and // set the _WIN32_WINNT macro to the platform you wish to support before including SDKDDKVer.h.
// xxx xxx _xxx32_xxxxx xxxxx xx xxx xxxxxxxx xxx xxxx xx xxxxxxx xxxxxx xxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxx.x.
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