
Nursing Shortage 2020- MRM.docx


Nursing Shortage 2020- MRM.docx

Patient priority, nurse’s matter of greatest importance. For decades, nurses have held superior standards of care. Providing maximum comfort and quality time with each individual patient has become a goal harder and harder to achieve. This has been theorized to be an alonesequence of the mass shortage of nurses nationally. According to the American Association of Colleges of Nursing, over half of registered nurses currently working in the field are part of the baby boomer generation. This puts over half of nurses over the age of fifty. Within the next ten years, there is expected to be a significant fall in nurses due to half the population reaching retirement age. Not only are many nurses verging into the senior citizen age group, but chronic diseases are also multiplying by the minute. As of today,the United States is estimated to be short over 500,000 nurses nationally. (The Atlantic, 2016)The shortage of nurses also spills into a shortage in nursing educators.


Nursing Shortage 2020- MRM.docx

Patient priority, nurse’s matter of greatest importance. For decades, nurses have held superior standards of care. Providing maximum comfort and quality time with each individual patient has become a goal harder and harder to achieve. This has been theorized to be an alonesequence of the mass shortage of nurses nationally. According to the American Association of Colleges of Nursing, over half of registered nurses currently working in the field are part of the baby boomer generation. This puts over half of nurses over the age of fifty. Within the next ten years, there is expected to be a significant fall in nurses due to half the population reaching retirement age. Not only are many nurses verging into the senior citizen age group, but chronic diseases are also multiplying by the minute. As of today, the United States is estimated to be short over 500,000 nurses nationally.

Nursing Shortage 2020- MRM.docx

(The Atlantic, 2016)The shortage of nurses also spills into a shortage in nursing educators. Along the side of insufficient available nursing, educators are restricted of classes and resources for upcoming nursing students. Accessibility to nursing education is becoming harshly difficult to obtain. Accompanying these shortages and an aging population is a mass number of reported nursing burnouts. Nurses report feeling overworked and underappreciated. Nurses have ideas, complaints, and safety issues that need to be heard. Unfortunately, currently, this is in a society where nurses are hushed. Attributable to these unfortunate realities, the United States needs nurses and, without change, maybe anticipate a medical epidemic in the near future. Trend or Global Issues Affecting NursingFordecadestheUnitedStateshassufferedapersistentdecline in registered nurses.

Nursing Shortage 2020- MRM.docx

The theAmericanAssociationofCollegesofNursing states, “Thenumberofnursesleaving the workforce each year has been growing steadily from around 40,000 in 2010 to nearly 80,000 by 2020.(Rosseter, 2013)”In more recent years, studies show that over fifty percent of Registered Nurses are over the age of fifty; that being said, approximately half are estimated to leave the field within the next ten years. Nursing shortages in the United States are predominantly in Texas, New Jersey, SouthCarolina, and Alaska. Following close behind the East-West coast regions are California, Ari-zona, and Montana. The Bureau of Health Workforce states, “Alaska, projected to be short 5,400RNs, will have the largest percentage of the workforce missing – more than 22% of theneeded23,800 registered nurse positions will be unfilled.

Nursing Shortage 2020- MRM.docx


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