PSY 634 PSY634 Short Paper #4 .docx- Snhu


PSY 634 PSY634 Short Paper #4 .docx- Snhu

Identification of SituationNeuroimaging is a technique that allows researchers and doctors to view activity or certain problems relating to the human brain, without the use of invasive neurosurgery. With a number of accepted and safe imaging techniques available today, neuroimaging plays a huge role in the understanding of human behavior, cognition, and mental abilities (Pizzamiglio, 2017). Neuroimaging has given many doctors and researchers the ability to understand and observe the brain’s activities during certain cognitive and behavioral tasks, which leads to the understanding between a person’s complex behavior and brain (Pizzamiglio, 2017).

PSY 634 PSY634 Short Paper #4 .docx- Snhu

Therefore, the use of neuroimaging depends upon the situation at hand. These imaging techniques are used in situations such as detecting strokes, concussions, and head trauma. For example, a neurologist will use magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) to diagnose patients with certain conditions such as torn ligaments or a tumor. Neuroimaging becomes useful for a psychologist as well, a psychologist can obtain this information to evaluate a person’s psychological and neural processing, which involves their emotions, pain, self-regulation, self-perception, and perception of others (Overy, Norton, and Cronin, 2005). With the use of neuroimaging, a neurologist can discover the impact of a person’s genetic variation, which is how an individual differs in single-nucleotide polymorphism (SNPs) and how this can affect a person’s brain development, structure, or function (Overy, et al. 2005)


PSY 634 PSY634 Short Paper #4 .docx- Snhu

Identification of SituationNeuroimaging is a technique that allows researchers and doctors to view activity or certain problems relating to the human brain, without the use of invasive neurosurgery. With a number of accepted and safe imaging techniques available today, neuroimaging plays a huge role in the understanding of human behavior, cognition, and mental abilities (Pizzamiglio, 2017). Neuroimaging has given many doctors and researchers the ability to understand and observe the brain’s activities during certain cognitive and behavioral tasks, which leads to the understanding between a person’s complex behavior and brain (Pizzamiglio, 2017).

PSY 634 PSY634 Short Paper #4 .docx- Snhu

Therefore, the use of neuroimaging depends upon the situation at hand. These imaging techniques are used in situations such as detecting strokes, concussions, and head trauma. For example, a neurologist will use magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) to diagnose patients with certain conditions such as torn ligaments or a tumor. Neuroimaging becomes useful for a psychologist as well, a psychologist can obtain this information to evaluate a person’s psychological and neural processing, which involves their emotions, pain, self-regulation, self-perception, and perception of others (Overy, Norton, and Cronin, 2005).

PSY 634 PSY634 Short Paper #4 .docx- Snhu

With the use of neuroimaging, a neurologist can discover the impact of a person’s genetic variation, which is how an individual differs in single-nucleotide polymorphism (SNPs) and how this can affect a person’s brain development, structure, or function (Overy, et al. 2005). cognitive neuroscience includes a wide array of disciplines and professions, such as the research neuroscientist who focuses on non-human primate translational work or the clinical neuropsychologist who conducts assessments with patients at a medical center. How do you see cognitive neuroscience benefiting the field of psychology, the patients who seek mental health services, and society at large?

PSY 634 PSY634 Short Paper #4 .docx- Snhu

How do you think cognitive neuroscience could affect the primary and secondary education of children and adolescents? What historical developments in neuroscience have had the greatest effect on the larger field of psychology? Provide examples to support your thinking. When responding to your peers, compare your views of neuroscience and its effects. Cognitive psychology can be defined as the branch of psychology that studies mental processes. These processes include functions such as how people think, speak, perceive, remember and learn. As part of the larger field of cognitive science, this branch of psychology is related to other disciplines including neuroscience, philosophy, and linguistics.

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Neuropsychology is the branch of psychology that investigates the relationship between basic neurophysiological (the brain) processes and mental functions or behavior such as language, memory, and perception. Neuropsychology stresses the dominant role of the nervous system. Neuropsychology was born in the1980’s and exploded into the scene where a huge range of neuroimaging techniques was created from the 1980’s all the way through to the 2000s. Cognitive neuropsychology looks particularly into the effects brain damage and neurological illnesses have on cognitive functions with an aim to infer models of normal cognitive functioning. Cognitive neuroscience focuses on cognitive processes and relies heavily on the methods and findings of neuroscience (the branch of biology that deals with the brain and nervous system).

PSY 634 PSY634 Short Paper #4 .docx- Snhu

Cognitive neuroscience attempts to learn how mental activities are executed in the brain. The key is that cognitive psychology provides hypotheses about specific cognitive capacities, such as recognizing faces, and neuroscience supplies proposals about how these specific functions might be executed in the brain. Cognitive neuroscience affects both primary and secondary education in its attempt to better understand cognitive functioning in school-aged children with learning disabilities. Through research, cognitive psychologists are able to find ways to mainstream these individuals into classes and coursework that is conducive to continued learning and socialization (Coltheart and Caramazza, 2006).

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