
PSY216 PSY 216 Research Gap Worksheet (2)- Snhu


PSY216 PSY 216 Research Gap Worksheet (2)- Snhu

Gap IdentificationMany studies have looked at the effects of the Big Five personality traits on job performance, the overlap between General Factors of personality in the Big Five, Giant Three, and trait emotional intelligence, the multifactorial nature of Extraversion-Introversion in the Myers-Briggs type indicator, and Eysenck Personality Inventory, how genes influence personality in the Honesty-HumilityEmotionality eXtraversion Agreeableness (versus Anger) Conscientiousness Opennessto Experience dimensions and the influences of the Big Five Personality traits on the treatment. superiority, that is, the yearning to consistently improve and perfect ourselves. “Carl Jung put more emphasis on a generalized life energy and the collective unconscious,” (Cervone &Pervin, 2016).


PSY216 PSY 216 Research Gap Worksheet (2)- Snhu

Gap IdentificationMany studies have looked at the effects of the Big Five personality traits on job performance, the overlap between General Factors of personality in the Big Five, Giant Three, and trait emotional intelligence, the multifactorial nature of Extraversion-Introversion in the Myers-Briggs type indicator, and Eysenck Personality Inventory, how genes influence personality in the Honesty-HumilityEmotionality eXtraversion Agreeableness (versus Anger) Conscientiousness Opennessto Experience dimensions and the influences of the Big Five Personality traits on the treatment. superiority, that is, the yearning to consistently improve and perfect ourselves. “Carl Jung put more emphasis on a generalized life energy and the collective unconscious,” (Cervone &Pervin, 2016).

PSY216 PSY 216 Research Gap Worksheet (2)- Snhu

Carl Jung Jung is one of those who broke with Freud. He broke with Freud over his ideas about the unconscious. Jung theorized that individuals had both a personal and collective unconscious. A personal unconscious develops from personal experience. The collective unconscious is shared with all humans. How did Jung know that a collective unconscious existed? Through the existence of archetypes. Archetypes include symbols that we see across cultures (heart, cross) and also beliefs (good conquers evil). Adler also studied under Freud—he broke with Freud over his ideas around the Phallic stage—Adeler believed these should be taken metaphorically, not literally, as Freud believed.

PSY216 PSY 216 Research Gap Worksheet (2)- Snhu

Adler is best known for his inferiority complex which speaks to the problem of self-esteem and its negative effects on human health and sometimes produces a striving for superiority. Cervone, D., & Pervin, L. A. (2016). Personality: Theory and Research (13th ed.). Hoboken, NJ: Wiley Custom. A number of analysts broke with Freud and developed their own schools of thought. Alfred Adler emphasized social concepts more than biological concepts, and Analysts such as Karen Horney and Harry Stack Sullivan emphasized the importance of cultural factors and interpersonal relations and were part of the group known as neo‐Freudians.

PSY216 PSY 216 Research Gap Worksheet (2)- Snhu



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