Psychology in the Courtroom 4-2 Final Project Milestone Two.docx- Snhu


Psychology in the Courtroom 4-2 Final Project Milestone Two.docx- Snhu

Completing a psychological assessment for an individual involved in a court case,whether it be a defendant, victim, or witness, can be very useful in the case by adding scientific data, evaluation results, professional recommendation, truthful information, etc.In fact, some research shows that with a proper evaluation by a psychologist, utilizing their own knowledge and assessments, will better determine if eye witness statements area reconstructed/suggested memory or a legitimate memory (Schooler, Gerhard & Loftus,1986). The results from a psychological assessment can be used in combination with the other evidence submitted in a case.As the psychologist doing the assessment, they should have access to any prior psychological records of the individual. For instance, they should have full access to any previous psychological testing, psychiatric treatment, previous psychiatric medical records, etc. All of this previous psychiatric history of the individual as well as any other collateral information should be taken into consideration and used in the psychologist’s evaluation of them.By completing this psychological assessment of the individual, it will help determine their personality type and characteristics, their mental capacity, competency.


Psychology in the Courtroom 4-2 Final Project Milestone Two.docx- Snhu

Completing a psychological assessment for an individual involved in a court case,whether it be a defendant, victim, or witness, can be very useful in the case by adding scientific data, evaluation results, professional recommendation, truthful information, etc.In fact, some research shows that with a proper evaluation by a psychologist, utilizing their own knowledge and assessments, will better determine if eye witness statements area reconstructed/suggested memory or a legitimate memory (Schooler, Gerhard & Loftus,1986). The results from a psychological assessment can be used in combination with the other evidence submitted in a case.As the psychologist doing the assessment, they should have access to any prior psychological records of the individual. For instance, they should have full access to any previous psychological testing, psychiatric treatment, previous psychiatric medical records, etc. All of this previous psychiatric history of the individual as well as any other collateral information should be taken into consideration and used in the psychologist’s evaluation of them.By completing this psychological assessment of the individual, it will help determine their personality type and characteristics, their mental capacity, competency.

Psychology in the Courtroom 4-2 Final Project Milestone Two.docx- Snhu

PHP programs offer services such as drug screening, group therapy, one-on-one therapy, family meetings, Alcoholic Anonymous meetings, medical services and dual diagnosis disorders. The drug screens will be a very important part of this treatment as Ms. C will be accountable on her own not to use drugs or alcohol when she is not attending the PHP for the program. The testing is random and can be expected at any time. The dual diagnosis treatment will also be a help to Ms.C to see if she has under lying mental health issues that may be contributing her to self-medicate with drugs and alcohol.While attending the PHP program, and long after completion of the PHP program, Ms. C should attend Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) or Narcotics Anonymous (NA) meetings on her spare time. These programs will help Ms. C find supporting individuals with similar backgrounds that she can relate to in order to find a new group of non-using drug and alcohol friends. AA and N A are programs lead by volunteers who are in the program who have been abstinent from drugs and alcohol for a significant amount of time. The program will also allow Ms. C to obtain a sponsor for support. A sponsor is someone who has years of abstinence from drugs and alcohol who Ms.C can relate to, call in a time of need, receive support day and night and work the 12-stepprogram AA and NA offer. AA and NA will help Ms. C meet new people who are a good influence on her sobriety and who can also relate to her struggles she has faced.

Psychology in the Courtroom 4-2 Final Project Milestone Two.docx- Snhu

The programs will help offer her new strategies to cope with triggers and urges to use drugs and alcohol, find sober activities and find activities that are fun to do without drugs and alcohol. Either program,or both programs, will help Ms. C stay focused on her sobriety if she is willing to work the program to the best of her ability. Attending regular meetings on a weekly basis will help her out tremendously on the long journey to a sober life.Another important treatment recommended for Ms. C is Cognitive Behavioral Therapy(CBT). This treatment will be the most important part of her treatment plan as it is taught in PHP and treatment facilities to not only help with addiction, but to help with personal relationships.CBT is a treatment that helps individuals create short term goals to change patterns of behavior and thinking.CBT is a therapy that will help individuals identify negative thinking patterns that can cause self-destructive behaviors and negatively influence their behaviors. The way this therapy will help Ms. C with her addiction is to help her identify negative person, places and things that may have led to drug use in the past. CBT is not a quick process to learn how to change thinking patterns and behavior. It could take up to 6 months to notice a change in emotions and attitude and that is why it is important for Ms. C to attend AA and NA meetings for support and successfully complete PHP to develop coping skills as she turns her life around.

Psychology in the Courtroom 4-2 Final Project Milestone Two.docx- Snhu


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