
PSY 216 PSY216 DISCUSSION six.docx- Snhu


PSY 216 PSY216 DISCUSSION six.docx- Snhu

How does the biological perspective fit into the theories you have already learned about? Does evidence from the biological perspective confirm or reject information from different perspectives (trait, psychodynamic, phenomenological)? Which of these biological factors do you believe has had an effect on your own personality
development? Share an example. The biological perspective is based on scientific findings instead of ideas (Cervone & Pervin, 2016). These scientific findings started from an accident where a man suffered significant damage to a portion of his brain, which caused significant changes to his personality. I believe that our personalities are extremely complex. The biological perspective offers insight into the scientific side of our personality, while the other perspectives provide insight as to why we are the way we are through experiences. Our biology remains the same unless physically damaged, but as humans, we have the ability to control our perception. The biological perspective, in my opinion, does not confirm or reject other theories and what they bring to the table. They all tie together by providing different outlooks on personality and our development. My personality development has been strongly influenced by biological factors and environmental experiences.


PSY 216 PSY216 DISCUSSION six.docx- Snhu

How does the biological perspective fit into the theories you have already learned about? Does evidence from the biological perspective confirm or reject information from different perspectives (trait, psychodynamic, phenomenological)? Which of these biological factors do you believe has had an effect on your own personality
development? Share an example. The biological perspective is based on scientific findings instead of ideas (Cervone & Pervin, 2016). These scientific findings started from an accident where a man suffered significant damage to a portion of his brain, which caused significant changes to his personality. I believe that our personalities are extremely complex.

PSY 216 PSY216 DISCUSSION six.docx- Snhu

The biological perspective offers insight into the scientific side of our personality, while the other perspectives provide insight as to why we are the way we are through experiences. Our biology remains the same unless physically damaged, but as humans, we have the ability to control our perception. The biological perspective, in my opinion, does not confirm or reject other theories and what they bring to the table. They all tie together by providing different outlooks on personality and our development. My personality development has been strongly influenced by biological factors and environmental experiences.

PSY 216 PSY216 DISCUSSION six.docx- Snhu

I believe that I received my mother’s bipolar disorder and that has shaped my personality development significantly. My experiences throughout life have shaped my reality while dealing with the obstacles of my genetic mental disorder. Though I have this disorder, I have learned from experience how to control certain aspects of it. I used to be impulsive and it would affect my daily life from work to relationships. Through experience and self-actualization, I learned how to comprehend when my symptoms appear and how to deal with them.

PSY 216 PSY216 DISCUSSION six.docx- Snhu


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