
PSY 216 PSY216 Literature Review 1 of 3.docx – Snhu


PSY 216 PSY216 Literature Review 1 of 3.docx – Snhu

My first article is titled, Birth order effects on personality and achievement within families by Paulhus et, al (1999). Paulhus et al decided to build upon previous works such as Sulloway’s niche model of personality and Zojonc’s confluence model of intellectual achievement and run four studies to determine if their birth order does indeed affect personality and achievement in a family by collecting within-family data to control for various variables (para. 1, 1999). Here the authors claim that having family data would act as a“natural control” for the difference seen between families including the largest variable of all, genetics. They hypothesized these three studies would confirm the following: conscientiousness and achieving would be achieved most by firstborns, and later borns would fall into the more agreeable, liberal, and rebellious category. This study also hypothesized that the achievement of firstborns would be unswerving with the confluence model of Zajonc and Markus of 1975. Additionally, in the third experiment, they enlarged their range of questioning to tap four out of the Big Fiver personality traits to support the hypothesis mentioned previously. 


PSY 216 PSY216 Literature Review 1 of 3.docx – Snhu

My first article is titled, Birth order effects on personality and achievement within families by Paulhus et, al (1999). Paulhus et al decided to build upon previous works such as Sulloway’s niche model of personality and Zojonc’s confluence model of intellectual achievement and run four studies to determine if their birth order does indeed affect personality and achievement in a family by collecting within-family data to control for various variables (para. 1, 1999). Here the authors claim that having family data would act as a“natural control” for the difference seen between families including the largest variable of all, genetics. They hypothesized these three studies would confirm the following: conscientiousness and achieving would be achieved most by firstborns, and later borns would fall into the more agreeable, liberal, and rebellious category.

PSY 216 PSY216 Literature Review 1 of 3.docx – Snhu

This study also hypothesized that the achievement of firstborns would be unswerving with the confluence model of Zajonc and Markus of 1975. Additionally, in the third experiment, they enlarged their range of questioning to tap four out of the Big Fiver personality traits to support the hypothesis mentioned previously. There was no prediction for the personality traits of extraverted and creative (Paulhus et al, 1999). The variables in this study are as follows: “Sibship” better known as a number of siblings in the family, birth order being separated into the category of either firstborns or later born, and seven variables to correlate with Big Five personality traits, such as scholastic achiever, conscientious, liberal, rebellious, agreeable, extraverted and creative.

PSY 216 PSY216 Literature Review 1 of 3.docx – Snhu

These factors were measured across four data sets within the same families via self-reporting questionnaires, by having participants (siblings) in the family compare themselves to their siblings in numerous achievement and personality areas (Paulhus et al, 1999). The first study was in an educational institute in the United States. The second study was done at a “less selective university” in Canada where two groups (morning and afternoon classes) were asked to annotate birth order after other personality questions had been identified. Group three included more of the Big Five personality traits (minus neuroticism). The fourth and final study asked university students in Canada to take home questionnaires to their parents or another adult over 40 years of age to complete (Paulhus et al, 1999).

PSY 216 PSY216 Literature Review 1 of 3.docx – Snhu


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