PSY 622 PSY622 PSY/622 Case Scenario 1-Mental Health:Diminished Capacity Assessment.docx- Snhu


PSY 622 PSY622 PSY/622 Case Scenario 1-Mental Health:Diminished Capacity Assessment.docx- Snhu

Mental Health/Diminished Capacity Assessment Name:Angela A. (Ms. A)Date of Birth:Unknown Age:Unknown Date of Report:01/01/12Examiner:Xiomara Colon Reason for Referral Angela A. (Ms. A) has a significant history of child neglect, including Child Abandonment(1/1/99), Neglectful Supervision (6/2/99), Child Injury (3/21/01), and Child Neglectful Supervision (4/21/01). Her last CPS case resulted in her mediated agreement to terminate her parental rights. CPS referred Ms. A for a psychological evaluation to determine her mental capacity. Results from the assessment will be used to determine the potential for family reunification, and to provide CPS with recommendations.ProceduresClinical InterviewCPS Referral InformationSymptom Assessment-45 (SA-45)Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory-2nded. (MMPI-2)According to Ackerman (2010) the “MMPI-2 remains the gold standard in personality testing”(p. 35). It has been identified as the most frequently used measure, in 2010, Ackerman and Breyfound that psychologists were utilizing it 97.2% of the time in custody evaluations (as cited in Ackerman, 2010).


PSY 622 PSY622 PSY/622 Case Scenario 1-Mental Health:Diminished Capacity Assessment.docx- Snhu

Mental Health/Diminished Capacity Assessment Name:Angela A. (Ms. A)Date of Birth:Unknown Age:Unknown Date of Report:01/01/12Examiner:Xiomara Colon Reason for Referral Angela A. (Ms. A) has a significant history of child neglect, including Child Abandonment(1/1/99), Neglectful Supervision (6/2/99), Child Injury (3/21/01), and Child Neglectful Supervision (4/21/01). Her last CPS case resulted in her mediated agreement to terminate her parental rights. CPS referred Ms. A for a psychological evaluation to determine her mental capacity. Results from the assessment will be used to determine the potential for family reunification, and to provide CPS with recommendations.ProceduresClinical InterviewCPS Referral InformationSymptom Assessment-45 (SA-45)Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory-2nded. (MMPI-2)According to Ackerman (2010) the “MMPI-2 remains the gold standard in personality testing”(p. 35). It has been identified as the most frequently used measure, in 2010, Ackerman and Breyfound that psychologists were utilizing it 97.2% of the time in custody evaluations (as cited in Ackerman, 2010).

PSY 622 PSY622 PSY/622 Case Scenario 1-Mental Health:Diminished Capacity Assessment.docx- Snhu

Yet, it is primarily used to assist in the diagnosis and assessment of major psychological disorders (Brokaw, 2018). Still, extensive research detailing the tools validity and effectiveness on parental behavior in relation to their children is one reason for this wide acceptance of the MMPI-2 in parent capacity and custody evaluations (Butcher, Hass, & Greene,2014). Published in August of 1989, the MMPI-2 represents the 1strevision of the MMPI since its original publication in 1943. Butcher and Owen (1978) have estimated that 87% of all research conducted in the field of personality has been centered on the MMPI, in addition to estimating that more than 10,000 articles and books have documented its utility (as cited in Butcher,Dahlstrom, Graham, Tellegen, & Kaemmer, 1942; Butcher, Hass, & Greene, 2014).

PSY 622 PSY622 PSY/622 Case Scenario 1-Mental Health:Diminished Capacity Assessment.docx- Snhu

Fittingly, it has been translated into more than 50 languages and numerous studies have supported its use in other cultures (Kilmer & Demakis, 2008). The basic profile of the standardized questionnaire consists of 567 self-descriptive statements and it’s made up of nine validity scales and ten traditional clinical scales.The research scales (Brokaw, 2018). The MMPI-2 also consists of potential error rate scales that offer information for evaluating the validity of each MMPI-2 profile (Munley, 19991). According to Demakis and Kilmer (2008), the MMPI-2’s evaluations of test-taking approach and validity lend credence to interpretations generated by the test in various situations, especially in forensic situations such as “gatekeeping evaluations” (p. 505)

PSY 622 PSY622 PSY/622 Case Scenario 1-Mental Health:Diminished Capacity Assessment.docx- Snhu


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